A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Transtech or Acusis, who would be your pick and why or why not? - decision making time

Posted: May 27, 2011


I haven't worked for either, though have been offered - me

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position with TT. Acusis laid a bunch of MTs off and sent the work to India. I don't know anything about them otherwise, but that told me all I needed to know. If you browse the board that have been recent posts about both. Lots of complaints of no work at TT, though they keep advertising.

Re: Acusis - Florida

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I have never worked for either one before, but I have a friend who went to work for Transtech and loved it, and another friend who went to work for Acusis and loathed it. I realized this is highly subjective, but I trust both of these people. Anyway, that was their experience.

Are either of them still working at either place? nm - decision making time

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Decision-making time - Florida

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I don't know. We were all refugees from MQ, is how we knew each other. They went to their respective companies mentioned, I went with a different company, and then I moved my household, so we lost touch. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful. Good luck with your decision.
I work at Acusis. Platform complicated and slow. - Seems impossible to make enough money there.
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TransTech blows - Andypudenda

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You CONSTANTLY run out of work. Their Speech Wreck totally sucks. Pay is so low you are better off on welfare. They totally overhire and expect you to flex 24/7. There is never enough work. They sue employees who speak out on this forum. Their new audits are designed to fail you and make you feel like you are lucky to have a job. Did I mention there is often no work?

On the bright side, they call you 'sweetie' and send out emails with little cartoons.

ROTFL - Your last sentence about "sweetie" and - cartoons cracke me up & made my day!

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That was TOTALLY funny!

they must all look like the cartoon Maxine over there. - she calls people sweetie all the time NM

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I picture them more with horns and pointed tails. - Andypudenda
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Along with the smell of sulfur and brimstone, of course. LOL!

Geez, my choices dont sound very good here and guessing ATSI isnt any better! - No good choices

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Kind of like asking would you rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick - Andypudenda

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Or dipped in a vat of boiling oil.

My choice: Get out of this scummy business altogether. It became embarrassing telling people (especially those in the health care field) what I did for a living. Like saying I was a used car salesman.
lol! carnival barker, here. - can relate. NM
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Worked for ATSI and quit before the 90 days to go employee - after about 3 weeks of, sm

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employment, they were searching for something else to put me on as the work dried up. Seemed to me that I was just hired because the account they had was behind and once it was caught up, there was barely any work. I decided it was not for me. I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but who wants to work on 10-15 different accounts to try to make any money. I think it's a well known fact that your transcriptonists will make themselves and you (the MTSO) more money on an account they are familiar with rather than skipping around constantly and having to look up different doctor's names (because they have different doctors they refer to and when you only hear then once of twice a month, they are not readily typed). Not to mention the account specifics for each account that you have to constantly refer to just to make sure you're not making any mistakes with that.

Agree with every word, ran out of work and had 4 different accounts, didn't stick - anon

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around, too many accounts to have to try to get your lines. I have a life and having to flex constantly was really getting in the way of actually living my life!! The amount of ESLs on the account was ridiculous. I had so many that the VR typed so much crap that didn't belong that it was ridiculous. They do, however, had a form you can fill out for those physicians that the VR cannot decipher with a certain amount of accuracy. If you decide to work there, I suggest you use it (although you might find yourself spending a lot of time filling out that form to have those physicians taken off of VR). I do wonder why they were not putting some of these docs through VR to make sure they belonged on VR, but I guess it is easier for them to have the transcriptionist figure that out. My guess is most transcriptionists are just doing the VR on these crappy VR physicians and not saying a word about it. Hence, bad VR dictators being paid at a line rate that should be higher because they do not belong on VR.

By the way, that message above is regarding TransTech - anon

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Last sentence RFLMAO! - anon3

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Sounds like my last STM at WMX with her kitty cat cartoons. Lots of sweetie going on in this company too!

What is the advantage for them if audits are designed so you fail? (sm) - flunkee

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This is a serious question. What would they have to gain by doing this? I agree with you, it does seem that way, but trying to figure out why.

Another way of beating the MT down and making us not question anything. - Andypudenda

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Like why our pay is decreasing while more and more demands are placed on us. Trying to make us feel 'lucky' to have a job so we won't even THINK of asking for a raise.

These would be my guesses. Also, I suspect their ingrained incompetence has a lot to do with it too.
Too bad quality doesn't count for anything anymore. - Annie Donia
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I remember the days when it did.
Now it's just the worship of the almighty $$$. Greed greed greed. - Andypudenda
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Should we blame the MTSOs for their greediness at the expense of patient care? Isn't greed greed greed the mantra of the kinds of institutions that have brought our once great country to the brink of financial ruin? The MTSOs along with the bankers are all bent on milking what's left of our economy for all it is worth before it collapses down on their heads. So, should we blame the MTSOs for waddling up to the trough like the other little piggies?

Just playing the Devil's advocate here.

I personally think my QA person just gets some sort of a power high - from it

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First was told no account specifics, but then when came time for audit points were taken off for not typing verbatim (like changing slang, i.e., vag hys to vaginal hysterectomy or q.8 h. instead of q.8 hours--which I never type but obviously need to on this account). I honestly think my QA person has some kind of almightly power kick going on making sure I am always put in my place. Granted have never scored below the required amount, but could have had fantastic scores if QA had been honest up front about the requirement for me. I never know what they may take off and what they might not. No consistency with my QA person. And I've learned to keep my mouth shut because it never does any good. I just make sure I keep all documentation
We must have the same QA person. - kath2210
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Same thing here. QA changes from 1 time to the next. I get marked for crap that was NOT marked previously. They also come up with new "rules" and don't bother to share that info with you until after you have your QA. I think QA people get off on it. They shouldn't be so fricken petty. I forgot a comma, well there's a point. I so hate my job most days.
I feel the same way, just always waiting around to get marked off for something or yelled - at because this time they want me to do...
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soooooo true - dc

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I cannot believe how low my pay has become and how my life has become taken over by this job now. It used to not be a bad gig--no, you'd never get rich off it, but you could get by. I spend all my time working now just to meet their new line count requirements which are "competitive with what all the other companies require" (not true)with no bonuses, raises, etc., ever, just a lot of promises in the past about how my salary would be going up. And by the way, that's with GREAT quality audits. Before I get the backlash from the suits here too about "why don't I just leave"--uh, hello? Where are the jobs I could magically go to? I live in a rural hellhole.

Yeah Ive sometimes wondered if work doesnt disappear into thin air - so we cant make that almight extra penny a line

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I used to make that whopping 1 cpl incentive every single pay period with no problem. As you said, certainly wasn't going to become wealthy working there but in 40 hrs/week was making a decent living with just the 1 job and doing only 8 hours per day. Then work 1 day a week on my shift began to dry up...then 2 days a week no work, and no work on the backup account/s either. Now to make over 20,000 lines per pay period, I would literally have to set up an IV to keep extra-caffeinated coffee on continuous flow AND insert a Foley so I could stay at my desk 24/7. As I said, I hate to be suspicious and I used to be one of their more vocal suporters but things, they are a-changing, to say the least. Most especially irksome, though, as I posted earlier is their expectation that we sit at our desks through our entire 8 hour shift when there is clearly no work. Not that I make enough there for my family and I to actually be able to go out and do something, but the freedom to just relax and enjoy some quality time watching a couple of movies off the DVR or something would be nice, instead of having the phone ring because TWO WHOLE JOBS ARE IN WAITING TO BE TRANSCRIBED!

Wow,what will I do with that 50 cents I made during that 8 hour shift? *dripping in sarcasm*
When I have work... - dc
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...it seems like lately it's all the ESL, and not just your usual ESL, but stuff like a report that takes an hour (I mean that literally) to decipher. I'm convinced that's part of the reason the line counts stay low. I definitely suspect some cherrypicking.

And even when there is clearly NO work you are expected to sit and keep checking - your entire shift WITHOUT PAY

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THAT is what really irks me about it. Sure, I can work my tail off doing 5 days of work in 3, knowing there won't be any work on my account for at least two days out of my five-day shift, but when there's absolutely not 1 single report on my account and they REQUIRE I remained chained for that full 8-hour shift to my chair, AT ZERO PAY, just in case something comes through, that just makes the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I had to take on an IC position with another company just to make ends meet...if this IC position had benefits I'd leave TT as quickly as I could say "I resign." Used to ADORE them but this continually running out of work and bringing home $500 or less every 2 weeks is absolute insanity.

I now do what I have to in order to meet the minimum line requirements to keep my insurance and focus my energy on my IC position. It's the only way my family has survived (I'm the sole supporter of a family of 4).

I don't know anything about Acusis except I think they gave out a stuffed starfish or something for Xmas or MT week a couple of years ago, LOL!

Oh lordy, we must be on the same account - and Maxine cartoons would be much more entertainin

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Yep,the "on my hands and knees pleading" to get MIA MTs to sign on and work used to annoy me, wondering just why adults had to be reminded to sign on and work. Now I realize they probably DID try to work DURING THEIR SHIFT and didnt' have any work but are expected to flex 24/7. They're probably doing the same thing I have to do...work my shift when there's work and then work on a different account for a different MTSO that DOES have work so they can pay their bills. The 24/7 flexing gets old FAST, as does being chained to the computer during an entire 8-hour shift during which no work will come through (and, yes, I do indeed have a backup account and it's always caught up as well).

The folks at TT are nice enough (at least in my experiences I've had no problems) but they're sorely lacking in having sufficient work for all of their MTs. I bring home more at my part-time IC job (at least twice as much) than I do at my "full-time" (giggle at the thought) position at TT. NOT good.

try transcend or transolutions - anon

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have friends at both of the above, and they like their jobs and are happy. Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember to go with what works for YOU, as someone else's experience may vary a lot from your experience.

I hate starting with another new company, cant trust many of them anymore which is sad. - decision making time.

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I have offers from both of them and ATSI, which I turned ATSI down. Im still working PT for a company. Hoping to retire in 5 years so just want to find a decent company for that time and then thats it, I'm done.

Thank you for your recommendations of transcend and transolutions.

yvw and gl! - anon

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I have read the bad on here about Transcend, but several friends have started with them and even though the line count is a bit lower, they are making more money because they say the platform and ISR is better. I have read from people on this board with the opposite experience though.

Transolutions is a bit smaller and might be good for someone who doesn't want to just be a number.

I don't think there are ANY really good companies left, just try to find one that is the best fit for you. I would have recommended Webmedx up until this last year, but not now, although there are still some good people left there. Right now seems to be a time of change with them and I would wait until the dust settles there to see what is going to happen!

Andy's post - anon

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Well said and true. What really goes on with services...not a good trustworthy one out there. Cannot trust anyone even the ones who try to cover it up with sweet talk. You can see the 'pokerface.' Especially in the paycheck.

Need to find a different job. Don't get hooked on this post for data entry. They want the 4 cents we have to work 24/7 for! no? Pay them for a listing? What is that all about?

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