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What is the current MQ atmosphere like? - CB

Posted: Feb 14, 2010

I keep getting recruitment emails, but I am leary from all the bad press I have seen in the past.  I really need a job and wonder if I should reconsider.  Any thoughts?  How is the pay? Do they hire PT?  Need the scoop.

MQ situation - MCK

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FT/PT employee status only - no statuatory anymore - only 2nd and 3rd shifts are available - 100/150 min lph - do outsource quite a bit to India- usually plenty of work except after the holidays slows down, then you can reschedule, take PTO or without pay - they like you to reschedule and work later in the day or week all the time - PTO for full time and part time; holiday pay for holidays worked; direct deposit but they messed up my check and shorted me 4 times last year - and they constantly make changes in who handles what as far as mgmt goes - some really nice QA and some really rude QA, who will send nasty emails to your supervisor ...that happened to me even though I had no idea I was doing something wrong :( - after 10 years, it was time for me to go....they give no consideration to seniority - and that's not my quote but came from a supervisor - so good and bad......

MCK, I have a question about checking - pay-stubs.

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I work on ASR and straight typing. I also work different times of the day. I have a hard time figuring out the pay-stub. It is broken into so many different categories. Can you give me some tips so I can figure it out? I try to compare it to what I have in my daily manual notes and I get a different answer every time.


paycheck - MCK

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well..... it is very difficult to understand - first it's broken down into typed MT and edited ME; then it's broken down into days (Reg), evenings, and nights and then all the other stuff - PTO, holiday, etc. Soooo, it shows how many lines you had transcribed during each shift and then how many lines you had edited during each shift - when you're trying to calculate it - it's best if you keep a daily count - sometimes I've fussed over it for hours.....if you're really in doubt, send an email to support and ask that payroll call you - the ladies who work in payroll are very nice and usually call you back the very next morning......they can really explain it to you well......so much easier than here ......sorry I didn't explain it very well......
Thanks for the help MCK, - you did explain
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some things. I think I will take your advice and call the payroll department for some of the questions I have. Thanks again.

Personally, - what I think of the atmosphere?

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I have only been with this one company from the beginning back in 1988. I worked at this company who bought out that company who merged with this company and here I am today. NEVER worked for anyone else, just this company would change names after merges and buyouts.

Now, as of today? I want out of this profession, period. I have had enough. I feel of no self-worth, depressed. I watch my teenager son and his friends make more money than I do and yes, it makes me depressed. I went to college for this profession and going back to college to do something of more self-worth. My personality would fit-in better somewhere else than having a ball and chain to my desk everyday and watch my pay go down. I am making the same amount as I did back in 1988 because of ASR. More depressing.

Now with the new HIPAA/PHI laws and fines and constant QA feedback (which of course is very helpful), yet it can be very discouraging and make you feel of no self-worth, even though you are not performance managed. There is absolutely NO ENCOURAGEMENT OR POSITIVE FEEDBACK, yep! I am out of the sweat job profession and moving on to much better things in life. Hope to get out in one year and maybe that will happen sooner which will not be my doing, but the company because of sending 80% of the work to India/CBAY. It states it on their SEC filings.

If you want to try and come back for a little while, go for it, but for it to be long term, NO WAY!

Getting out... - DJ

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I am curious as to what you are taking in school. I, too, am back in college. After much analyzing as to what direction to go into, I am still uncertain.

I'm not the poster above, but I am considering - Kiki

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going back to school, too. I think a lot of us are. It is hard after doing this for so long, but I figure soon enough it won't be a consideration, it will be mandatory. So, I've been looking at the community college offerings. A couple things sound interesting, such as Cardiovascular tech or ultrasound tech. I'm no spring chicken (45) and don't really look forward to possibly being in a classroom with mostly 20-somethings (no offense to them; just will feel out of place maybe)....but I guess I'll have to suck it up and just do it. It's just hard to take that first step. There's also a very small part of me that hopes something will change and I can continue on with MT for 20 more years, but every day that hope gets less and less. Good luck in choosing something that you like. I think we all we be happier in the end finding something better.

Something new - LB

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I am with you folks. Got into MT to have some schedule flexability but now at 44 I know that my time as a MT is running out. I have 2 good jobs, one at a hospital and 1 doctor's office that I work for at home. I have been taking courses at my local community college and have decided on respiratory therapy. I am on the waiting list and hopefully that time will go quick. I advise getting into something else with you MT background in another medical career that cannot be outsourced. LB

Medquist atmosphere - beaten down

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Been doing this job for 14 years. I used to love this job and being at home. After getting my tax statement last month and realizing with the 2 pay cuts we had I make $10,000 less (which is a $10 an hour pay cut), I am totally beaten down and am looking to get out and do something else, maybe not even in the medical field although I have been in the field over 20 years, doing other kinds of jobs. I really thought I would work at this job until retirement but not any more. There is very little vacation and you are expected to work every single holiday even though there is no work. I did notice today that none of my supervisors were available, so I suspect that some people do get holidays, just not the worker bees. I hate to sound like a downer, but you would be doing yourself a favor to forget it here. There are no rewards for good work either -- never bonuses or extra time off or anything. If you are lucky you might get a thank you in an email--that is it. Forget anything at the holidays or any kind of year end bonus.

Class Action Lawsuit - IMHO

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I think they went after everyone who signed on with the ADHI settlement and got rid of them. Which is a shame because that settlement was such a tiny gesture compared to the wages they stole from us for ten years.

MQ atmosphere - MCK

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In my first posting, I was trying to be fair and give you some of the good with the bad because as with all employers, there is good and bad. I really liked my account and my last supervisor was a doll. I did get bonuses...several in the last year of $10/hr for any extra hours worked over my shift, and the policy the past few years is that you have to work half the summer holidays and half the winter holidays, but you have to get your request in 60 days prior (no more) or you miss out. I worked the entire Christmas holiday and now I'm no longer with the company. I also did not sign on with the class action suit and in fact gave a deposition to MQ's atty because as a statuatory employee I was always paid correctly except for a few times in the very beginning when I worked over midnight and we were on MedRite, a DOS program, and the hours weren't picked up....What I found irritating were all the constant changes, and a really nasty boss about 5 years ago who told me when my parent was dying that I had to pick between MQ and my parent....BAH That same supervisor also called me one day and wanted to know why I wasn't in the system typing - I told her I was in the bathroom....First she called me a liar and then she told me to hurry up and get back to work!!!! And that was before we were all changed to employees - which, in my opinion was the beginning of the end for me. I also got a really nasty email forwarded to me from a QA person who said I was deliberately doing something wrong over and over when I didn't even realize I was doing something wrong.....So, the bottom line - stay away from MQ ........unless you don't care about any of the above LOL

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