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Got an offer to test for TransPortal. Never worked on the Scribe platform. - frustrated

Posted: Oct 25, 2012

How difficult is the Scribe platform? I have used Dictaphone, ExEditor. Any TransPortal MT longer than 1 year employed what are your thoughts on workload, do they run out, flexibility, are they super strict on schedules, etc. Any info would be helpful as I am so frustrated and nervous about what to do next in this business and I am not a newbie-been doing this a long while now. Thanks for the 411.

Looking for any opinions on this platform and this company to work for - frustrated

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A little nervous about making a switch from the large company to something smaller, but I feel a change will be necessary. Just want to make sure the work is there. Don't like running out of work and making it up later when I could be spending time with family. Give me your thoughts please from current and former employees on the workload, Scribe platform, flexibility, etc.

Honesty on scribe platform - Former Transportal

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I loved working for Transportal once I was put on a different, non-scribe account. If you have worked on escription or extext, you will find the Scribe platform lacking. It works with Ms Word but there are a lot of negatives. Your sound files come in through an integrated FTP and you go to one screen to load them, select the file, and then Word opens. Don't know which account you will be on but if it is the orthopedic one, you will have to do multiple steps for most of the reports - a cc to a physician - different screen, you must also copy part of the x-ray description from original report, paste in separate doc, and type in patient number in screen. Granted it is straight typing, but what I found was that all the little extras you must do for each file negate the straight typing pay because you aren't doing that much typing. Most of the reports are short short short. I felt like I had gone back in time 20 years. Some people don't mind working that way. Another thing is that if you do have a longer report, you MUST save it intermittently, or it will time out--save it in Scribe--not in Word and sometimes, more often than not, you will still lose the report and have to retype it. So I got in the habit of keeping Wordpad open and saving the longer report there on my desktop. I never "clicked" with that program, and I could never get over the ridiculousness of it either.

Scribe Platform - Babbs

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If this is PScribes, it is a very simple program to learn, not many bells and whistles, has a shortcut program but best to use your own. Good luck!

Scribe is just as easy to use/learn - as anything else

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Ive worked at Transportal for a number of years. Ive worked at other places and used a number of other platforms. Scribe is easy to use and learn, and no harder than anything else. In some ways it is more efficient or easier.

I think Transportal is very good about trying to make sure everyone has enough work.

There are pros and cons to working for big and smaller companies. Transportal has the ability to be more personable and more flexible because they are smaller, but they are big enough that there is enough work available.

They dont offer PTO or insurance, but they also dont time-clock you and micromanage you either, so it really does depend on your needs.

I like working there.

Scribe is just as easy..are you able to check your line count for the day? - frustrated

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They don't time-clock you or micromanage you, but you do clock in and do have a set schedule, correct? If there is no PTO then what does employee status mean, because I was offered a choice of employee or IC status.

Time Clock - IrishMT

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The web time clock is really just for employees, although contractors commit to a production volume (not specific hours). Scribe is just as easy as most web platforms. They seem to staff so that MTs are assigned to an account(s) and not always running out of work. Most is straight transcription.

Time clock and schedule - Yes

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You just record the amount of hours you worked each day - which is required for the labor board, but you dont do times, you dont clock in and out.. none of that.

I dont know about schedules per se, but if you are an IC, you tell them your availability. If youre an employee, i believe you do get a schedule, but there is no one there strong-arming you. You do have a line count requirement, and that is more important on a daily basis than what time you sit at your desk.

They do have insurance available, but it is a more general disaster and life insurance, not a regular policy kind of thing.

Transportal IC versus employee - Formal Transportal

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When I worked there the difference was 1 cent more per line for IC status versus employee and since there were no benefits or anything either way, and being an employee meant they could control my schedule without giving me any added benefits whatsoever, I chose IC status. You need to ask them the difference. That is how it was explained to me.

Thanks for the 411 - frustrated

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Went ahead and tested parts 1 and 2, confirmation I passed. Now waiting to hear back to do the 3rd part. Hoping it all goes well. Thanks for all the 411

Scribe platform - ex-TransPortal

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I did not like the integrity factor of this platform. Other MTs could get into a report that you typed. I discovered this on two occasions. However, I got the run-around reply when I notified my supervisor about it who thought the MT got in there by mistake. My line counts and what I got paid for didn't add up, so I left there (among others for the same reason).

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