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Interview with SoftScript - MT

Posted: Feb 06, 2013

I had an interview with SoftScript and after reading so much on this board about account specifics, I asked the recruiter about this.  She told me that their account specifics were not any more extensive than any other company and the people complaining about it were typically people who had their own accounts and were not willing to adjust to a larger client basis.  She said this is an ongoing problem with new hires.  

Any opinions on this?  Are there any out there that feel the account specifics are not unreasonable?  I am contemplating employment there.

LOL - sm

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Well, first of all, you asked a RECRUITER and it is her job to RECRUIT you, so it isn't likely that she will say, "Yes, we will put you through H*LL with our specs and make you want to pull your hair out!"

I do know that EVERY person has a different experience, but when you have numerous MTs saying the same bad thing about a company, then generally you can rely on that. But, you can always give them a shot, maybe (a very big maybe) your experience could be different.

I have worked for companies with extensive specs, but the difference was that I had an account and maybe a backup account, so it was easier to make sure the specs were in place. With SS, I had SEVEN accounts and there was no rhyme or reason to how the jobs came through the system to be typed. I found it VERY difficult to be typing on one account, then the next, then the next and keeping up with the specs.

I was ultimately fired from SS. I was typing on an account that required milligrams to be spelled out rather than typed mg. Well, the next report was a different account and I didn't catch that. I typed the ENTIRE report spelling out milligrams, when that one should have been mg. It caused my QA score to be 91% (It had a very extensive medication list).

I really don't think I deserved to be fired, honestly. It definitely was my error not catching the change in accounts, BUT spelling out milligram instead of abbreviating did not cause any problem with patient care. I'm sure the report would have been annoying for a facility that didn't chose to have that spelled out and I should have been asked to correct it or even re-type it and maybe given a write up even, but fired? They treated it like they had ZERO understanding of the situation, when I think that was a very easy mistake to make.

Anyway, good luck, give it a try if you want.

Ask her about this - Me

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They don't outsource, they pay on time, their pay is a little higher than the average slave wages of today, even though they do run out of work often, they are "nice" enough to let you work on your off days to make up your lines, and actually require this at times.

So, ask her why in the world can they not keep help? Whey do they have a constant running ad on the other site for hiring. With MTs complaining so much about not enough work, it would seem most would jump at the opportunity to work for them.

I am always skeptical of a company that is constantly hiring anyway.

The work is very inconsitent. Who want to work on their day off - when you have to sit for 8 hours,sm

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each and every day your are scheduled waiting for work. In essence you've already put in time because your strapped to the computer waiting for work. I have no desire to work 7 days a week and find it ridiculous that any company would expect this from their employees. I don't have a life, so I will just dedicate all my days to you. I think they are doing themselves an injustice by losing out on some good MTs who don't want to be married to that mess of a system of working.

In my opinion and experience.... - the account specs ARE bad

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I agree with the other poster who stated that, at other companies, you might have 2-3 accounts, with specifics that are only slightly different. During my short time at Softscript, I have 12 (that's right - TWELVE) accounts, just so I could have enough lines. The jobs do come through randomly. It is rare that you will have more than 2 jobs from the same account. So, as the other poster stated, you are constantly checking the acct specs to be sure that what is required on one account won't get you pulled (or even fired!) from another. In being audited, I discovered that if a mistake was made as described by the other poster, they don't ding you just once, they ding you for EACH AND EVERY instance. The auditors are nitpicky. There is no set guidelines for the QA audits. One can add the 1st name of the doctors & tell you to transcribe it that way - others will ding you for those first names & tell you it's wrong. No consistency whatsoever. Communication is nonexistent. I would ask a question re: acct specs to both my TL and the "mentor" assigned to me - and be lucky if I received an answer 2 days later.

I, too, was fired from SS for acct spec errors - mine was not copying a doctor's name correctly (meaning not in bold) in the heading of a report. This, too, was QA'd differently each time. All in all, I would say SS is the most frustrating place I have EVER worked in my 20 years in the business.

Softscript was the most INCOMPETENT of employers. - ex-SS MT

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And I worked even for the Evil Q. SS was just...stupid. Nothing made sense, the dictators were all Russian interns who spoke like, well, Russian interns! Page after page of RIDICULOUS specs and the QA folks at SS: Well, let's just say there must have been some sort of competition among them for RUDEST Person of the Year.

Worse than the Evil Q. And that is saying something.

Account specifics vary even WITHIN accounts - Arghhhh

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God help you if you have more than 1 or 2 accounts which we pretty much all do because SS is always running out of work. By the time you figure out the new account specifics, your shift is over! EVERYTHING varies from account to account--number of blanks, patient names can be used or not, meds in a paragraph or a numbered list or a non-numbered list, spell out doc names, don't spell out doc names. And don't get me started on the signature lines or dictated by lines or CCs. It is endless, but what bugs me the most is accounts where the account specifics change WITHIN the account itself. I am not kidding--a cardiology report will have completely different account specifics from neurology or urology or psych at the same hospital. Once in a blue moon I can make my line counts during my shifts, but more often than not I have to put in time on Saturdays. I am gearing up to leave SS because it just can't get any worse.

Another thing is..... - sm

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When I worked there I had eight different accounts, which was hard enough to navigate through the specs and still keep my line count up. They WILL also fire you for not typing the required minimum lines as well. BUT to add icing to the cake, my manager would pull everyone from their accounts to "help out" with completely different accounts. I don't know if this is how all managers do, but mine did. So, I would be typing and receive an email saying that everyone was required to stop working on their account, unless they were part of account XXX and everyone else had to help out with XXX, because it was so behind. So, on top of my already EIGHT different accounts, I would have to read over account specs for an entirely new account and begin immediately typing on that account, because it was behind. When this would happen (at least a couple of times per week) there was no flexibility or understanding from management regarding account specs. If I made an error in specs, it was considered the end of the world! It would SEEM that they would be grateful that a person is able to jump in and help out on a completely new account and be appreciative of the quality of the report, not be incredibly rude and threaten to fire you, because you put the medications in list format rather than paragraph format.

I think many MTs are job scared these days, just due to how the industry is, but working for SS would make even the best MT job scared. An MT could transcribe the worst ESL, while he is eating and while he is mispronouncing every word in the report and we could do it with 100% accuracy, but if we forget to underline something that should have been, we are talked down to and made to feel like the worst MT ever. They constantly threaten to fire you there or pull your accounts and they aren't empty threats, they are quite willing and eager to do both.


I agree with the poster who asked why is there so much turnover? - ExSS Employee...SM

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It would be interesting to hear the recruiter's explanation as to why there are constant ads running for this company. Also - as one person pointed out - the recruiter is not going to tell you the acct specs are horrendous. She is trying to get you to work there (is she on comission???) - and I seriously doubt she would even have a clue about the acct specs, let alone how bad they really are. Trust me - as one who has been there and done that - DON'T DO IT!

I liked SS until... - MT

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my husband was deployed and I needed to change my schedule around to accommodate being a single parent of 3 school-age kids. They wouldn't have it, and I was told very strongly and in a very hurtful tone that my situation was no different than any other MT and they would not allow any schedule changes now or ever from a production-based employee. I immediately found a different company.

It's like the Mean Girls of Junior High are running SS! nm - ex-SS MT

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Or at least doing the QA at SS! - Never again at SS..NM
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Maybe the same mean girls - Berkeley gal
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who started the AAMT back in the day are now working for SS.....? Sounds like same mean tactics.

I wonder how many lines per pay period the recruiter types! - sm

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Unless the recruiter is a recruiter/MT then she would have no idea how difficult it is to jump from one account to the next with the absolutely ridiculous account specifics. By saying the account specifics had been a problem with other MTs or new hires, she was trying to make you feel challenged, like you are better than the rest and she had faith in you.

I have so much respect for an MT that can make a living with them, because it was impossible for me. I couldn't even get a decent line count, between running out of work and scrutinizing the account specifics before each and every report. Like another said also, they have NO consideration that you are tackling a challenge by doing that, they act like if you forget to bold something that you are absolutely the worst MT in the world and should be immediately pulled from the account!

That is another thing that I am not sure if anyone mentioned. They tell you that you MUST tell them if you run out of work, so that they can assign an account. So, you run out of work and they add a new account with very new account specifics to you. BUT, if you make an error on those account specifics, they just pull that account from you, no warning or anything. In fact, they usually don't even tell you that they pulled the account, you just notice it gone and when you email them, then they will tell you how detrimental it is to make an error in specifics. But then, you run out of work again and let them know and they add a completely different account on there. They don't give you time to get into the groove and even attempt to get comfortable with an account. You make an error, that's it, no understanding whatsoever.

Yep, I got fired from them too for being a "repeat offender." I also had a report where I made the same account specific error many, many times and I was canned.

Is MB still with SS? - nm

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who is MB? - pto

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My take on this - Ex-SS Too

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I have 28 years of experience as an MT. I worked at MModal after the company I worked for sold out, so I was used to account specs and did not think it would be a problem on any other job. I left "M" for "SS" and the acct specs were the worst I had ever experienced, and it is ridiculous for an employer to "ding" you for the same exact mistake over and over in the same report. Most companies have acct specs that involve demographics, whether you should use abbreviations or not, CCs and normal things like that. SS has very minute and detailed information on their account specs, and each acct spec also has 1-6 doctors who want their reports typed differently from the account specs that the client wants. They should realize by now that they need to streamline their acct specs a bit to be able to keep their employees who have a lot of medical knowledge. They are just shooting themselves in the foot. Also, their PTO stinks, you will get very nasty emails all day long that are bolded and underlined to your "team," and their platform is about 20 years behind the times, mouse-driver, not production friendly.

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