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Re merger, read the policies link? - sm

Posted: Nov 24, 2009

I did.  There again, they cover their tail in every respect, re us having second jobs, downtime, etc.  It is quite a list.  I'm afraid the death of MDI is the end of decent MT jobs.  Have you read the details?  What do you think?

what does it say about second jobs exactly? - MTME

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do they pay for downtime--it's their fault after all.

No pay for downtime - Transcend MT

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No pay for downtime. You are asked to flex or take PTO and then at the end of the week and the weekend you are reminded that if you flexed or took time off for a doctor's appt, etc you can work to make it up.

question - sm

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Are you on a set shift? If you take time off for an appointment can you make it up after your shift that same day or are you expected to make it up on a weekend or day off?
Making up time - Transcend MT
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I can't speak for all teams but the team I'm on you can make it up at any time. If its my reason for taking off I usually make it up later but if its a no work situation I don't as it wasn't my fault. I am part time so get no benefits.

Isn't that in violation of labor laws to not pay for downtime? - nm

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Downtown, overtime, etc. - Paralegal
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I would love to see some of us get together and let them have it as far as not being paid for downtime, overtime, etc. It will never happen, of course, but it would be nice to see it happen as there are violations all over the place in this job.

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