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Do TransTech and Webmedx send work to India? - nm

Posted: Feb 03, 2010


Webmedx No OUTSOURCING - Happy Webbie

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Webmedx has a 100% US workforce and is proud of it, absolutely no outsourcing from us :) Great place to work too! Come on an apply.

I guess since they don't outsource, they also don't off-shore. - But outsourcing and off-shoring are not the same t

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Outsource - Sending work to an MTSO or other entity. Can be domestic or foreign. (Example: Some hospitals outsource their transcription to Webmedx).

Offshore: Sending work out of the USA, including India, China, Canada, etc.

Outsourcing - Emeralds

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Actually, saying Webmedx doesn't outsource covers all bases, so she I prefer to say they don't outsource. You see, some companies outsource some of their work to other companies, who in turn offshore their work. Practicing this would include you in the group that offshores, in my opinion. Hence, Webmedx does not outsource.

Just keepin' it in perspective. ;)
YES WMX DOES outsource - They do not Offshore
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We do outsource to smaller MTSOs, but nothing is offshored.
No control over where the outsource goes - get real
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Once the smaller MTSOs get it, who knows where it goes? Webmedx doesn't know if its offshored or not at that point, and neither do you. I get disgusted having to share my work pool with other companies and "new" coworkers that turn out horrible work; and I've often run out of work as a result of huge chunks of work disappearing into other companies pockets. I can't imagine what their employees get paid going through 2 or more MTSO middlemen - can't be much!
Don't tell me to GET REAL - just answering a simple question - Geez! Calm Down
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Did I sound delusional in my answer? I just said that WMX does outsource. I have no idea where the work goes once the MTSOs get it and I didn't pretend that I did. You don't have to be so rude to every single poster.
Truth is nobody knows if outsource is offshored - all about the truth here
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So don't make adamant, blanket statements that Wedmedx work is NEVER offshored. Truth is, YOU don't KNOW. If you think the truth is rude, oh well, maybe you just can't handle the truth?
I agree, we do not know what they do with the work. - webby
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They tell us what we want to hear with everything else, why not this?
Please show me where I said WMX never offshored... - I said it is outsourced
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Those are YOUR words...

WMX itself does not offshore. What the companies that we outsource to do, I have no idea. It is quite possible that THEY DO OFFSHORE, but WEBMEDX DOES NOT!

Understand yet??
Its in the title of your post above - oh, but I do understand
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Kind of like saying that YOU never gamble, but your bookie does. All you do is hire him to gamble for you, so that makes YOU gambling free. HAHAHAHA!

Funny how informercials only speak of the upside of the product, huh? Spin-doctoring doesn't work with everyone.
I really do not think you DO understand - You missed the point
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You are too dense to argue with. I'm not going to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed opponent.

If you can't figure out what I was saying, you are beyond help. This is my last post on the subject matter. Get over it.
You made the statement you cannot defend - I am not the witless one
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What you were saying was not the truth. Admit you made a mistake in stating that Webmedx does not offshore, because you don't know. Its definitely lying to the clients to brag that no offshoring will occur, then farm out the work they trusted you with, to the lowest bidder with no idea where the work is actually being done. Its dishonest, misleading and unethical. If you can't figure out why that is wrong, you're the one beyond help, because you'd rather perpetuate a lie than ponder why you keep defending it.
hospitals/clinics are outsourcing their work to Webmedx; - Webmedx does not offshore that work. n/m
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if you get work from them, you ARE the outsource. - maybe mean off-shore? NM

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TransTech definitely DOES NOT offshore any work. In fact, - Kitty Katz

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You should go to the KLAS website and it tells you who does and does not. Last time I checked, out of the top 15 MTSOs in the country, only TransTech and one other did no offshoring.

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