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MD-IT NEW POLICIES - Going Downhill

Posted: Feb 19, 2013

Anyone see this company going downhill with this new rapid response poo?  I understand opening up the queues and all that for quicker TAT, but now my line count is backsliding, running out of work on a frequent basis.  The new policies are being written by head honchos that have no clue how things are done, just looking for a quicker buck, and then wording their so-called memos with some much gooble-d-gook big words that you have to have a college professor decipher, you cant decide whether it is a good thing or start looking for another job.  

New policies these days are never a good thing. I would start looking - Probably take a while to find SM

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anything anyway. But it accts are being opened to all, how many acct specs are you going to have to know? And you have already found opening to all means many others now doing work that you count on from what was YOUR acct.

If they are creating a cesspool, ala Medquist/MM, it is for - sure not good for all. Good for management SM

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though, cause as you said, it quickens TAT. And creating a cesspool may quiet those complaining of no work for a while, management, as we all know, are very short-sighted and probably dont realize this will eventually just lead to everyone complaining about no work.

good luck - x-md-it

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I left a few months ago and someone who still works there was telling me about this rapid response. I wonder if they have any idea how detrimental it is to an MTs health to deal with that kind of stress. Simply not healthy. Unfortunately, if you're an IC, there's not much you can do about it, BUT if you're an employee you keep in mind a couple of items - You can file for partial unemployment if your wages have significantly dropped OR you can file for Workers Compensation due to the stress on your body :)

I wonder if they are setting up to fail - with their new policies

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They have a production in place, right? And if you dont make that, then what, you get fired, go down to lesser hours? Obamacare kicks in, and you are less than full time, so they dont have to offer insurance? Sucks for the loyal one. You dont hear much about them on this board so if it is starting now, there must be something majorly wrong

Could they be doing this in order to conquer TAT, prior - to a buy-out? Just sayin nm

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So not accurate - Command Health MT

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MD-IT is actually under the umbrella of Command Health. The company has never been one that plays the games you are talking about. All the smaller services that make up Command Health are now being standardized instead of MD-IT having its rules, Transform having its rules, MDNetwork having its rules, etc.

They really are encouraging and helpful to their MT personnel. So I think your assumption is way off base.

Command Health - Karina

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well, nobody cares what umbrella it's under. Why did the name have to be changed anyway? That's always bad news for MTs. That's what counts to us, and from what MTs are saying above, the treatment is not that good nor is consideration for MTs that good.
Total agree - Current employee
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Ever since they switched over to the new name, there have been a lot of changes ano not all good. They changed the way production is figured,and it no longer matters whether its not your fault you ran out of work, if you dont make x amount of dollars a quarter, you are put on probation or busted down to part time. Its your super's job to get you work, but if its not there, its not there. I was happy at this company, very happy, until the big worded "memos" starting coming out. Way to talk down to us like you are smart and we are minions.
Ex-MD-IT MT - non
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I left MD-IT in the summer and after reading these posts, I'm so thankful I did. I'm actually on my last week of "me time" before starting a job outside of my house. It's bitter/sweet because I loved being an MT, was good at it and loved being at home, but unfortunately, due the greed of the industry along with technology you just can't make a steady income anymore. So, good-bye to my former fellow-MTs. I wish you all well.

In same boat - CM

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I work MD-IT/MD Network and now Command Health too. Since they started this RRT I had an account that had work all the time, 24 hours a day and even weekends for catch and extra and now I have nothing. I was 4000 lines short last pay period and since this pay period started Monday, I had zero lines Monday and 200 lines yesterday, and so far today, no charts. It's very frustrating. I already lost all the company benefits and got moved to part time a few months ago when they changed the daily minimum from 1200 lines a day to having to earn a minimum of 100 dollars a day instead, which for my account was equal to about 2000 lines, way more than I would ever agree to do for a job and I just had a baby. It has been real depressing, and I am in the pipeline for trying to find a new job. Sorry to vent, just I never get to communicate with any other employee at this company.

I left - saw writing on the wall

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I used to absolutely love this place. In the last year, it's lost any sense of being FOR the MT and is all about paying all those levels of management I guess.

I hated to leave but realized if I wanted to keep a roof over my head and occasionally eat, I had to get out.

Sounds like my timing was right on.

Sorry about that for you - I am in same boat

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My line count has drastically reduced and I am also going to be busted down to PT if this keeps up. If they think I am going to sit by my computer 24/7 just to snatch up work, they are sadly mistaken. I did get another account added, but that is because one of them quit, probably because of all this, and I will too. I totally get the faster TAT and wanting to keep customers happy, but they are going about it in all the wrong ways, their good people will quit, they will have higher turnover. Next thing you know, it'll be lets have overseas do it.....

Second accnt - CM

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Since they added a second account for you, have your lines gone up?
Nope - still a downward trend
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I am now looking for employment elsewhere and going to go back to school for something else. Command Health thanks for nothing!
Same Downhill Boat Here - justmt
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I am having the same problem as well maintaining my line count since they implementd this whole Rapid Response. I have been given access to SEVEN hospital accounts and I still can't maintain 1200 lines a day. I agree with one of the previous posters about feeling like I am spending my entire day chasing down reports. It's definitely time for me to start looking for another job. It seems that companies these days can't seem to leave well enough alone.
Also left MD-IT/Command Health - Ta-Ta
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I like to see the good in everyone, but I tried and tried with this company. I had heard it was such a good place to work. I had five hospital accounts, all with different account specifics, from the start. Lousy dictators for the most part. Also, expect no sympathy or caring for anything that you tell that is going on in your life - you won't even get acknowledged. Heck - I resigned, worked my two weeks, and was gone, then got an email about not sending in my timesheet two weeks after my last day. They like to mentor you, too, and reject timesheets if they don't think you did enough work for the time put in - that sure felt like REJECTION, too, after all your hard work . . .

MD-IT, Transform, Comman Health - macy Bailey

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you know you can send your vents to vent@mdnetwork.com I think Bard needs to know how everyone is feeling.

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