A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Is this something an IC is required to tolerate? Need honest input! Please help...sm - ICWannabe

Posted: Dec 01, 2009

I was recently hired as an IC by a small MTSO.  I was told the day I was hired that I would be given work in the morning and it would be my job to transcribe it and print it out for the courier to pick it up the following day at 9:00 a.m.

After papers were signed, equipment and supplies were purchased, and I was all set to go, I was informed by the owner that she wanted all of my work emailed to her as an attachment absolutely  "NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m."  I tried this for a while, but have physically become so accustomed to working a split shift, I had a difficult time meeting that deadline day after day.  I was becoming so stressed out trying to get work in to her on "her watch," which was literally 16 hours before the work was actually due.  If I knew I was going to be late, I always made it a point to let her know as  soon as possible.  What I got in return were the most hateful emails I have ever received from a "professional."  I snapped and almost ended up quitting. 

Because she absolutely insists on having to know the moment I am finished and having a "time" set in stone, I pulled 8:00 p.m. out of the air and she accepted.  To be honest there are days when this is still difficult for me because I have things I need to get done during the day.  I am just having a very difficult time with this mainly because I truly see no point to it at all.  I'm the best on this account so it's not like my work needs to be QA'd.  It feels like she has a point to prove.  Am I wrong to feel this way?  I was just under the assumption that having a job that requires a person to clock out is normally associated with health insurance, PTO, paid vacation, etc.  I have forfeited all of these things for the benefit of flexibility and don't feel that I have it.

Regardless of whatever my reasons may be, I feel I should have the option to work whenever I choose throughout the day "as long as the work is completed and ready for the courier on time."  I have 18 years experience, am underpaid, and have no benefits.  The only reason I choose to stay in this field is for the flexibility and this woman is he will bent on taking that away from me.  Can she do this??  How many ICs reading this would tolerate this?  Oh, did I mention the pay is below national average???? 

I can't take much more.  I'd rather be a greeter at Wal-Mart.

Is this something - Karen

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If she is the boss, she can do what she wants. However, maybe you could approach her with, "I would like to discuss our original deadline of ..." and then maybe put a time limit on what you can revert back to that originally agreed upon time frame. However, in the meantime, you might want to look for other options work-wise. If you are the best one on the account, she should be willing to work with you.

My opinion - MT50

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Just my take. First off, if the lady writes your paycheck, if she wants to see the work before it is delivered, that is very much her perogative and if it were me and I wanted to keep the job, I would comply. YOU gave her the time of 8:00 p.m., but now YOU are saying that is too difficult for you. That's a little unreasonable, I think. Many ICs are even stuck adhering to a schedule. It's just the way it goes. The amount of pay, whether it is above or below average really doesn't even have anything to do with the situation, because you AGREED to work for that money.

The BIG question is.......Do you have a contract? If the contract says that you just have to have it by the next morning, then you have a little more to stand on if you told her, "Look, I'm not going to have it until that time the next morning".......BUT, that doesn't guarantee that you would keep your job.

I work as an IC and my work has to be completed by midnight. If my boss told me that she needed to see it by 8:00 p.m. then I would have to figure out how to accomodate my schedule to provide that. It is MY JOB and I NEED a job. If it is too difficult for you, then just remember, there is ALWAYS another MT out beating the pavement looking for a job and they would be happy to do yours, so that you can be that "Wal-Mart greeter".

This response was not intended to be rude, just matter of factly. GOOD LUCK.

I don't have an issue with ICs having somewhat of a schedule, but... - ICWannabe

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Each account that an MT agrees to take on is going to be different. Acute care has more issues with scheduling because they are 24/7. I transcribe for one clinic physician who works 9 to 5 and off on all holidays and weekends.

I did sign a contract and the contract clearly stated that there was a 24 hour turn-around-time on the dictation. A deadline of 5 p.m. was NEVER mentioned or notated anywhere on the contract. There are MTs that refuse to do this account. I have not gotten one complaint from the courier on up to staff and doctor. The owner is the one with the five o'clock hangup. I accepted this job after being told that it was a 24 hour TAT and the work must be ready on time each day for the courier and it always is. I've never missed him once or made him wait.

I also understand your point about she being the owner, may want to see my work. Well, why can't she look at it over her morning coffee?? I just feel she is extremely anal and I can picture her hovering over her email everyday at 5 p.m. and now 8 p.m. LOL It's a joke!

contracts/deadlines - NotNewMT

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Since you have a contract that clearly states your agreed upon deadline, I would contact the boss and tell her that you need to re-discuss this issue. If she truly needs a shorter TAT from you (for whatever reason, doesn't matter), she is now outside the contract your both agreed to. Therefore, IMO, this shortens the TAT for you and becomes a "nuisance factor" and she needs to pay more for the inconvenience and change in the rules of the game. You could bend some and send her whatever work you have completed at an earlier time for her to proof, with the remainder sent when you have it completed.

I've had this happen. It's never to the MTs benefit. If the MTSO decides that things are constantly a "rush job", then they can pay extra for that privilege. Their issues are not my issues. If we both agreed to X guidelines, then stick to them. If something needs to be as a stat on occasion, that's one thing, but not when the situation completely alters your flexibility.

Next option, find a better boss or a better situation that suits your needs.

Good luck!
Thank you for "getting it." Did I mention that this is just family practice f/u - clinic notes? No stats...no rush. nm ICWannabe
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are you the only one whose work is to be gone over? or are there several she - needs to monitor? NM

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No, you're not really being an IC - Happy MT Robin

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The definition of an IC from the IRS is vague (naturally) but the gist of it is that if the employer is dictating HOW you do your job, WHEN you do your job, and WHERE you do your job, then you are an employee.

What about the terms of your contract. Is the 9:00 am courier deadline spelled out in that? Do you have the 8 pm deadline in writing? Quite frankly, I would ignore anything that has been said verbally and go back to what is in writing. You might try to pin her down as to the reasons for the evening deadline, if you haven't already. Remind her that was not your agreement when you were hired.

The other thing is, there are a lot of companies that are hiring contracts who really are contracts and will give you the flexibility you need with decent pay. If I were in your position I'd start looking around, honestly. Dealing with what you're dealing with is NOT worth it for submarket pay.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck.

Thanks, Robin. I knew you'd know just what to say! - ICWannabe

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My next job will not be in transcription. The last 4 to 6 accounts I've had have left me with broken promises and more discouraged. On the other hand, I'm afraid the last 15 years at home may have ruined me for any decent work outside the house. I do want out of this...bad. I would truly enjoy working at Walmart as a cashier. It's not glamorous but I love people and just having a reason to get up and get dressed in the morning. ya know??

As I said...... - MT50

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If your contract says 24-hour turn around, then let her know this is what you have to do........BUT.....if you lose the job, be prepared for that as well, because I PROMISE you that there is SOMEONE out there that is willing to have it by 8:00 p.m., or even 5:00 p.m. Just because a handful of MTs "refuse to transcribe that doctor" doesn't mean she can't find another one that will and is quite capable of doing so.

I realize that what you are saying and that's the only reason I'm still here. - ICWannabe

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I agree with your opinion and Robin's - MDIMT
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You have a contract, and she has broken the contract, which means that the law in this case is on your side. It doesn't matter if another MT is there waiting to take your job or not. She agreed in writing to accept the terms and conditions under which you were hired, and this is a breach of your contract. I would review this with her again, in a business-like manner, and ask her if she still wants to adhere to this contract. I am sure you would do anything to keep your job, and a good employee, and I am not saying any MT here, is still hard to find.

but what is the benefit of being IC? - peanut

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When I look at job posts that require a schedule and are (supposedly) IC why would I pick this one over one that is employee? Thing is, if I want a strict schedule there are always employee positions. MTSOs these days want their cake and to eat it too. They don't want to pay benefits but they want strict schedules. The IRS says if you have to stick to a strict schedule you are not IC. Companies get away with it because MTs are desperate. It isn't right but there is always a newbie who will work for peanuts at midnight to get experience. Experience and quality are not as important as they used to be.

IC - Reed

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First off, not only are there Federal laws governing IC's almost, if not all states, also have laws that can be more or less rigid than Federal laws.

One thing the IRS looks at is control. Control is not just having you work a specific schedule, it is are you required to use a specific software, are you required to turn your work in within a certain time frame, are you required to do a certain amount of work in a certain time frame, etc.

An example of a true IC for an MTSO would be someone who contracted with them to fix their computers. This person then would be called if a computer wasn't working. They would then say when they might be able to come (same as the cable guy) to fix it. They would then bill the MTSO for those services.

Further, if you work more than a few months for someone, then it is considered that an employer/employee relationship has been established and you can longer be an IC.

Also, if you are paid on a regular schedule (every other week or twice a month for example), this is also considered evidence for an employer/employee relationship.

The IRS also looks to see if you are an "integral" part of the business. In other words, can this business exist without someone doing the work you do. Obviously, in the case of an MTSO, the answer is no. MT's are the business. Another way to look at this is how the State of Maryland does. They say no business can employ someone as an IC if they perform the same service the company does. The example they use, which is quite apropos for MT's, is a trucking firm cannot employ truck drivers as IC's, because the trucking firm and truck driver both provide the same service, i.e., trucking services.

Other considerations are do you advertise your services to the public, i.e., in the business section of the phone book, do you have employees, are you required to own highly specialized expensive equipment (a computer or C-phone are not).

If the above is true, even if you have a contract, it does not matter - the contract is considered void.

Again, as others have posted on this forum time and time again, there are more considerations than a schedule in determining whether you are an IC. Unfortunately, because so many MT's are obsessed with not working a schedule, MTSO's will continue to be able to get away with this. Also, as others have posted, they have received determinations from the IRS that they are indeed employees and received back Social Security taxes and overtime pay. The IRS form SS-8 is what you use to determine your status.

I realize, of course, you will probably continue working as an IC. However, I thought I would provide this information for you just in case.


Better get your, welcome to Walmart ready... - L

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I think you a) either want to work or b) do not work and do the things that you have to do in the daytime instead of making a salary. Now most will not agree that this is the way it SHOULD be but this is the way it is going and unless and until there is a big change with the way these companies are run, then you either need to pony up, maybe look for another job or quit. Most working as independents are on schedules, what kind of work would be going in if the MTers just worked when they wanted? You are 1 in how many thousand out there? Say everyone wants the freedom to just, spend the day watchingt the grass grow and no one works. What then? I say if you don̢۪t like the heat, get out of the kitchen. I am independent, have a schedule, don̢۪t care at all, work on weekends, again no problem. I am glad to have money coming in.

Better go back and really read what I wrote because... - ICWannabe

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a) Nothing you've said is consistent with anything I wrote and b)we're in a "recession", do I'm definitely working. (C)MAIN POINT: I'm a 20 year veteran in this business and learned hand's on typing on an IBM Selectric. I have transcribed every report type and account type known to modern medicine, in this country anyway. I sought a position like this that would allow me to split my day up because 20 years has taken its toll on my C-spine and I have the MRI to prove it. How does that make me wrong when my work is accurate and has been ready to be picked up at the time I was originally given since I started there??

Seriously, please don't read more into my post than what is there. I'm not trying to be a smart-azz, but nothing is more frustrating than to post a question looking for some feedback that pertains to the question. Then spending the rest of your time, trying to break it down and explain something else that you didn't come here to discuss. I want to work. I don't mind a schedule...where appropriate. I chose this job based on the contract. Period.

But they were answering your question - CurmudgeonMT

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You asked whether you were required to tolerate it. No, you're not. Free country, so you are not required to tolerate anything. You're free to quit, much like the MTSO is free to change the time that work is available to you. So while you may have thought the prior poster was a bit flip, they were accurate. If you are unable to work in the time frame the MTSO requires, the option is to find another position. There are several places, even non-IC, that will let you split a shift, albeit with a weekend day, is that is what you truly require.
The point was entirely missed. - ICWannabe
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His first a and b points (if that's what you call them) were 110% assumptions. Like I said, I'm a 20 year veteran. I know how schedules and different accounts work. In addition to asking the question, I was venting a bit too. The owner is not adhering to the original contract we discussed on day one. I "know" I don't literally have to tolerate it. The point I was basically trying to make is that I work for someone who wants a set time for me to be finished when too many variables are involved. Such as, there are some days that I do not receive the work until around noon. Then there are days like today where I receive double the work. How am I to "forecast" or finish my work at the same time every day when such variables need to be taken into consideration? The main point is that as long as the work is ready to pick up by the next day, all the hounding and nit-picking in the world is entirely unnecessary. It would be no different for someone hired for an ER account with a 4 hour turn around time being told it's expected in 2 hours after they start. See what I mean??
Say What??? - NotNewMT
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Okay, this really alters the agreement and it's a one-way street!

If you don't RECEIVE your work at the agreed upon start time AND you may receive DOUBLE your usual workload, but the boss still wants it returned more than 12 hours prior to the original contract, she's way out of line!!

You should have the agreed upon TAT from the START of when you received the work, and double the usual or agreed upon workload means that the extra work is not within the agreement parameters at all.

It's one thing when the dictator happens to be a speed demon and X amount of minutes of dictation generates more lines/work than usual, but when the boss deliberately sends work way later than agreed to and/or sends way more than agreed to, then those issues need to be dealt with -- with an addendum to your contract.

There really are companies that will let you work as an IC, with you chosing your commitment level within a 24-hour window. You can then split your day as you need based on both your physical comfort and other personal needs. They may not always have work when you want to work, but it beats this nonsense.

Getting that Walmart greeting down pat - L

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i really do not care about your years as I have twice as many as you and not complaining about work situation. I also worked on IBM correcting selectric and so? I read your post, and I replied with either a or b, take your pick. You can refuse and not have a job. Your choice, chickie.
By the tone of your post, you'd best stick to working alone in seclusion. nm - ICWannabe
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I should have added to my original post that if you can't keep it civil, don't respond. It's not wanted or warranted. Now I remember why I don't post here.
your post is completely hogwash and shows only envy and jealousy that - ..
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she has a job and you, most probably. not.

OP is right, the owner cannot CHANGE her TAT after the contract is signed. She can ASK, but ICWannabe is free to accept or not.

If she changes her TAT from 9:00 a.m. (or even later to 5:00 p.m., this is an 8-hour frame, which makes her a FT employee.
Envy and jealousy over ? - L
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I don̢۪t see where that plays into anything here. I have a job and one I love. I have no issues with the boss at all. I work independent but am working certain days and certain hours. Having said that, much better independent than employee. Anytime I want to be off for any reason, I tell them will not be working for such and such day and there you go. She is the one having a problem. I do not know where envy and jealousy come into the picture here if she is having problems?
Actually I don't have a problem...sm - ICWannabe
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A problem to me is something that cannot be fixed. This is a temporary annoyance that will not be dealt with after the holidays.

I would like to ask you a question and I'm being totally serious. You say you love your job basically because "if you want to be off for any reason, you just tell them you won't be working such and such day and there you go," if I may quote you. That's exactly my point. I have not asked to be off one day since I started working for this company. I have worked when my child had pneumonia and the day my husband had surgery. I actually had his mom take him to avoid conflicts. I agreed to a TAT and signed a contract because I knew it was something that would not cause conflicts with family, school, church, etc. If the owner was adhering to her own contract, this post wouldn't exist.
What was the question? - L
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Sorry, but I don't see one to answer.
Actually, she wants the work at 5 p.m. the same day it is dropped off..sm - ICWannabe
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when it isn't even due to be picked up by the courier until 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. "the next day!" There have been some days that I didn't even receive the work until noon or later! Ironically when there is no work, I don't find out until I pick up the phone and call after waiting all morning for it to get dropped off. Common courtesy is a two way street.

To answer one other question I received...The owner doesn't want my work to QA it. I'm actually the only MT that will agree to do the account and am more familiar with it than anyone. She just wants to "know that it is done" and feels she has a right to choose a time that's convenient for her. I've never not sent my work in on time. IMO, I believe it's nothing more than a control issue and I've just about had it.

Last Friday, we still had a Thanksgiving service to go to. She insisted that I finish my work on Friday even though it wasn't due to be picked up three days later on Monday morning. So, everyone had to wait on us before they could eat and I'm supposed to be the one with the flexible schedule. Grrrr.

Thanks for your support, BTW!

my two cents... - elaine

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I hear you. I don't understand why you're taking heat for this.

If I make an agreement to turn work around by 9 am, I don't expect to be accountable for that work 16 hours earlier. That's not what I agreed to.

If I were in your shoes, I would not be happy. I don't imagine any of the other posters would be too happy, either.

It's like someone committing to the 3-11 pm shift, but being told they have to finish their work by 5 pm.

Maybe you can say something like this to your boss: I made a commitment to have my work complete by 9 am, and I would like to confirm my commitment to this agreement. :)

I see only truths here, no heat - Lynn

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I think most people who have worked for a few years knows exactly what an independent should be. Having said that, the companies are not going along with that concept and everyone on here only telling like it is. If she does not like, then find another job as the boss holds the cards here.

As an MT, is it so bad to want to vent with other MTs? sm - ICWannabe

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Think about it. Who else would one MT feel the need to vent to, but another MT? Is it too much to ask for a little bit of support or understanding when one of us has a bad day? We don't have the luxury of a water cooler. We have a message board. It's sad that every post you read never fails to have a few not so nice responses tossed in. Why? If the reader doesn't necessary agree with what has upset the poster, then why not quietly lurk to another topic?

Comradery is a great thing and so hard to find in our field, which is why so many come here...to mingle with others who have a common interest. You would think that along with that common interest would be a tad more support and understanding.

It's sad, but I'm done here. I know this post will likely open the flood gates and I'm not in the mood to defend the way I feel. Night all.
Because there is a lot of ugly envy and jealousy on this forum! ..nm - ..
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I agree with you that this board is our only source of support, and it is a shame when we cannot support one another without tearing each other apart. Some days, I would do anything just to get to talk with someone in my field, who can at least understand where I am coming from and we can lift each other's spirits. It's pretty bad when you are sitting there typing and talking to the doctor's who are dictating,and telling them how horrible they are. I am glad no one can see me, because they would think I flipped out!


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I don't understand the heat either. I'm expected to adhere to schedule that I did not agree to when hired. As if that weren't bad enough, the schedule or cut-off time, is 16 hours before the work is actually due, to I'm under a ton of unnecessary stress that could so easily be avoided. I get tired of hearing the same comments over and over again, "Just quit. There are many others that would just LOVE to have your job." If that were the case, I doubt there wouldn't be so many crabby, cranky MTs on here.

In the midst of a recession, four weeks away from Christmas, if the best advice or slur someone on the board has is, "just quit or shut up about it," then please don't waste your time or mine. I won't respond.

Elaine, you rock:)


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In this situation, it sounds like you have a contract as an IC, but the "BOSS" is breaking the law, not only by ignoring the written contract, but by treating you like an employee. The reality is that she is your client and you are the business owner, supposedly your own boss.

Some time in the history of the MT industry, MTs and MTSOs have gotten the concept of IC versus employee totally confused.

However, obviously, she has the upper hand because she controls the amount of work you receive. The reality is that she can stop that work flow at any time. So, even though she is breaking the law and seemingly ignoring your written contract, it remains that your only choices are to a) try to reason with her and reach a compromise, b)find something else, c)do your best to accommodate her requirement.

If it were me, I would move on. I would try to find something else as soon as possible, which isn't easy this time of year. Given the fact that there are many companies that take unfair advantage of at-home MTs, finding a better situation may not be that easy. Of course, I don't know everything about what's available. I only know that the 20+ companies that I've interviewed with, worked for, or just researched, all seem to treat the MTs like equipment, and do not provide much flexibility. So, it seems to me, it may all just be a fantasy. Work is work. Maybe it isn't supposed to be pleasant.

This client of yours sounds totally unreasonable. It takes all kinds to make a world. Who knows what motivates her? Maybe someone is pressuring her, or maybe she is just enjoying the power that she has over you.
Thanks for your wise input and advice...sm - ICWannabe
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This is the fourth account I've had in the last year. I am so sick of false promises and MTSOs not keeping within contract, no work, etc. I promised myself if this account didn't work out, I'd move on, which is what my future plans are. We will be moving in a couple of months to a rural area with no DSL, so I will have to find something else anyway. I'm looking forward to a positive change.

Thanks again for "getting it" and just letting me vent. I needed it.
Best to you - Alice
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You are very welcome.

In my short career (less than 5 years), I've yet to find a really good MTSO with everything that I thought would be there when I finished the "wonderful" Career Step course. Right. What a rude awakening it was to find out the harsh truths about the MT business and how MTSOs think they can treat us or, should I say, how many MTs allow MTSOs to treat them and seem to think that it is okay.

As it is, I work two jobs, one pays a reasonable rate, but has crappy dictators and runs out of work halfway through my shift. So, I feel more exhausted than ever, but am poorer than ever before in my life. I'm planning a retirement from the MT business, hopefully within the next year, as soon as I build up my other businesses.

Going to a rural area with no DSL might be tough unless you already have connections there or a good selection of jobs within driving distance.

Best to you.

Here's an article.... - MT

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from Advance regarding ICs. You might find it interesting.


According to this article, if you are an s/m - Weary MT

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employee, the employer is required to pay minimum wage if you are required to work a shift, etc. I know that does not happen in this industry.

Then report them to the IRS...nm - MT

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My mother used to call this - Lynn
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cutting off your nose to spite your face. In other words, most MTs here do not want to lose their jobs and are afraid if they did something like this, such would be the end result. I think that is how the MTSOs got the upper hand, so to speak on most who work for them. The workers want a change yet do not want to be the one who speaks up.
You don't need to work for them... - MT
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in order to report them. If you see an advertisement for an IC MT requiring a specific shift, then report them.

mtso - mt

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Every now and again you run into a power-hungry control freak. Sounds like you did just this. I would not stick around as soon as you can move on to another position because this will NOT get any better. Just this fall I worked for a gal who did basically the same thing to me, she ended the contract before I could. Thank God I had another job. She did a complete 180 in what she was looking for and it was not working. This is unacceptable. Don't accept it

wow - me

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sounds like an old boss I had, worked for her for nearly 4 years, 120 hours a week and not ONE single day off, when I finally said I need at least one day a week, she said if I couldn't handle my job, she would find somebody who would. I quit and never looked back.

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Long story short, I had an accident and lost all but 3 fingers. I had 15 years experience as an MT before that and have been trying to enhance my typing skills so I can get back into it. Is there anything someone could suggest to help me? I really need my jobs back am really lacking the speed with my limited fingers. ...

Jan 07, 2010

I am new to VR and was wondering something.....How many of you actually go through and listen to the whole report and how many of you fix the errors you see, sign it off and go on?  I am just looking at the high lines counts that you guys are getting per hour and am wondering if some of you are not listening to the whole report as that may take more time?  I know that doesn't sound good, but just looking for honest answers here. Also, advice on how to get such high line counts wo ...

Do Not Want To Be An Irritation To MQ, Honest
Mar 08, 2010

Tomorrow is my last day at Medquist. In order to work my shift today and tomorrow I have to take a 45-minute HIPAA on-line training in order to be able to log into DQS. I asked if I could be reinstated on DQS through tomorrow evening but apparently that is not an option. I should just do the training but somehow the inflexibility is irritating to me. ...

Honest Opinions, I Just Need A Job.
Feb 04, 2013

I have a part-time IC job, because I recently lost my employee job that I have.  I haven't been able to find another job and was considering trying Nuance and was wondering if really anyone really enjoys it there. I hear LOTS of negativity, but can you please tell me specifically what it is about.  I don't mind running out of work, because as I said I have my part-time IC job.  I would really like to make maybe $250-300 per week, is that hard to do there?   Thanks ...

Feb 16, 2014

Every morning starts with a FIESA Email of some ridiculous mistake like: MEDICATIONS: (Oh my God, you left off "Include") 1. Blah 2. Blah 3. Half the medications are wrong, numbers are wrong, etc. Then if you contest it, they say you were endangering the patient. (Really, leaving off the word "includes" is endangering the patient?) ANYWAY, IF THEY WERE TRULY CONCERNED ABOUT THE SAFETY OF THE PATIENT'S LIVES THEY WOULD NOT LEAVE IT IN THE HANDS OF A HORRID, INCAPABLE, PIECE OF ...

Honest Opinions Please
Feb 12, 2015

Is 50 too old to start nursing school (RN)? I know it is not supposed to happen, but will my age prevent me from getting a job besides in a nursing home? I keep going back and forth between RN and MA because of this. Or maybe just CNA at this point. Does anyone have any experience or know anyone who went through this? Thanks! ...

Honest Opinion
May 15, 2015

I really want opinions about this.  There is a dictator where I am constantly having to put a QA note that says to "copy and paste from previous report, or copy and paste from such and such".  I think it takes away from my editing , especially if I have to go in and do several of them back to back during a shift.  My QC says it only takes a few seconds, but I wanted to know if we get paid for leaving these QA notes when the doctor asks for one.  Do you think I am wrong to wa ...

Transcend/MDI, Honest Question
Feb 14, 2010

In all the conferences, we are told that the work that is being outsourced to India (30% of our work) is 3rd shift and weekends because American MTs don't want to work those times.  Can somebody PLEASE explain to me why that seems to be when there is the most work.  We are required to work 1 weekend day every week, and I usually have to jump in and work the other weekend day because of the "SOS" e-mails that start coming in Friday.  I am really puzzled why there is so much wo ...

Amphion? Honest Opinions
Jul 20, 2012

I'm looking for some honest opinions on Amphion.  I really need to get away from my current company and I am thinking about applying with Amphion.  Can anyone tell me if they run out of work very often?  Do they treat their employees well, have a good platform, and pay decently?  Are they fairly flexible with schedules?  I'm looking for any feedback, good and bad.   I would like to know as much as possible about them before I take the time to take their test.  Thanks!   ...

I Just Want Honest Answers And Respect
Aug 20, 2012

I am not asking for charity or a pity party but when there is no work or insufficient work to make quotas I would appreciate the company being honest about what is happening. Don't tell me the docs are all on vacation or it's summertime and no one goes to the doctor in the summertime!!!!!! And if I ask a question I would appreciate an answer and not being ignored. Thank you.  ...

Honest Question About Those Who Are Happy With Their Pay.
May 19, 2013

I do not work for any service currently, but it seems that the general complaint I hear on this site is about the pay. I just wonder how many of those satisfied with the pay are the sole breadwinner in the family and how many have a significant other's income to help pay the bills. I know I would have difficulty making ends meet on less than $40,000 per year. Is that possible at any of the big companies (the average, not the exception)? Thanks in advance for the honest, civil responses ...

Any Honest Current Info On Keystrokes?nm
May 10, 2011

x ...

Honest Response To Question Re Nuance
Jan 25, 2012

I am really hoping someone will help me, I have some questions regarding Nuance as I tested and passed. Someone can email for private conversation. I want to leave MQ and just want to see how they compare. Thank you for any help ...

Epic - Realistic And Honest Insight
May 02, 2012

Can anyone give me realistic and honest insight as to what effects the Epic electronic record has on employees in the HIM department including transcriptionists, coders, technicians, etc. as well as other employees at doctors' offices. I am contemplating an inside Epic position transferring data from two different electronic record systems into the Epic system. Will this temp position likely be gone after a year or so? I know that a lot of healthcare facilities are moving toward Epic. Epic ...

Honest Feedback For Company Trying To Keep Jobs Onshore
Aug 02, 2013

Hello Everyone! I would like some honest feedback. I̢۪m a recruiter that works for an MT company about to bring on some behavioral health facilities. We would like to keep most, if not all, of the work onshore. (About 120 jobs) In order to do this we need to be competitive with other MT companies that outsource most of their work. Would you consider working for a company if they offered 5.5 CPL for both transcription and speech recognition, knowing that eventually the account will be 95% sp ...

Does Anyone Have Any Input On Q.E.D.
Nov 05, 2009

Does anyone work for Q.E.D. ? Their job posting sounds too good to be true -- and no offshoring: Acute Care Transcriptionist Posted date [2009-Nov-03]  (ID: 356) If you love transcribing acute care, read on!  We are currently interviewing for full- and part-time positions in our acute care department.  We're a growing service, in business since 1988.  We offer competitive pay and benefits, including the following:  Location:Work at home Productio ...

Looking For Input
Nov 18, 2009

Never thought I'd be posting this, but I need others' input.  I have been working as an MT since 1988 and have lots of varied experience, including acute care, in different specialties.  Until recently was only working part-time.  I decided a few weeks ago to look for full-time work.  Have been sending out resume' on top of resume', but so far have gotten zero response.  Now I know companies are hiring, so I'm wondering . . . does anybody have an ...

I Want Input From MTs!!
Feb 05, 2010

Hey everyone out there in MT land! I am looking for some input from you all.  I have started my own business in transcription, and we have clients and employees!! We are still small but we are growing VERY quickly.  I have been doing TONS of research into lots of things.  Some of the topics include offshoring (which we REFUSE to do...we are only for US and Canadian MTs), transcription wages, EMR concerns, as well as the entire process of transcription and how to make it easier n ...

I Need Your Input, Thanks
Jun 19, 2010

I am transcribing a note and the assessment and plan sounds like s/l elaphesia ( I put alphasia) The patient has a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Does this word sound correct? She also dictated medication that sounds like s/l new genermac.  Any ideas are appreciated.  Have a good day! ...

Would Like Some Input
Nov 11, 2010

I would like some information about what it is like to work at MQ.  I know a lot of people are unhappy, as they are with any company but I am still considering accepting a position.  Can any provide information on work flow, production averages on straight and ASR, insurance costs.  I know every company has its pros and cons and I would like to hear from someone who has been there a while, knows the work available, dictation quality, etc.  Any info would be greatly appreciate ...

Can I Get Some Input On PTO Please.
Jul 11, 2011

We only have 3.?? hours every pay period of PTO until after 4 years with the company.  I was off last week and for each day for PTO I indicated 7 hours per day.  This will give me 1 extra day of PTO over the year at 7 hours pay.  I do not know if that is allowed, they may require us to indicate 8 if we took the whole day off.  Will see what happens about that.  I wish I could put 6 hours per day, leaving me more hours of PTO. We have 2 days paid sick time, which I have ...

Thanks For The Input
Jan 11, 2012

I am very happy to have found this forum. I thank you all for the input on companies. I worked for a company for three years and was frustrated to the point of going nuts. I broke three keyboards and threw books at the wall. I had never experienced this when I worked directly for a practice and had to leave there too. I messed up my left wrist trying to make the lines they expected and took 10-12 a day since their platform was so very slow. I ended up taking a medical month leave of absen ...