A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
“The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act), enacted in February 2009, …expanded the reach of HIPAA, extending it to business associates effective February 17, 2010, and imposing nationwide notification requirements for breach of unsecured protected health information (PHI). Business associates will also now be directly obligated to comply with the security rule of HIPAA and implement security policies to safeguard electronic PHI. Increased enforcement of HIPAA, as expanded by the HITECH Act, around breaches of unsecured PHI are anticipated….”[1] (with fines of up to $500 per occurrence I've heard).
Supposedly, those typing with transcribers from home, typing in Word (and even those MTs working for an MTSO and typing in Word), are not compliant as of February 17th. Now, I certainly don't expect the HITECH Act police to come knocking on our doors on the 17th, but it sounds like one must search out MTSOs who are compliant with the upcoming "O'Bama" regulations. I understand the need for the security policies, and I believe our country needs them, but what happens to the 'little MT" just trying to make a living?
[1] Excerpt from the McDermott Newsletters / Top 10 Health Law Issues for 2010, dated 02/05/2010