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It's hard not to be bitter - just me

Posted: Jun 09, 2012

Over the last 3 years I have referred to this site infrequently and looked at posts and thought to myself "sounds like a bunch of bitter folks."   I have tried to keep my "game face" on but I can't do it anymore.

I moved to Nuance/Webmedx last December after Medquist purchased JLG and I was NOT about to work for them.  What a huge mistake on my part, not that either were good options.  My pay has dropped to minimum wage -- I now bring home MONTHLY what 4 years I had made previously every TWO WEEKS. 

Just 2 months ago we had "enforced OT" and now the work has all but dried up. In fact, on Memorial Day I worked a total of 15 minutes and opted to try to "flex" the rest of the time.That was a joke when you are limited to a few hours on Friday (the end of the pay period) and Saturday. 

And today we get a snippy little email from our TL saying that some of us had OT and no OT was authorized for the last payperiod.  Now seriously I had worked just minutes over (like 0.08) and was that gonna kill them considering I did not get to work on a scheduled day cuz that opted to offshore to avoid paying us "Premium pay" (that's a joke too) for the holiday.

Just want you to know I now understand ALL THE RESENTMENT AND BITTERNESS -- This has been my career for 30+ years and I was darn proud of my work, not so much any more.   

Me too - trying to move on

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I'm in the same boat as you are. Trying to find my way out into another industry, but it is hard when your income has been cut so much and you need that money to survive on and pay for education to learn something else.

Anyway, I got that same email. It is not legal to ask you to change your timecard so you don't have OT. I was thinking of anonymously forwarding that email to her supervisor and HR so they are aware. Should I do this or no? I don't want to cause trouble, but I am so sick of the BS working there and OT laws are enforceable (that's what Transcend/Nuance is currently being sued for).

too bad - mt for a long time

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I have never experienced what you guys have and certainly never got an email like that. My tl is super and all I have to do is send her an email and let her know what I'm doing and she sends one right back with a no problem and thanks for letting me know. I have hardly ever run out of work and when I do it is for a very short time and am not forced to sit there and wait for work or even make up the time if I don't want to. I normally do but I am certainly not required and have NEVER been told to do so. I would definitely go over their head and see if you get some better results. It's a shame that the bad ones out there have to ruin it for the good ones

Same type of experience here. Hate to be bitter, but - I resent being ripped off by these shmucks!

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Join the - lawsuit

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for accountability. That seems to be all they understand. Call The Dolley Law Firm. Enough said.

Who can help being bitter? - Mad as hell

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I'm in the same boat. Just totally pissed off and I'm getting out of the business. I just had to apply AND GOT APPROVED for the hardest hit fund to try and save my home. I sucessfully showed from my W2s from now going back to 2009 that I had a 38% drop in my income since then!! Was making good money at the hospitals I worked for before these MTSOs ripoff companies took over the industry.

Overtime became unavoidable when Nuance started requiring - 40 hours a week

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When I started with Nuance, they gave full-time benefits at 35 hours a week. In December 2011, they changed that to 40 hours a week. It's practically impossible as an MT to work exactly 40 hours a week. Since they instituted that requirement, I have some overtime on every paycheck since I have to finish whatever report I pull that will take my time past that 40-hour minimum for the week. I can't just quit in the middle of a report. And I feel sure that if I worked for only 39 hours 59 minutes one week, they would drop my benefits to part-time levels.


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I recently emailed the department that handles this, and this is what they said:
"Yes, 30 hours means FT for benefits such as medical, dental, etc."
However, to earn PTO you must work the 40 hours. Hope this helps. OT??

You can earn PTO as a parttimer, just at a slower rate - SavedMT

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PTO acrues at a slower rate when you work less than 40 hours a week.

Nuance pay - mt20years

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I hate being bitter, but I agree with you. We get snipply e-mails from our supervisor about Bull@!#%$.I hate this job and wish they would fire me. I cannot live on what I am making and it just keeps getting worse. QAs count off for leaving out "a or is" and then add stuff themselves "just because they can." I have always cared about my job and have never had any problem with management anywhere I worked. These people are the worst. All this will come back to bite them. Too bad I will be flipping burgers somewhere

to mt20years - just me

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I loved when I worked for JLG (before Medquist gobbled them up). I had contact daily with a "human" via phone call and felt like I mattered.
Funny you should mention the QA adding stuff.... I looked at a report in Versions yesterday and swear there is stuff there the MD did not dictate (and it was a SR report to boot) but who I am to question.
I love transcription....but not when I am making minimum wage and not appreciated.
PS -- Why is it the team leader is bitching about all the folks NOT ON THE JOB ON SATURDAY NIGHT to everyone. Obviously she knows who is NOT WORKING -- why do we all have to receive that email -- seriously she can't figure out to single out the ones not working and email them or whatever. ARGGGh

Why can't managers be managers? - Trying to move on

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I get those same emails about people who are not on when they are supposed to be. Why doesn't she just call them and address it with them personally? I am also really confused this week. She says that we must adhere to a strict schedule but then sends out emails that you can "bank time" on Saturday or Sunday if the workload is high so you can cut your hours down later in the week or asks people to jump on last night and help with high volumes and cut their hours short later in the week. Isn't that just going to bite everyone in the rear end when the end of the week comes and no one is working since everyone has worked extra earlier in the week and already has their hours in? I'm sure she will be sending out emails complaining about how many people are supposed to be on working then. Has there been a recent ban on overtime as well? My manager seems bent on no one ever getting overtime ever and sends out snippy emails that you have to change your time card if you do.
OT - mt20years
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My manager wants me to make up time on Saturday or Sunday when I had no work during the week either. She must think I have no life at all. I also receive snippy e-mails that really make me mad. I hate the clocking in and out, I hate all the complaining that has nothing to do with me because I work when I'm supposed to, and most of ALL I cannot believe this company has turned my profession into a JOKE!!!

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