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A Rock and a Hard Place - anon

Posted: Jul 01, 2014

Which is worse, having no work, or killing yourself for 8 hours to make $50 or $60 and being so resentful and tired that your own physical and mental health is compromised?  Having no work, or watching the sites you've just mastered disappear to India (or back into your MTSO's newbie queue), only to be replaced by worse sites with new learning curves and back to square one again?  Having no work, or living with the realization that you will never be appreciated, you will never be paid what you're worth, your arms/wrists/back/legs/butt will never stop hurting, and you are starting to dislike the person you see in the mirror?  Oh boy, dark, dark, dark.

You got it. I am right with you. My MTSO lost a lot of - CAMT

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accounts and we are all struggling with the few she has left sitting waiting on work and waiting on work and then when something comes typing like a fool to get the next report. I don't like working that way.

the party's over - this is how it is now

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It's hard to accept change. We all need to find something else to do for work. I know it's hard on those who are about to retire or worse for those with a decade or less to go to retirement.

When a job affects your health, it's time to move on. We have this one precious life, and we must try to find a way to enjoy it, or what's the point?

This is such a crazy job with so many things affecting our money that I can't in good conscience continue doing it. It's like saying I give you permission to abuse me or make me the fall guy/whipping boy. We are responsible for creating something readable from gibberish (whether spoken or typed out), which is outrageous. And that is only one thing out of so many. It can eat a hole in your stomach if you think about it long enough.

I want out, and I am trying hard to find other work. Might learn all that office stuff (Excel, etc.) and be a temp, which I loved, before I was an MT. Nobody talks to you as you are persona non grata and you get to change your environment and feel a place out in case you do want permanent work.

rock and hard place - regina

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Yep, that's sure an accurate description of what we have anymore. Things sure have went down the drain. I remember when one year I made about 40,000 gross. I sure will never see that again. And yes, anymore it's breaking your back to make 50 or 60 bucks a day, if you're lucky. Knowing that you deserve more, knowing that you're not appreciated and being cheated. Just not a good scenario anymore.

I think the worst thing - anymore is

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I simply feel like I'm being played for a fool, especially with VR pretty much forcing me to type reports for half price. I keep thinking the collapse will happen soon, but somehow it just keeps going on and on and on and who knows why?

I just left a job like that - SM - MT

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The account that I had been working on for the past few years recently went to speech wreck and it was a complete mess. I was busting my butt for AT LEAST 10 hours a day just to make between $50 and $70, when I used to be able to make near $200 a day in just 8 hours. I totally know that resentful feeling that you're talking about. I felt it every single day. I hated my job so much. My motivation to even try anymore went straight into the toilet and my paychecks kept getting smaller and smaller. I finally was able to find an IC job that I love. It's my first time being an IC and I had to learn to put money aside for taxes, but I'm finally making much more than I did at my old job and my motivation and love for my job have returned. It took me literally a year to find a job like this and I was almost ready to give up. I just hope this job continues to be great for a long time. This industry sure has changed drastically since I first became an MT 11 years ago.

it's been this way for a long time and was a long time coming before that. Maybe it just - caught up with you but been chasing me for yrs. N

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rock - MT

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I feel for you. I thought I was the only MT who was making less than minimum wage at my last MTSO. I only lasted 3 weeks and quit. I don't know how MT's with only their income can survive. Things are so very different now from when I started in the business. I was lucky. I used to have my own clients and could make a good living. Those days are gone now. Wishing you the best of luck and I hope you start to feel better soon.

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