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End of quarter bonus time approaching.... - Rita

Posted: Jun 20, 2014

It's almost the end of the quarter and just for the heck of it, I checked my post-audit Fiesa score today - I am well over 99% accuracy right now.  With about 10 days left in the quarter, what do you think the chances are that they will find enough reports to bring that percentage down below 99%......I would be curious to know how many of us right now have over 99% and how many will have it at the end of the quarter......

Bogus errors they are aflyin - just got two

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Gotta love the bogus timing. Such a scam. But I gotta tell you, the paycheck they give me as back pay some day when all this crap hits the Dept. of Labor fan is going to feel soooooo good.

Are YOU calling the DOL, or waiting on someone else - to do it? nm

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Bonuses - are you kidding me? - Anne Hedonia

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I've never gotten one and knew from the get go I'd never get one. FIESA is the bonus grabber!

bonus - mt22

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Notice how they go beyond what lines they need to audit when your score is good, but how they don't go beyond the lines needed to audit to improve your score? Notice how all the promises they made about the "improved" or "new" speech recognition was going to give us more lines to give us more money when they decreased the CPL? AND notice how they make the bonus based off errors, o which also include the incorrect spellings that the speech system implants? IE incorrect capitalization of generic drugs, which BTW is considered critical error? How is anyone supposed to get a good production or..."improved lines" out of the speech recognition platform if we cannot trust it at all and have to double check everything?

Especially if the errors are there "for training purposes." - I suspect many of the errors are purposeful.

[ In Reply To ..]
Purposeful indeed, to catch us off guard. They would defend the practice as "training" I'm sure. Just my opinion.

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