A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Newly graduated. Searching for companies - rntaylorr

Posted: May 14, 2013

I recently graduated MT school from Career Step and I'm in the process of looking up companies that would be good to apply for. I have a small list of potential companies but I would rather not apply without any feedback on the company first. I'd rather not be offered a job and take it not knowing anything about them. If you know anything (good or bad) about the following companies I would greatly appreciate your input! MedScribe TriStar RI Transcription Quality Transcription Solutions Athreon Presynct Q.E.D. Professional Dictation Solutions SilentType ProScript Like I said, it's a small list. If you have any other suggestions on other companies that would be great!! Thank you so much!!

*Companies - Lally

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I can give you a bit of info on RI Transcription and Proscript as I've worked for both in the past.

Proscript is a bad idea. Screaming emails for help with huge backlogs that mysteriously disappear. QA that never agrees and mark off errors for extremely minor stuff but then make errors in their own corrections. Platforms that absolutely do not learn - at all, ever. They don't pay headers. Pay was on time and that's the only good point.

RI Transcription was a dream in my experience. Wonderful owner and staff with lots of work. I am out of transcription entirely now (yay!) or I would definitely apply with RI. I'd say try them, they seem to be the best of the bunch. Hope this helps!

Companies - rntaylorr

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Thank you so much! I'll definitely take ProScript off of my list!!

Newbie/MedScribe New Albany - MT

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This company treats their independent contractors like employees but do not provide the financial benefits of being an employee. Be cautious and learn what it truly means to be an independent contractor according to your state department of labor rules and IRS rules.

Stay away from ST - ex-STMT

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The only one on your list that I've worked for is Silent Type. Don't bother applying with them. First of all, I don't think she hires newbies. It's all oncology work so you'd have to have several years of oncology experience.

When I worked there the work started drying up. We were never informed as to what was going on. She only hires full time and you're expected to maintain a quota. Your pay, vacation time, and even insurance coverage is based on making your quota consistently. But when there is no work, it's impossible to make your page counts.

When you get your pay, if it's different from what you think it should be based on your own records, too bad. There is no way to compare your records to theirs and the owner will just tell you her records are correct.

You have to travel to the office in New Jersey for 2 days of training, and if you manage to still have a job there after 6 months, you get reimbursed $500 for your trip. My trip there cost way more than that, so I had to eat the rest.

Since I left, I consistently see posts on this board about not having enough work, so apparently that problem hasn't been solved. So, cross them off your list as well.

Good luck! I hope you find a good place to work!

ST - rntaylorr

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They are 100% off of my list. I wish more people would share their experiences like you. Wow. I can not thank you enough.

You are getting some very bad advice ~ - Succcessful Old IC MT

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I have never posted on this board before, but occasionally drop in for entertainment. I feel compelled to tell this new MT some things.  [Watch the lynch crew move in ~ but save it, I really don't care, nor will I respond.]

First, you are not getting very good advice here on this board.  Do you know these people giving you the advice to be truthful ? Do you know what their work ethics are, how skilled - or rather unskilled - they are?  Yet you are already making a decision to not work at some companies based on the accusations of people you don't know, nor do you have a clue that what they say is true or false, nor should you trust them.  This is not a good start for you. 

In your defense, I know just coming into this field, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin or start, but my dear this for sure is NOT the place to start, nor is it the place to start making decisions based upon negative comments/untruths/slander that is constantly spewing off of this board. There are very few who actually come to this board to portray any good for anyone - themselves or companies.  What I can assure you is this:  A good majority of people who are angry or mad about a certain company are that way because they were maybe terminated for a various reason, maybe they left because they thought they were not treated well, maybe they simply took a job that was too hard for them and couldn't handle it; however, for the average professional who leaves a position for ANY reason, they typically just move on and find something that works better for them.  The true professional does not sit and trash a company on a public board.  Put 2 and 2 together.

It would seem that some on here have made it their life aspiration to visit MT Stars board every day and trash someone passing through, posting, or trashing some company, the very same people giving you advice.  They are on here every day doing this because they can't get a job, so this has now become their career.  Again, is this whom you would like to take advice from. 

In my long years, I have seen the industry take a total turn - this is true. However, I also know that for those who are serious, they can STILL even yet today make a respectable living at this.  It takes commitment, WORK ETHICS (even if you are an IC as myself), determination, and intelligence.  There are those who say they can't make it doing this. To them I would say, find a new profession.  If you are truly failing at this, maybe you are just not cut out to do this type of work.  This is not a "mommy job" as it states in so many places, nor is it the "work at home so you don't have to interrupt your everyday life."  If you don't commit and work at this without putting yourself in some sort of routine which will interrupt our casual life, you WILL NOT make it.  BUT don't blame others for what you cannot professionally/personally accomplish; it is not the company's fault, they are not forcing you to work there.  If you are there working, it is because that is what YOU agreed to do no matter what status they offered - employee, statatory employee, or IC.  No one held a gun to anyone's head and forced them to do a job.  Sometimes we do accept a position and then after decide it is not what we thought it would be, and if that is the case then move on. And after you move, quit your crying. Just because you decided to move on doesn't mean that a company is bad - nor should you sit and tell everyone it is. Maybe you want a job where you can run around and do a job here and there as a hobbiest MT, so maybe a certain company is not for you. Maybe another person loves the structure, and that is what they want. So when you leave a certain company because it doesn't suit you, don't automatically assume it is bad and don't sit and trash all these companies.  Some of us like our companies and would like to continue to work for them and are sick and tired of people on this board acting like it is all about them.  There are far too many lies posted on this board - it needs to stop.  And then to try to immediately suck a new MT down into your sewers, because we all know Misery loves company.  Shame.

Well I don't care for Facebook, I think it wrecks some peoples lives, so should I make it my life long aspiration to trash them. Absolutely not - I know plenty of people who do like it - in fact LOVE Facebook, so I am glad it is out there.  Just like I am glad all these MTSOs are out there giving a good majority of people jobs who do like them. 

I am not sure where all of these people on here are finding these tyrants of MTSO companies, you know - those companies who have held guns to their heads and 'forced' them to sign contracts they didn't want to sign, force them to work for companies they don't want to work for under conditions they weren't agreeable to, and the like.  That is all poppycock.  I have yet in my many many years had anyone force me to do something I didn't want to do, or even come close to doing some of the things that are accused of on this board, and yes, I have worked for some of the very same companies listed on this board, some the new MT has listed in the original posters list.   

What I can tell you about all of them is this - apply, talk to them, and THEN make your own informed decision.  It is all a part of the learning process my dear, you will be a much smarter, stronger MT in the long run for it. If you happen to try a couple that you don't like, then move on. No harm done. Move on with class and professionalism though, and not as these here have done.  Always move on to better your position. 

Do yourself a favor and find yourself a 'reputable' source to get help from. Maybe go to the AHDI and look into their 'request' a mentor. Maybe go back to your school and talk to your other students or instructors to ask them a good place to get help from.

I think if you start out correctly, you will be glad you did.

Good luck to you in your future career.  I truly hope you find a good job!

Peace my friend! 



bad advice - BeenAround

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So much for that blarney. She asked about specific companies and a few people responded with their own experience. What better way to get some true insight into a company than to ask the people who have been there. The fact that you even mention AHDI as a "reputable" source is ludicrous. And you KNOW the rah-rah-recruiters are going to answer the questions that matter to MTs. Talk about grabbing an opportunity to trash everybody who posts on this forum.

Lynch Crew On Deck - notsooldmt

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And I believe this would be the lynch crew the poster was talking about. You sure didn't take long to emerge.

I may not agree with everything the poster said, but do agree with some of it. With a name like BeenAround - sounds like you too have a hard time holding down a steady job and the OP should probably heed warning and, for sure, find some good sound advice from someplace rather than from people that have, for lack of better words "Been Around". Just because you couldn't make money someplace doesn't mean the poster wouldn't have better skills than you and maybe be able to make a good living there. I think the point the old MT was trying to make was even more proven by your post as will those who follow in your footsteps and continue to trash, make the point even stronger. No one knows how well they will do anywhere until they try. Dont assume your failure someplace will be a failure for all.
Lynch Crew - spew alert - BeenAround
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I'm sure my inability to hold a job will be shown by the fact that every job I've had has been for 6+ years . . . and the fact that I've had 20 years experience in acute care, ESLs, Radiology, etc., puts some doubt on whether the newbie has better skills than I do. Trash on not so old 'cos you're cracking me up. Srsy, I needed a good laugh today. Thanks :-)

Auntie Em there is no place like home . . . - 22yrsMT

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I have to admit Successful OLD IC MT has a way with words. I could almost hear the soft-spoken words of an elderly, kind woman encouraging everyone to play fair and speak nicely. While she made many good points about personal and professional expectations, I do think she is a bit out of step with the new norm in this industry, or has had the good fortune to be with a respectable company for a long period of time. But, there are lions and tigers and bears, and the man behind the current is an imposter. Everyone needs to be diligent in what they take and what they leave behind when reading posts on this forum, but to think that every negative word written on this board comes from slackers, hobbyist, or disgruntled MTs is just as naive as thinking professional behavior equals professional pay/treatment. For the most part, especially when it comes to the bigger MTSOs, our industry has become this century's garment industry. Other than the fact that we work remotely and are not at risk of dangers like the Triangle Shirtwaist factory, it's unregulated, low-wage piecework that needs a Norma Rae, Karen Silkwood, Rosa Parks, Erin Brockovich to make noise and promote change.

I have been a very successful MT, both as a remote employee and an independent contractor. In the first 18 years I only worked for 3 different companies, made nearly 40k a year and loved each job. In the past 4 years I have had over 10 positions and am barely making 20k a year. I have reported 3 companies to the Federal Department of Labor for misconduct, all companies were found in violation of labor laws and I eventually received my back pay. Of course, whistleblowers are always retaliated against and I was "relieved of my duties" on all 3 jobs. I have also filed SS-8 determination forms with the IRS against 2 companies, which were both found in violation of independent contractor classification and I received reimbursement of a portion of the payroll taxes I paid and unemployment benefits. The process from filing a complaint to settlement is about 2 years, but every time a company gets caught we are improving the industry.

If you are like Successful Old IC MT and you just "occasionally drop in for entertainment" I hope you found my perspective enjoyable. If you are a new MT, shift through the rah-rah from the pep squad and the negative words of other MTs here, as they both are true at some level.

Bad reviews - rntaylorr

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I understand what you are saying. But what is a better way to learn about a company other than hearing the bad experiences. Hearing someone worked for a certain company for so long and changed to another only to find out the second was so much better. They can compare the two and see the first was much worse than they thought. I don't have that experience yet, I'm just starting out. Why not start out knowing the bad about the company already. I didn't come here to only get good feedback. That would be like researching a certain product and only reading the good reviews. Obviously, the product would look good if you were to do that. You have to learn the bad also and make a decision. There are so many companies out there. Crossing one off of my list because of a few bad reviews isn't going to make that big of a difference.
I appreciate all of the input I have received and would love more. Someone who has first hand experience is the best to hear from. Not an MT 'recruiter' who will only tell you the good.

The OP is very wise - to be

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seeking out advice on MT companies before submitting any applications. She will likely be receiving so many job offers that it will be much better to weed out the undesirable ones ahead of time. Once these companies see her resume, she will no doubt be flooded with offers, so any means of narrowing down the choices would be an advantage.

On Presynct's home page, it says they're not hiring MTs right now. - Keep searching and researching. NM

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