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An MT (or supervisor) was kind enough several days ago to come on this website and share the inside info she had about events occurring in the near future such as accounts, some of which I believe are accounts that support my family, going offshore. I appreciate that MT very much stepping forward. I and others have since asked some questions which have not been answered, maybe because the thread was several days old when the questions were asked or perhaps that MT hasn't come back to the MTstars website recently, or perhaps she feels she has shared enough info.
If you work at TransTech, please read the thread below about Imedx/TT that is several days old now. If you have any infomation you can add, it would be of benefit to all of us to share.
We have had recent e-mails about changing to Imedx e-mail system (which we have not started using as of yet but were asked to input our info), sorting out of equipment etc. Doesn't it feel like something big is about to happen? TransTech and Imdex merged March 1st. That makes September 1st six months. I predict that is when the real changes will begin to take place. I bet their contract called for a 6-month transition.
I wonder if that is D-day when my account will disappear to India to be done by a person willing to work for much less than me. I wonder if that is the day I will receive a phone call saying I don't have a job tomorrow. I wonder if there will be enough work on another account that maybe I won't be laid off.
Or I could be completely wrong.