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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Transcribeme.. (Views: 41)

Good for you. The audio I get for legal is usually crap - send me an email

Posted: Jan 18th, 2024 - 8:02 pm In Reply to: Your assumptions and calculations regarding - pay are way off.

about your company. I'd love to be able to type lines on a legal document and make $1000 in less than two days. The court reporters don't even know what's being said and they're right there in the deposition. Of course, I do better when I have a reporter that actually cares and takes down the record. My truth is that I've been doing legal for four years now and haven't gotten a decent recording in most of those four years. So I'm not sure what you mean by disservice and who know exactly what is the truth, because not everybody doing legal has it so good with great audio and reporters that are doing their jobs. I'm sure it's not much different than any job typing, some have it better than others. That's a broad statement your making as though people doing legal don't have to struggle. I'm here to tell you that's just simply not true. I struggle every day on most of the depositions I type, as the audio really, really sucks for the most part. Like I said, send me an email. I do great work. They love me where I work now, but sure would like less of a struggle to make a buck.


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