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Has anyone worked for WebMedx AND TransTech? - I have offers from both. Who should I choose? nm

Posted: Feb 04, 2010


Webmedx - Happy

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I don't know anything about TransTech, but I can speak for Webmedx. I see some people on the board aren't happy there, but I feel very content. What are the biggest factors for you in your decision? That might help. Narrow it down a little (that's what I did when I made my decision a few years ago). Work is plentiful and my supervisor is wonderful. QA is great. Platform is great; I do well on it.

I'm hearing not so wonderful things about the WMX VR platform. - TT has a good VR platform but low pay. nm

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I can't believe you have an offer from TT - I've been - MT4Eight

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without work almost all week, having to jump through hoops trying to get my quota so I can get my piddly hours of PTO time. I've been trying to be flexible, but it's kind of hard with my second job that I had to get because of the downturn my paycheck took. Why would they hire more people?? I don't get it. I feel like hitting my head against my desk. I'm so fed up with this profession. One of the news networks needs to do an expose on the life of an MT and what we go through just to pay our bills and take care of our families. Sorry - had to vent.

I agree about low work volumes on TT...crazy! - nm

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TT volume - non

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This is to use their terms "valuing their MTs." Low work volume and an ad to hire. Am I missing something?

Transtech - Anon

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I got an offer from them too and an interview with Webmedx. I am tempted to take the latter because they will let me work 2nd shift 30-35 hours, whereas Transtech is only hiring for 40. I wonder if Transtech got the account my current boss lost to VR. My job here ends 2/15 and I know some large company must have picked up the account, or maybe more than one company. Transtech may actually be the new vendor for the account lost by my current employer.

So if you work at TT and have little work wait until after the 15th of February.

And that work will probably be VR as well. - No message

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possible new account TT - newposter
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I spoke to the recruiter at TT and my company's loss is NOT their gain. Perhaps Webmedx or any of the other big companies picked up the account - It is a big one so my guess it would be a big Trans.company. Yes it will be going to EScription - that is why my employer lost it.

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