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Companies that don't nag you when you use mouse on V.R. reports - sm

Posted: Mar 28, 2014

I'm looking for a company that leaves you alone if you choose to use the mouse and foot pedal instead of keystrokes.  My experience with eScription was horrible, in that I was constantly getting little messages saying "This is how often you used the mouse," demanding that I use the keystrokes.  Is every V.R. platform like this?

That's only 1 reason I left MM - SM

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I got so tired of their little charts showing my inactive time and how many mouse clicks I had, like up the minute throughout my shift. Why do they care as long as I do more than minimum? They seemed to think they were trying to help me improve my production, but quite the opposite, they were lowering my morale. Is that what they learn in management school?

That's my beef! - sm

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It's MY paycheck, and if I'm okay with it being a little bit less than someone who uses keystrokes, then what's it to them? As long as I'm meeting quota, I don't see the need for them to hassle me about using the mouse.

PURPOSE - Diane King

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The whole system is geared to lowering morale! From the first failed audit, to termination. Lower morale increases errors and increases their 'cause' to fire you!

Using the mouse versus keyboard - nn

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I have slight cerebral palsy affecting my entire right side and don't have the "stretch" to be able to use the arrow keys on my keyboard; hence, my use of the mouse. About two years ago, I was working for Nuance and they kept harping me about the fact that I was using the mouse and not meeting THEIR minimum production requirements. I explained my situation to them, and was terminated because I couldn't make the 250 LPH or whatever it is they require. Now I'm with a company that is just straight typing, which for me, is much easier.

pathetic companies - oldsterMT

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So very glad you're in a better place. At the time, you should have gone after Nuance under the disabilities act.

As long as the work gets done and quality is up to standards, there should be no reason whatsoever to give people grief over how the job is accomplished. Mouse versus keystrokes -- just insane.

Best wishes to you! Glad you are now working for a company with straight typing.

Management Morons (sm) - Rose

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I took a lot of management classes given through our hospital. They stressed the importance of employee morale, confidence building and appreciation for doing a good job. The training was just the opposite of how MTSOs micromanage. It is getting them nowhere. Had they recognized that we are worth more than what we were paid in the 1970's and bid jobs accordingly, they wouldn't be spiraling down the drain and having to sell out like they are today.

Do VR, never used the hot keys, kept doing - like always, use the mouse

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I will not say the company I work for but never have they insisted I use anything other than what I do. I am old school, used the keyboard too long to change. With half decent dictators, I average from $18.75 an hour to well over $20.00. My line count per day is well in the 3500 to over 4000 lpd and well above what my company requires.

I've never had a co. dictate how to do the job (sm) - Rose

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as long as I'm meeting their lph requirements. I think it is preposterous for them to do so and it is none of their damn business if we are ICs.

You must have mastered the use of short forms on an account long enough to make full use of them as well as macros and templates to produce what you do. Good job!!
Learned short forms, templates, macros - nope none of the above
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I on straight typing always typed over 2000 per day and when going on VR figured out how many lines a day would I need to do to make the amount of money I wanted and just scan as fast as my eyes will go, simple, hardly ever template, macros- don't know what that is, sorry, old school here.
Me either, I use a mouse as well because - GinaW
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I have been using it since I learned how to operate a computer...whats the difference...the other way to surely slow me down.
I don't know why they're so fixated on MTs not - using the mouse, especially since - (sm)
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most of us do mostly VR, now. While doing VR (and concurrently ruining my former typing speed for future timed typing tests on interviews), I found most of the corrections I did were of the one-finger variety. It became rare that I even typed a whole word, let alone a whole sentence. Still, my supervisor kept yammering at me about not using the mouse. Beyond ridiculous. My new MT keyboard position is one hand glued to the mouse, and one to the keyboard. It worked for me, and ultimately it didn't matter whether we used the keyboard, or even typed with our toes, because the work all went to point and click EMR, and we were all fired.

MISmanagement - Diane King

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It is obvious MT morale is not important. In fact, they cash in on the lack of it... more mistakes, more people quit, which I believe is the goal, especially the older, more experienced MORE EXPENSIVE MTs.

It's interesting that they all seem to have the same MO (sm) - Rose

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Its the same way an abusive controlling spouse isolates their victim and destroys their confidence so they won't feel they can leave. The MTSOs repeat the same phrases like they all went to the same school of micro-mismanagement, such as:
"You are the ONLY one who has a problem understanding this dictator". "Everyone else can produce twice as much editing as they do transcribing". "No one else minds doing all the free labor we require".
Then the marketing...
"Competitive line rates". Competitive with what, the 1940's???
"Business is growing at exceptional pace". Yeah, well when you merge with Nuance your employees quadruple in one day.
"Affordable health Insurance". If you meet our quotas which you won't because we run out of work all the time.
They must have seminars on how to use and - abuse employees. (sm)
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Before I discovered this board, I thought I really WAS "the only one" who couldn't reach their "minimums" in line count and 99.whatever percent accuracy. I was always "the only one". Then I started reading all the boards on MTStars, and surprise! They ALL do that.

And even out of MT, it's sickening how similar and pointless a lot of the management tactics are. It almost makes me want to take some management courses, just to find out what IS all that garbage they're teaching these people?

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