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Anyone here ever hear the saying, "You can't - stop progress?"

Posted: Nov 13, 2011

Sad but true, said the telephone operator, ice man, Western Union boy, streetlamp lighter, typewriter repairman, and US MT.

Add CODER to that list. nm - MT

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Invalid comparisons. - sm

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There is a huge difference between progress and a scam perpetrated by greedy MTSOs. The professions you described above actually WERE replaced by technological advances. VR has been held over the heads of MTs for the past three decades. As any MT/editor can attest, to say it is STILL a work in progress is a gross understatement. Except with the most basic of reports, an unedited VR medical document is a disaster which can NOT be released ''as is'' to a client. So the comparison of medical language specialist to ''ice men'' and telephone operators is inaccurate.

Unedited VR medical documents. - SM

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Oh but they are releasing VR medical documents directly from the doctors dictation to signed reports, especially ER and radiology at this time. Some are nightmares as you state, but the doctors in Medical school these days are used to doing their own corrections and documentation, so they are pretty good at it unfortunately. I have, however, witnessed the older doctors struggling with this new VR age. I have also seen what used to be elaborate dictators turn into vary vague dictators when it come to VR. So I am afraid the OP is making a very viable comparison IMO.

and I can second that having lost 2 positions now to VR and self-eding doctors. - on unemployment, am end result

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and it ain't pretty. Lets not forget the postmen...
Who were you working for that you lost those 2 positions? - nm
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About 10 years ago I heard the same thing - about the younger doctors

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I heard that all the younger doctors were used to computers and will be pretty good at doing their own corrections. I've been watching an older doctor who is to the point of being annoying wanting everyone in the world to use the particular system he uses. On the other hand, the youngest doctor I've talked to has little patience for it.

You are wrong. VR is progress and will get better. - nm

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Let's see - sm

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I've been waiting for it to get better for years now. The only reason it is getting better is because the software companies who sell this stuff say it is. I've not seen much progress in several years other than a smaller paycheck.

yeah, progressed me right into filing unemployment. - opposite of progress is CONgress

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thanks for the incentive packages...boys. Wanna buy a house while it's still mine to sell?

Realism - there's a concept.

In the few years I've been using VR, I haven't seen - it improve at all. Its correct- (sm)

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transcription-to-error ratio hasn't gone up at all, may have even gone down a little. The only thing that's gone up is the frequency with which it's used. As well as the number of sketchy dictators my accounts are allowing to use VR.

The main reason my own income is going down with the use of VR is the ever-dropping line rate for dealing with that mess.

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