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Questions for current QA folks. - IAMT

Posted: Nov 02, 2010

Was wondering when the ad reads CPL for QA if that means the lines for the whole report you QA or just what you fill in for blanks.  Also, with your company, do you do feedback to the MTs?  I did QA a few years ago and do realize requirements in this position most likely are different with each company. but in that experience, I was required to give feedback on their form and it was such a cumbersome and time-consuming form, I made more doing VR/text. 

Any info on your experiences with QA positions will be greatly appreciated. 

Do NOT accept a QA job that pays per line! - Too much research needed

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This is the lowest trick the MTSOs are trying to perpetrate on MTs. QA is a labor-intensive job. Yes, we have to give feedback, which is very time consuming. Also, the purpose of QA is to be the research branch of the company. Do you want to have to do research at your own expense? Let's say it takes you 15 minutes to find a very difficult, technical term - that is 15 minutes worth of knowledge that you GAVE that company for free.

I would like to see management paid for only the exact work that they did in a day. I bet their eyes would be opened.

QA for CPL is a rip off and those of us who are experienced refuse to accept those positions. I worry about a company that puts such small value on such an important function.

Good luck to you, but if I were you, I would not accept QA at CPL pay. You would be better off MTing at that rate.

Regardless, do you get paid for the filled in lines/characters or the whole report you edit was my q - IAMT

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How much feedback do you give the MT and is that on every report or just at random. Just wondering how companies handle this. Thanks to anyone with information regarding this.

Unless you have carpal tunnel, which is - sm

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why most people get into QA after they've blown their hands out MTing, then you're better off sticking with MT as the pay is so much better.

Yes, you do have to give lots of feedback, and you don't get paid for it either when being paid by the line.

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