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Thank you. I have not been on here for several days - due to an unexpected family

Posted: Jan 19th, 2024 - 7:08 pm In Reply to: Good for you. The audio I get for legal is usually crap - send me an email


Yes, I am very lucky in the fact that our audio is superb. I am not sure what type of audio your company uses, but I know there are audios that are very, very good. It makes my job much easier.

I never made the statement that people doing legal did not have to struggle. Everyone pays their dues in one way or another. Also, I never stated that all situations were the same. You make a lot of assumptions, or you read things into these posts that just is not there. I speak personally for myself only. Everyone needs to make whatever choices are the best for their personal circumstances, which is what I have done.

I have had a huge email response from my posts above. Each one of those women I have helped as best I can. If you have questions, you know how to reach me. I will not be emailing you directly, which seems to be a rather odd request from you.

Unfortunately, if the court reporters you are working with cannot control the deposition, that is sad. CRs are sitting right there, and they have the ability/authority to ask for clarification. If they choose not to do so, then that's on them. As I've said many times in other posts, I did a lot of research, took my time, and hooked up with situations that were the best for me. My financial success has come about because I did not leave my destiny in someone else's hands. I knew what I wanted, and I chose to work hard until I got what I wanted. There are companies out there that do appreciate what I do, and those that do not appreciate what I do were merely a stepping stone for me to get to where I wanted to be.

Good luck to you.


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