A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I want to hear from those happy at SGS - Becky

Posted: Jan 19, 2012

Hi all.  I know there have been some that have complained about their experience at SGS.  I am wondering if there are people happy there and if they would be willing to share their story here.  Thanks in advance to anyone who writes.

Good luck finding anyone.. - nm

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Happy? - Bunny Slippers

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Agreed, everyone here does not like where they work, or where they worked before that.

Bunny, I was a totally happy MT at my hospital - as were ALL my coworkers

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I wouldn't complain for a second. Never had anything bad to say about they. Would do anything they asked anytime they asked, or even before they asked for that matter. Loved my coworkers. Loved QA. Loved management.

But then came Epic, and now we are all dead.
Yes, we all know your sad story. Every place is begging to hire - you and Epic is going to wipe out ALL jobs (not tr
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So mean...why are you people so darn MEAN!! sm - shortcake
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I know this site is full of angry mean people who have been used and abused. I get that; I'm one of you. But you would think there would be a little compassion for those who are having difficulties. I suppose it's the industry just turning everyone hard, cold, angry, and just mean!!
I agree with you shortcake. - sm
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I get that people are angry about what has happened to MTs but to be so mean to each other on these boards, I just don't get it. I've actually been considering not even signing on to MTStars for a while. Now, if I can get myself to stick to that or not, time will tell. Anyway, I hope you had a great day shortcake! :)
Mean You Say? - justanothermt
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It's not the industry girl, it is the particular person's outlook of life that guides the negative comments.
Just Another - MT
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Read below for my outlook on life.

BTW, done anything MT positive lately?
btw - me to you
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not interested
To btw - me to you - Not interested in your offer
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You thought that was mean??? Seriously??? - sm
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you need to develop a thicker skin...or skin at all since you have none obviously
An egregiously conscious put-down of anyone is mean. - Not Just Another MT
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Participating in it is just as bad.

Wish you all the best.
Seriously??? sm - back at ya
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No, thicker skin will not excuse someone with horrible manners. Good thing this board is anonymous or you would certainly lose friends fast. Do I think it was mean. Yes. Not only was it uncalled for, it also speaks volumes about your character.
Sad story? - sm
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Everyone who has been through that scenario can certainly sympathize. It can be life shattering to those who depend on their job. Have you been through that? If not, maybe you should walk in her shoes and have someone say something like that to you. If you have.... well, you are anonymous and you can certainly post any hateful thing you please, and no one knows it was you, but how do you live with yourself?
Thank you for standing up - sm
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It would be an honor to be the MT working "in the workstation" next to you. You sound like one of the good guys.

Be well, and have a great day!
To yes, we all know - Schadenfreude
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I hope that makes you feel good. I'd love to hear that you are doing just as well in 5 years as you are doing today. If not, I promise that I will not gloat or feel joy in your misfortune.

To those of you who care or are interested (definitely not you), I wish I had a better read on how MT was evolving a few years back. I definitely would have changed course and pursued a career path that couldn't be outsourced to India or be taken over by a monopolizing national whose sole purpose is to find the lowest point of MT compensation.

On my job front, although I've had offers from several nationals, I haven't accepted one yet. After reading comments here, there seems to miserable MTs staffing these accounts. That's not me. To my enormous surprise, I've been able to find a couple of hospital possibilities, and have been talking with them. If any one of them works out, I will concurrently be taking advantage of their employee education benefits to be ready for whatever comes next.

PS, thank you shortcake. Your attitude is refreshing and sincerely appreciated.
I wish you luck!!!! nm - shortcake
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You wouldn't have gotten the truth anyway. - ISupportYou
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Seriously, I keep abreast of the industry literature.

To a large extent, the truth has been shielded from us for two reasons:

1) The industry literature is written for a specific audience, i.e. management. Management is not interested in how much money MTs make, only in shifting to the "newest," "cost-efficient" technology. So there was much talk about this great technology but not about how it would impact MTs.

2) MTs were lied to repeatedly by the head of AAMT and then AHDI. There were numerous articles, and in fact, several years ago I attended a webinar about "the future roles of MTs" sponsored by that org, and the picture they painted was all peachy keen. "There will always be a need for MTs..." "Your role may be changing, doing editing and even data mining (Are we doing that? I have never heard ONE PEEP about MTs doing data mining!), but you will ALWAYS have a job!" LIES, lies, and more lies! Also not ONE WORD about how much those few-and-far-between jobs would pay! Keep in mind that that is the same org that was so proactive in sending work overseas. (Hindsight, I know!)

I really believe that the nasty folks on here jumping the case of you and others like you are MTSOs. They just can't have us posting the TRUTH about what is happening in MT! They NEED SLAVES as long as they are in business, you know!

Good luck! I wish you the best.

I am a little ashamed to say I was an AAMT cheerleader - and thought they advocated for MTs
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After I read where some of those early AAMT officers were facilitators to off-shore concerns, I realized MTs were really on their own and at the mercy of nationals and internationals. I feel like such a fool.

It was sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. By saying the US needed cheap off-shore labor because there were not enough American MTs allowed MTSOs to drive down compensation to the point that there really are not enough American MTs to do the job.

I have to say, I am finally getting what the Detroit car makers were saying by "Buy American." If your neighbors do well, they earn and spend money in our towns and cities and we all do well. Cheap off-shore crap really erodes US infrastructure. I have stopped buying anything not produced in the US and at every opportunity, I make a point to tell retail management how I feel.

I'm serious when I tell you I love MTs and love to see them to do well. I had a huge hospital account for almost 20 years. I got this account after someone recommended me to management. They initially asked me to come on-site to help clean up backlog. I did so and soon they called me back and I started to do more and more. Pretty soon, they decided that the staff model didn't work for them and they wanted to outsource and offered me the opportunity to bid. I was awarded the contract and took their employees who wanted to stay on. I treated this opportunity as kind of a co-op situation. We shared equally and were paid for whatever lines we produced for whatever the contract paid. For the last years of that contract we were paid 23 cpl. I was thrilled to have changed the lives of pink collar workers and elevate their financial status. It gave me such great pleasure to have been that catalyst. Eventually VR was mandated and we all moved on.

After that, I found an equally rewarding spot in another place and did equally as well. The other MTs actually want back to work for the hospital in different capacity. I was happy to have made sure they were going to come out just fine.

Thank you to all those that have been kind. To the others (you know the "BLAH BLAH BLAH girls), I would not want the misfortune of being in the workstation next to yours. I am sure you'd be the ones to purposely give a wrong answer because you could not care less about others.
Don't be ashamed - Old Pro
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A lot of us fell for the AAMT razamataz in the early days. You are most certainly not a fool. I am sure that you are an honest person and honest people tend to think that others will be honest and aboveboard as well. Alas, as the old song says, "It ain't necessarily so." You are obviously an intelligent and professional person. I am sure that you will do fine (without the help of the "sorority sisters" as they were called in the early days of the AAMT), who likely did more harm than good to many people. Anyway, I think you are the sort of person I would like to work with. If I were still in a position to do so, I would hire you! :)
To Old Pro - You are so kind.
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I will let you know what happens next. Funny thing, this morning I got a call from the state judicial department. I heard they were looking for temporary court reporters/monitors. Apparently, they don't really use scopists as much. They record and if requested, the recordings go to transcript. The job would requiring going to court, setting up the equipment, and then transcribing if asked. It is kind out of my universe, but in our area, there's lots of activity involving the judicial system, :-)

Who knows where things will lead.

Thanks again for your kindness. It's nice to hear.
I Support You - Old Pro
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Please don't be so quick to jump on MTSOs. Some are evil. Not all of us are. I have probably given as much or more support to MTs than anyone else at my level.
Yes, but - ISupportYou
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Obviously, you ARE supportive of MTs, Old Pro. I just read your other post. :)

I can't imagine MTs rabidly attacking other MTs in order to defend what has happened to our wages and job security, can you? We all KNOW that MTSOs troll here, and that is the LOGICAL conclusion.

BTW, I am a former MTSO myself -- many years ago. :)
Yes, but....... - Old Pro
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Thank you. I just find it problematic when people say ALL of any group are XYZ. "All Jews are......., all blacks are......all MTs are......all MTSOs are.....,"etc. I think that is dangerous thinking. (BTW, I am Jewish.) There are many, many MTSOs that truly make me ashamed. (MQ are you listening?) I think bigger nationals tend to be greedy, but I know some mid-sized nationals that are quite nice. I have come to the conclusion (could be wrong) that the larger company, the less care for the MT and the more they see you as "just a number." Again, I leave the possibility open that I am wrong. I spent many years as an MTSO in Denver, ended my MTSO career in California and became a plain old vanilla MT, which suited me just fine. I have a good friend who is a Hindu and have learned about the concept of karma. I would really hate to be in the shoes of some of the MTSOs who have mistreated MTs......
Ah, but I didn't say "all." :) - ISupportYou
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I hear ya RE stereotyping, etc., but if you reread my statement I never said that "all" MTSOs ________ "(fill in the blank). My comment was in regard to specific posts on this board that I find hard to believe are made by MTs.

Have a great weekend!

~Another vanilla MT

Re: Yes, but... - sm
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Unbelievably wild, unrelated comparisons---Religion/ethnicity of individuals with MTSOs (both national and international) whose unethical business practices have driven MT wages down to the point of nearly destroying an industry. Quite a leap.
nationals - ej
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speaking of nationals - does anyone know anything about Inscribe? Their testing is gruesome - all ESLs.
sgs - katzlvr
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Only complaint I have is that when end of pay period ends on weekend everyone hops on and cleans it out so I can't get my hours in, other than that no worse than most and better than some.

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