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just baked a cake, folks...remembering when - Blimy

Posted: Dec 13, 2011

around this time in the afternoon, yesteryear...I would take a look at my line count. It might read 2500 or so...I might decide to take a hiking, biking or swim break and if I chose, come back later at night and add another 1000 into the mix for the day...that would be a $350.00 day. Work flowed 'round the clock, I stayed in hotels for 1 or 2 months out of the year--window by the sea, as I transcribed away in front of a gorgeous view...but today, the only numbers before me are those on the scale. I stand upon it, piece of Duncan Hine's in hand--OK I put it to the side for the purpose of accuracy--to see if I can't just break 200 pounds by New Year's. Can I possibly achieve 200 by New Year's, do you think? Is there enough cake mix on the shelf left at my local store to help accomplish my newfound goal? (Oh, I forgot to mention, am 160 pounds now, up from 110 a few years ago...) I don't know about you, but with the right perserverance, I think I can make it. Yes, I think I might just make it.  It is more of a sure-thing than to have a job by the turn of the new year, penses-tu que je n'ai pas la capacite? Good tidings! 

It takes me 3 days to make 2500 lines, now. - That is, when there is work available.

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PS: Instead of cake, try dark-chocolate-covered pretzels. Fewer calories. Better for you. Filling & satisfying. Better than going off chocolate cold turkey! :)

Tis the Season for - White Fudge Covered Oreos

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We can have a sweatpants party!

White Fudge Covered Oreos - Old Pro

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YUM! I like Oreos, but I especially love MINCE PIE!
I like Oreos with REDI-WHIP on them! Yummm! - (Heck, who needs the Oreo? Pass the Redi-Whip can!
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Better yet, I could just have an IV put in, and have Redi-Whip infused at full throttle. ;d [licking my lips]

you guys are my new BFs! - Blimy

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I am currently sporting the navy, Walmart special brand XL sweat pant-- and sweaty they are... no just kidding, I'm still clean, for God's sake...Never too poor to be clean, or something... right? Getting ready for crane-removal -- (only 500 pounds to go, give or take) 1/2 of Duncan yellow cake + Duncan choc. frosting -- which is awful in the can but the delicious cake tempers the phony choc./laxative taste...already eaten in 5 minutes... The pretzels are a wonderful idea, in fact, that is a new fave -- I didn't have a choc-covered pretzel until I was almost 40! Delic! And the Oreo white fudge...wow! I actually made a choc. cheese cake recently requiring 18 'diced' oreos for the crust portion. Was quite good! Best to all of you lovely people! Bettah days is comin'...

I'm on my "weigh" there too! - anon

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Just a few short years ago I could pick and choose the days I wanted to work, and the days I wanted to work OUT. I went for hikes in the desert then came back and typed. I was thin and svelt at 130. Now, I seem to have developed a bakery-style peanut butter cookie addiction. I buy them in a box and when I'm done with those, I just buy more. Like you, I'm up to 160 and I haven't been hiking in a year. I'm chained to my computer day and night to earn what I used to make in half a day before and I just got approved for food stamps. I refuse to look at myself in the mirror until I hit the 200 mark and that is when I will face the reality that:

1) I've been barely able to support myself in a position I've held with the same company for over a decade and that I teeter on homelessness every day of my life, and
2) No soft, chewy bakery cookie in the world is safe in my presence, and
3) Until I hit 200 I won't give a crap. I may not even give a crap THEN.

Yes I am a proud member of the sweatpants club - although mine are black because I've heard black makes you look thinner.
you go, desert-hiker! - Blimy
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You are charming, desert hiker! I am sure that you are ravishing in your black sp's. And right you are, thinner in black, yes, but never available in my obese size, 12-14-soon-2-b-14-16... very soon...! The big girls know, all the black pants are gone. You need to be by the truck loading door at 4 AM...not quite 'there' yet...
Oh my goodness.... - kettle
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Not sure if I want to be part of your club. Sounds like you are eating out of depression and/or desperation. There's no way in the world I would let myself weigh 200 pounds! And not care?!? I would be upset it I got up to 120. I know this thread was written in jest, but just sayin.....

so what is that about $60 per day for ya? Now there's a living, let's call it Appalachian - Blimy

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2500 lines-- about $60 per day?

I meant to say, $60 per day -- let's call it - Blimy

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let's call it "Appalachian Living" -- perhaps the "Appalachian collection," if you will. Perhaps Martha Stewart will pick up our 'line'...
Ain't no roll - like a pumpkin roll!
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That is my new gorge-o-the-month. That cream cheese filling sure does go down smooth, cascades on the ol' thighs. Yum-Yum
Wow that sounds good â€Â¦ I'll trade you a bakery cookie for - one of your pumpkin rolls! nm
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Most days I can only WISH for $60... which just - makes the chocolate-addition even stronger. nm

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PS: I recently started doing some simple sewing - projects for people, in order to -
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make a couple bucks here and there. I'll never get rich doing it, but at least it's SOMETHING. I do it when I get NJA, or when I take a break to watch the news in the evening. Most recently I sewed some leg warmers for someone. This took me over a week - probably about 10 hours all told put into them, because I'm not that hot of a sewing-person. I charged $20 for the leg warmers, so I'm still only making $2 and hour, but at least I'm creating something, and getting a small amount of satisfaction out of it. Unlike THIS retarded profession!

Blimy - Old Pro

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Oui, bien sur, je pense que c'est possible! Bon courage! A la prochaine fois!

Just read everyone's replies - and...

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You guys crack me up - got me chuckling as I read them. My personal fav right now is jumbo red boston baked beans. Can't get enough of them! And the Oreos? Put those babies in the fridge - doubles the palate pleasure haha!

This is the type of bantar that helps relieve stress and realize we're all (well most of us) in this together. Humor is the best medicine, they say. I say keep it coming!

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