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Honest opinions, I just need a job. - sm

Posted: Feb 04, 2013

I have a part-time IC job, because I recently lost my employee job that I have.  I haven't been able to find another job and was considering trying Nuance and was wondering if really anyone really enjoys it there.

I hear LOTS of negativity, but can you please tell me specifically what it is about.  I don't mind running out of work, because as I said I have my part-time IC job.  I would really like to make maybe $250-300 per week, is that hard to do there?  


I have worked Nuance and MM - and here is my opinion. sm

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I hated Nuance. It was more than just running out of work. I needed benefits and theirs were just unobtainable and unaffordable. Their QA was wacky and depended on the day. Not to mention the fact that everyone who went there from a merger received a pay cut and that is just wrong. Somebody fresh out of school should not be making the same as somebody who has years of experience, but Nuance put everybody on the same pay regardless.

I am now at MM. I have to say that even though they are a large MTSO that still outsources, which makes me ill, they have been an improvement over Nuance. I would take MM over Nuance any day. They follow laws, for example, because of the state I live in, when I run out of work I am compensated minimum wage for so many hours of my shift. Thankfully I do not run out very often. They paid me fairly based on my credentials, experience and with differential for my shift. Their benefits are outstanding. They do invest quite a bit into us in terms of software, continuing education opportunities (lots of classes you can take to further your knowledge), and Benchmark KB, which I love.

Also when they opened the stock market, out of everybody in this company, they chose a MT to go to NYC and ring the opening bell. Now, I know some may think this is irrelevant. But it speaks volumes to me that they know who the backbone of this company is.

Go ahead people and flame me. It won't change my opinion. I am very happy here and plan on staying as long as I can.

I just wish everybody could have the same experience I am having. M-Modal could really be a top notch company if they would get rid of India and invest in the experienced, talented MTs they have right here in the USA.

Worked for both also - anon

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The fact is, they are nearly identical. I find I like Nuance's Editscript platform better and it seems easier to meet line count. However, QA at Nuance is HORRIFIC.

Nuance pays a little bit more too(difference of 0.413 at Nuance and 0.4 at MModal and Nuance pays shift differential on SR but I don't think MModal does).

I don't highly recommend either one but if I had to choose one, I would actually take Nuance.

You got that right! - S99

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The QA at Nuisance is murderous. Don't EVER try to fix anything, just leave a blank otherwise if you get it wrong and you leave out even an article of speech a "the, a, or an" it's a 1 point error. Every job I have with them is a very difficult ESL that even God cannot understand and the stress that goes with that is immeasurable. My check is so small I practically need a magnifying glass to find it. Horible.

My suggestion is . . . Run away! Run far, and run fast. If this is what the industry is coming to the rest of us are not far behind you.

I work for MModal too and I would and love it - Yes, you read it righ, I love it..sm

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my insurance is $36 a pay check (every other Friday) and I pay an additional $2 for vision because I need new glasses. I didn't get dental. I am paid accordingly for my level of experience and I dont have any problems whatsoever with QA, which at MMmodal are called MMEs and they are not allowed to grade your work, just fill in blanks and give feedback. They only time work gets graded is when your quality coach does an audit or evaluation. I may get flamed too, but it's the truth. Its the easiest job I ever had with the most minimal amount o stress and it works for me.

Seems there are greatly divergent experiences at both companies. - anon

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I actually work for both and struggle to get lines at MModal, as the speech wreck is horrible on my main account. It takes FOREVER to "edit" reports.

I struggle to get lines at Nuance because there is no work but the platform is better, IMHO.

Some people do fine at both companies and some people don't do so great.

For me, I can't make real money at either place and find it to be a wash as to who is "better."

Flip a coin, I don't think it matters.

Making $250-300 a week part-time, yes, hard. - anon

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I work full time and that is pretty much what I make for 40 hours a week due to tons and tons of ESL and running out of work.

Interesting... - RatherBeRiding

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I'm currently working 25 hours per week for MModal, and my net pay is usually around the $650 mark per pay period, so yes it is possible to make $250-300 per week and, IMO it isn't that hard. I've had my days that were not as fruitful due to working on new accounts, but I'm still managing to bring home an average of $300 per week. Is it what I'd "like" to make? Heck no. I much preferred my hourly rate, but I still didn't slack off on the job when I met my hourly requirement.

This is Nuance board, so I was referring to Nuance. Lucky you. NM - ANON

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I'm sorry, were you insinuating something with this post RatherBeRiding? - anon

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I don't "slack off," there is simply no work on a daily basis

I love how people who are LUCKY stand in judgement of others on this board. You can't make lines if the company doesn't provide the work.
Honest opinions - RatherBeRiding
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No, I wasn't insinuating anything at all towards you. That statement was in relation to another thread I read on the Nuance board about people being paid (good) hourly rates and only doing the minimum required amount. I'm sorry that I commented on it in your thread, and that you took it that way.

I was trying to make the point that it is possible to make $250-300 per week part-time.

I think the bottom line in the world of transcription is that you will always have the good, the bad and the ugly. We are all living it. One person that is happy at Company A isn't going to be happy with Company B, etc., for whatever reasons, and there are a multitude of reasons. I do feel that if people are this unhappy in their jobs no matter what they are doing, they should look elsewhere. Life is too damn short to be unhappy. Should I find that Company B isn't working for me I will look outside of transcription for something new and hopefully fulfilling. Other than that, yes, I'd rather be riding! Peace out. :)
I hated Nuance and really like M*Modal - -sm
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The only thing I don't like about M*Modal is I would like more pay, but I make .1075 and .675 there. At Nuisance, I made .08 and .04 with no shift differential even for third shift. QA was the worst in the industry, and the people were just plain mean and nasty.

If I were paid hourly at M*Modal I would never leave. They treat me great there.
When did you get hired on at those rates at MM? - just curious
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because I make 9.75/4.75 at MM.
I make 6 and 9 at M*Modal tier 3. It varies - depending on experience and
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tier level amongst other things.
I am tier 3 and was hired at 4/8 with 15 years acute care experience. - anon
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I was told everyone is hired at 4/8 and take it or leave it.
I'm a QA/MME at Mmodal & only make 5 cpl for VR. - nm
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Really Like Nuance, Hated M*Modal - anon
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I guess what is a good fit for one person is not necessarily a good fit for someone else. I love my job at Nuance but definitely did not like working for M*Modal. Constant changes going on and there is alway uncertainty. Different supervisors all the time, low work volumes, etc. I could go on and on.

Question for RatherBeRiding - H

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how many lph are you typing? be honest.

I make that much a week at 30 hours, but--sm - anon

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I think though the key factor is what account you get on. That is always the crapshoot with almost any company you apply to. For me, the positives at Nuance are I do get PTO as a part-timer and there is a shift differential which I did not have at MModal or Transcend. the other benefits mean little to me at this point. The pay sucks but if I were to go back to MModal, my pay would suck there too.

Everyone has to start out at 4cpl at MM. I did, but - eventually got raised to more.

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MM said no raises recently. Did you get a raise - recently because

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if so, I am going to ask for a raise. I am making 4 cpl and really hurting financially.

MM announced no more raises ever. - nm

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honest opinion - former nuancer

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Well, in my honest opinion, I do think you can make 250-300 per week part time. I was part time there and that is about 312-375 lph editing at 4 cpl/4 hours per day. That is probably a little high for some days, about right for others, less some days, but probably averages out about right, but it all depends on the account.

The negativity Nuance has rightly earned, more than any other company I have seen on this or any other board, mainly comes from the fact that they do not respect their transcriptionists at all. No matter how many years of experience you have, how well you do your job, or how long you have been with them, you will never get a raise, any sort of preferential treatment such as earning the weekends off over newer employees, holidays off, you will never earn any more PTO than a new person, and you will never get any particular praise or recognition, even with an occasional gift card, holiday bonus, or the like. You are basically a robot, a number, to them. If you leave, they just take the next application that looks like they can handle the job and plug them in place with the same pay and benefits as you were getting, so you are nothing to them.

This post is the absolute truth. - sm

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You can still earn decent money if you get a good account and enough work, which is a crap shoot with them. If the MTs would stick to their schedules and work when they're supposed to, it's a lot easier to staff the accounts and get the proper coverage to ensure both everyone has enough work and it stays within TAT. If you get a good supervisor who cracks down on people working whenever they feel like it so that your accounts are properly staffed, chances are you'll have no issues with the work or making the money. But some TSMs are just not meant to be supervisors and don't care if their people have work as long as the TAT is met, which unfortunately happens a lot. So basically, if you get one of the good ones, Nuance is great for new hires and new graduates. It's just once you've been there a while and think you should start advancing, but there's no chance, or when you're acquired by them an get all your hard-earned advancements taken away that your eyes open to how bad Nuance is for transcriptionists. I don't think experience should necessarily mean more pay, because I've seen people with 30 years experience that learned from the one and only doctor they ever worked for that have far less knowledge than some new graduates. But I think those of us that can prove our skill and can stick around with the same employer should be rewarded with raises and better schedules. Nuance doesn't believe in this.

To be fair, PTO now does have a seniority component--nm - anon

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You should be able to make $250-300 a wk anywhere. - so yes, you can make that at Nuance.

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Good Luck!

Not if you run out of work every day. - no message.

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I'm happy at the moment.... - Happy camper

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There are lot of happy folks at Nuance. It's just those who love to complain that come here on this board. Pretty much if you look at the boards here on any company you'll hear people fussing. For me yes I wish the pay was higher but I understand things have changed due to editing coming in and offshore competition. Stinks I know. Other industries have had the same thing happen to them. Our government doesn't care about keeping jobs here and because of that we all suffer and we don't have the millions of bucks it takes to "bribe" the officials to change the rules as those who promote offshore competition keep lining the pockets of elected officials with trips, dinners, etc. to get what they want. Anyway, as far as Nuance goes I think they are about as good as anyone else if not better when you look at the total employment package they offer. In this industry 1 person's dream account is one that others hate so if you try it and don't like your account ask for a change - they are usually receptive to this and try to accommodate folks. Good luck!

There she goes again. Can't say she's happy without insulting everyone that Nuance has mis - treated. sm

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While I agree that there's nothing wrong with giving Nuance a try, I'm pretty sure the majority are unhappy there, and Happy Camper loves to come on here and say that because she's happy that everyone else complaining is just an unreasonable whiner. Truth is, a lot of us hate it there and for good reasons. They buy companies and cut benefits and pay. If you hire on agreeing to their rates and benefits, and you get lucky enough to get an account you like, you'd probably be happy with Nuance. But if you're like the many, many others who were acquired and had their pay slashed due solely to Nuance's greed so the CEO can make another million this year (my cut was $1000 a month and I almost lost my house before I found a different job), you're going to hate it as much as everyone you hear complaining here. As much as Nuance buys up companies, you can imagine how many unhappy employees there are, actively looking for a way out or already gone. The fact that Happy Camper has been bragging about how getting bought by Nuance actually gave them a raise says loads about what they must be as an MT, so I wouldn't listen too much to what they say. There's nothing wrong with giving Nuance a shot, especially going in agreeing to what they pay and not getting a gigantic pay cut from them, but coming on to say you're happy and everyone who isn't has something wrong with them is ridiculous and beyond rude. I, frankly, am sick of this poster and their insults, not because they're happy, but because of their attitude toward those that Nuance has screwed over. Sorry, Happy Camper, but if getting Nuance's slave wages was a step up for you, you really can't be any good at what you do. Getting paid 8 cpl should be, and used to be, starting wages for those new to the industry. I refuse I say Nuance is all sunshine and roses because they pay that absolute crap wage, and the fact that they pay the same thing to everyone is a disgusting insult that only people who get a sick pleasure out of watching people who are better than them brought down to their crappy level can be happy about.

And then she acts like people attack her because she said she was happy at Nuance. - does not get it

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Every post she does not only says she's happy at Nuance, but then she has to throw out the insults for those that say they're not. They just LOVE to complain, there MUST be someting wrong with them because she's not having any issues, erc. Then when people don't appreciate her saying those things and call her on it, she makes a big fuss about how she's being attacked for saying good things about Nuance. She just DOESN'T get it. Maybe someday they'll learn how to interact with others and the golden rule of treat others as you want to be treated. The things you say greatly affect they way people speak to you in return. Give respect if you want to get it. The same can be said for Nuance.

There's nothing wrong with liking Nuance. I personally hate them, but with he state of the industry and the good chance that they'll buy whoever you work for anyhow, it certainly doesn't hurt to give them a fair shot, especially for people without a lot of experience. Worst case scenario they don't give you enough work and you quit. Just don't stick around forever hoping it will change. If it works out, great. If it doesn't work out, get out fast.

I work part-time with Nuance - I make about $350 every 2 weeks

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honest opinion - new but old

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I have also worked for both companies. Was with MQ for 10 plus years and was fired after having had 2 broken arms and having surgery and hardware placed in my arms my LPH suffered and I had faxed doctor's notes etc to them and then one day they called me and said they couldn't wait any longer while I built back up my productivity and was let go - no notice - no warning. I was crushed. I waited about 7 or 8 months before I could even get the confidence to apply anywhere but finally did with Nuance and I am very happy. I do not need benefits (I agree with everyone that their benefit pkg is horrible). I just wanted a job that I could make about 1600 a month and I make more than that most months with no problem. I am on a great account and do not run out of work that much and I have a great TL who is always there for me. Yes there QA can also be a pain but you just deal with it and let it roll and you will be fine

Nuance - honest opinion - beaten down

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Honestly, Nuance is a good co. to work for if: you get on a good account; your supervisor (whatever they are called these days, team leads???) is good and fair and QA leaves you alone. Benefits are better than most, line rate is in line with other companies and their bonus plan IF you dont have QA all over you is good, too. If you just need a job, take it. Honestly, form you own opinion.

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