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Lesser of 3 evils, Transtech, Transcend, Webmedx..sm - Tired of Typin

Posted: Dec 08, 2009

After 6 years, my company has eliminated all employee status personnel.  I am frantically searching for a new employer with benefits.  Given this choice, where would you go?  Other suggestions.  I have applied EVERYWHERE with various success..15 years acute care experience, good QA and production.

lesser of 3 evils - disheartened

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We MTs apparently no longer count for anything in this industry. Our dedication to our profession means nothing to our employers. The employer has changed our status without regard to impact, stating our production has increased because of VR. What a crock!!!

No benefits and 40% pay cut. Merry Christmas! - NM

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I absolutely, positively would not make a move without working - PT for the new MTSO first. Burned too many times!

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Which company is that? They must have -- - SM

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-- people jumping ship left and right.

Proscript, Apparently employees were quietly phased out over the last year.. - Tired of Typin

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except for a few like me and then we get less than 30 days notice!

Proscript - disheartened

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You aren't the only one. If they haven't had a lot of people leaving, they soon will.
Could someone fill me in... what is wrong with Proscript? - nm
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Proscript..sm - Tired of Typin
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Nothing I guess if you are new with them, but I am a long timer. Lost all my benefits, getting a huge pay cut, and I don't even know anyone in management anymore. My great accounts withered away one by one. I loved the company and thought I would stay forever.
They were always known as "nice people" until recently. - sm
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but in the past year they have gradually been eliminating benefits, starting with the small ones like telephone reimbursement and a monthly drawing they used to have for filling out these little terminology quizzes they had, and now this post-VR pay cut, in addition to dropping all benefits and converting employees over to statutory status. They had a management change; some would say a coup. Now the atmosphere is more that of a sweatshop, with staff e-mailing MTs constantly throughout the day and night that they're letting things get behind and they should keep checking for work, even outside of their scheduled hours. On Thanksgiving they even had the gall to say that anyone not working (and there was very little work available, believe me) would be responsible for anything bad that happened to the patients that day and to think of the families etc.

It's sad what such a nice company has become.
You are echoing my thoughts! - Tired of Typin
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I knew something was up with all the changes, but this was beyond my wildest nightmares.
ProScript - WTF
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It is Sad....hired at a certain cpl, worked well for 3 months then told abruptly "oh sorry, we were paying you the wrong cpl rate" and cut me almost in HALF!? With no warning whatsoever, had to beg and plead for them not to change it until 1/2010....but you can't win anymore in this industry...I can make more working from McDonalds...AND get benefits!
Proscript..sm - Tired of Typin
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I wish someone would get rid of this new crew who has taken over and give us the old Proscript back. (yeah right) They certainly do not appreciate employees, in fact, told us as much in their SOU letter they sent out. No one can make enough to live on in this business anymore. Wish I wasn't the sole earner in this family. I am seriously looking into filing backruptcy.
ProScript - does it even matter
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I agree completely. You just can't get ahead with this anymore, and we can basically thank the people who send work overseas b/c it offsets everything and develops new pay standards for us all..I used to make what was considered very good money in this industry....I made more 10 years ago than I am making now.....doesn't seem right
ProScript - NoAlias
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I agree wholeheartedly. I loved this company, and this new management crew is like a dictatorship. Even through email the attitude comes through. I also lost all my benefits with only 30 days' notice. The old crew was terrific and I would have stayed with them forever. Now even the old crew is slowly but surely leaving, and we'll never see the likes of this fine company again. Rick Cameron, you blew it again.
You and me both! It was a shock wasn't it? - Tired of Typin
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I wonder how many of the "employees" will be there in a month or so. I hope they live to regret screwing us!
Not sure where you are coming from?? - Hmmmmm
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First of all, it's not the worst company with the worst pay out there. Trust me, there is MUCH MUCH worse.

Second, the accounts are easy, the platform is easy. Yeah, the pay sucks, but it's average for this field. You want more? Go work directly for a clinic.

Third, I personally think the leads we have now are good peeps. They're very helpful and responsive. The updates get a little annoying every couple of hours, but it's not like they're hammering it into our heads to WORK WORK WORK. At least they have the freakin' heart to thank us for the work we do, unlike others in the past.

Fourth, not sure how the employees are screwing us...but I guess that's your way of dealing with it, so...whatever. If you've been in business for as long as I have, you would know by now how it works. You've obviously either forgotten or just plain don't know and maybe shouldn't be in this line of work.

Webmedx if you work on the Enterprise side - sm - LongWeb

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the CM side of the platform seems to have not enough work and many of them post here about the lack. On the Enterprise side there is lots of work and overtime, esp for acute care MTs.

To get benefits you have to work 40 hrs a week; however, there is medical, dental, vision insurance. We were just notified that the cost is rising (a lot for some of us) but that seems to be the trend in general for any health care insurance.

Paid holidays, paid vacation, small the first year but decent after that. Platform is easy to use and most MTs report decent or good day-to-day management.


I work on Enterprise and I am out of work right now - not everyone in your boat

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OP - read all the posts below about Webmedx, and then make up your mind.

Are you acute care or rad maybe? Just curious. nm - LongWeb

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.. Usually the clinic / ER / rad MTs are the ones who run out more often. That's a shame since there's so much to do on most of the other accounts.

Tell them to train you on Chartmatrix sm - crock

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because it seems to me that when Enterprise is low, CM is full and vice versa. This way you're covered.

Webmedx bennies - Happy Webbie

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For the record, your benefits are not affected if you are not working your 40 hours due to lack of work. If you are on an acute account and still running out of work, you need to ask your STM about helping on other STMs accounts, as some of us are on OT and really struggling to keep things on the good and happy side (ie in TAT)

Transtech - Transcend ran out of work (sm)

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Transtech was very friendly and QA easy. I never was audited once I was released from QA. They leave you alone to do your work and no IM necessary either. By all means go with Transtech and they have PT if you want to start with that. Great incentive pay.

Don't know about Webmedx.

Is Transtech the same as TTS? nm - Curious

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Don't think so - Tired

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There is a company called Transcription, Technology, and Support, which is abbreviated TTS that I know of. I don't think Transtech is TTS also, but I could be wrong.

To is Transtech the same as TTS... Transtech is located - in Texas. TTS is in New Jersey

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Please let the rest of us know. There was virtually no work last week, yet 2 job ads were posted here in the month of November. And the 45% cut in pay with the advent of VR, with their still crappy dictators which you have to practically type over from scratch, how do you get off tooting "incentive pay"? Not to OUR recollection.

Transtech overhires big time, and then they ...sm - ps

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expect you to flex around their schedule constantly. They love to overhire when they get a tiny bit busy and then that puts the rest of us out of work for months.

Don't employers have to verify their MTs meet IC guidelines? - Sounds like a nasty way to avoid benfits. nm

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If you need health insurance... - Webber

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I would scroll down and look at the post further down on this forum about WMX's health insurance. The cost of our health benefits will go up significantly after January 1, and the deductibles and co-payments are also rising significantly. Someone posted the exact amounts below. You might be able to find better insurance elsewhere. There are also other issues at WMX--like overhiring, a recent pay cut for VR, crappy new VR software (M-Modal) coming soon, etc. When I first started about 3 years ago everyone was raving about how great the company is, but they don't seem to care too much about their MTs anymore.

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