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Anyone ever hear of this? - anon
Posted: Apr 27, 2010
Company wants me to sign HIPAA Business Associate Agreement and send to them along with my resume prior to testing. Has anyone else had to do this?
Only one company I've applied to did this, and I - sm
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can't think of their name, but the pay was so unbelievably LOW that I was shocked. I'm going to search my old emails and see if I can find which company it was.
Unless they have you transcribing live files, I don't see the point in a HIPAA agreement -- very fishy.
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Yes, this is the company. Do you have info on them?
Have information - Dolly
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I actually was stupid enough to sign the confidentiality form and send it to the lady. She told me I had to get an FTP. There are free ones on the internet. I got the FTP. She then sent me a test, about 30, yes I said 30 reports to transcribe. She said after taking the test, we would then receive a report as to how well or how terrible we did and whether or not we would be hired. I started to take the test and decided not to pursue it. I told her the test was too long. I think she wants people to train for the job before they get it. I really wanted a job, but not that bad. I hope this helps anyone out there looking for work.
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That's beyond freaking RIDICULOUS. Talk about getting their backlog cleared up for free!
I think you did the right thing by NOT doing it. That's just insanity.
Dolly - Old MTSO
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Dolly, I have been an MTSO since the sixties, and let me tell you, this is flat-out WRONG on so many levels. This person is likely having you transcribe live dictation (big no-no). She will then bill the client and you will get zero, nada-zip for your efforts. I have never in my life heard of anyone having to do 30 dictations. You were wise to get out of it. A little free advice--send her an e-mail, fax, or letter and tell her that you hereby rescind your signing of any and all agreements, including the HIPAA one. You do not want to be associated with someone like this, for reasons of liability. Good luck to you and I am sorry this happened to you.
What it sounds like to me, is that she wants to get - some FREE WORK DONE. -sm
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You know, almost like sending it to INDIA. Only CHEAPER, cuz it's FREE!
Have the "applicants" type as many reports as possible, then have her editor (of which she probably has only ONE) clean it up and then send it out.
I think the MOST reports anyone should have to do for an employment test is FIVE. Anything more than that, and I'd be REEEAALLLLLLY suspicious.
If I recall, I was only asked to sign such things - AFTER I had been officially hired NM
Right! I wouldnt sign any HIPAA form just to take a - test. If theyre being HIPAA-compliant, -sm
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they should be sending you test-files WITHOUT any patient information on them. No names, no hospital numbers, etc. Any company that asked me to sign something for TESTING, I'd be very wary of.
sounds like your testing will be actual reports done free of charge. NM - BewareBeSafeQuestionEverything
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I would gladly provide my resume to anyone who wanted it if I were job hunting, but I would NEVER, EVER sign anything until I had signed my contract (which I would first have my attorney review for my signature). It looks to me like they are trying to get you to do some free work. Don't do it! Many companies are seeing the Great Recession as an opportunity to behave badly and get away with it. I really hope that you can find a good job elsewhere. Good luck to you.
It does appear to be that way.... - anon
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After further looking things over, it does appear to be that they would have me testing on live files, which is why they want the HIPAA contract signed beforehand. It is for a very small MTSO. I appreciate everyone's comments and replies.
Testing 30 reports - jeanb
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I am a new MT. How many reports would be an acceptable number for testing. I think 30 seems very high. I thought a test would be like up to 5 or somewhere in that neighborhood.
Testing - Dolly
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I have had companies test with about 3 reports. A few times after talking with the company, no test was done and they hired me. Anything over 3 or 4 I believe is taking advantage of the MT.
Haven't heard a word about this since they were asking people to apply in Dec. Supposedly 12 were hired for nights and weekend shifts. Wonder if they found 12 willing to chance another new created MQ position. ...
I would like to know what you see as the pros and cons of your job, esp if you work for one of the larger nationals and, if possible, maybe some idea of what pay range in addition to being an MT one might expect to be offered (or fair), ie, x-amount more per line or hour... thank you v. much for any input. ...
Ours barely, barely, barely ever sends out an e-mail anymore and our QC only sends out about 1 e-mail a week. Answer phone calls? Forget about it. Just wondered if this is SOP. ...
I'd like to reach thru the phone and b/slap all of them!!!!!
I don't see how patients ever get any rest/recuperation!!! ...
I know where you are coming from. I posted on here a couple of weeks ago that my husband passed away and I did not even get a "kiss my foot" from this company. No card, no email...no anything AND my post was jerked off here in a heartbeat. My CCM knew about it and another friend that works there as well. I am so disappointed in this company... ...
I recently took a job as an IC, thinking it would be great to make my own schedule. HOWEVER, I have to work when the work is there. There is no making my own schedule. The work flow dictates when I work. There is no work on Monday or Tuesday. Maybe a few reports trickle in late Tues, but then more work comes late Wednesday afternoon, then work Thurs, Fri, Sat, and by Sunday no work again.
Account is for clinic docs, no acute care.
Is this the same experience you other ICs are having. I ...
I am an IC. I have read a website that says we as independents get the following. I would love to hear from each one who is in this category and tell me if you as an independent are getting the following:
The site says many companies that hire ICs give full benefits including sick leave, health insurance, sign on bonuses, paid vacations, retirement plans.
Next this site says 6 hours a day is considered a full day for most MTs and lastly it says that we, if compentent enough ...
So I'm still learning the in's and out's of transcribing, hoping that once I finish this course and get my certification and start working it will get easier. Do the doctors ever get the mush out of their mouth???? Anyways, one of my assignments i swear he is saying "
Patient was status post for kebel basal strokal which has left him with gate unsteadiness." the part in the bold/underlined part. I thought I was doing so good, I have reread this report about 5 ...
Coumadin 30 mg per day.
Now, I want to make sure I'm not dreaming here, but that is completely incorrect, right?
Maybe I'm having a brain lapse (been an MT for 20 years) but I want to make sure my thinking is correct that this dosage would probably be lethal?
I'm going to leave a blank for the dosage, but I just wanted to double check with my MT friends. I have listened to it many times, and she is positively saying "30 mg per day."
TIA!! ...
Hello everyone,
I am about to complete my MT training with an online school and I am finding that many people seem very unhappy with their positions, the companies they work for, their pay, etc. I am curious to know just how feasible it is to expect to find a job, be happy with it, and actually make a decent paycheck.
Is there anyone out there who is happy with their current job and is willing to tell me about it? I have been doing lots and lots of research online and have been hard-pressed to ...
This person has a foreign body in the foot. Does this sentence make sense?
There appeared to be a foreign body distally that was visible and could hear audibly with the forceps.
Can it be heard audibly as the forceps hits the foreign body? Thanks for any help.
For the first time in a long time, I was in the cesspool. I spent 3 hours with an ESL serial dictator, that was speaking so softly I couldn't hear most of what he was saying, and what I could hear I couldn't understand. In one of the reports I only got 5 random words after spending a half-hour on it - and it was only 20 seconds long.
What should we do in cases like this - when you literally just Can't Get It, and not for lack of trying.
I was originally contacted by NetScript, I believe they got my resume off Careerbuilder or something like that. They were looking for Fri, Sat and Sun work, from 6 pm to midnight. Been out of the field for 5 years, because I was lucky enough, financially, to be able to stay at home with my two kids. Im ready to get back into it, so Im sort of putting my feelers out there. I emailed back that I was interrested, and was told to call the manager to get details. S ...
Hi all. I know there have been some that have complained about their experience at SGS. I am wondering if there are people happy there and if they would be willing to share their story here. Thanks in advance to anyone who writes. ...
I know there are many who are opposed to VR, but I would like to hear from those successful at it and enjoy it. I need some tips. I have to do this, and I want to get good at it no matter what.
My account is fairly easy. There are some problem dictators who should not be on there though, and this keeps my line count down to 250-300 most days. Today, they were not on there and I edited 400 LPH!! However, my hands are really hurting. I am having trouble feeling ...
Would like to hear from anyone who currently works or has recently worked for Documed. I would like to know what your experience has been or had been with them. I have read the archives, and there is either really good or really bad. Would like to know what the current situation is with them. Also, does anyone know why the same orthopaedic position is repeatedly posted? Is the sound quality as bad working for them as the test was? Any information would be appreciated. ...