Your attempt to insult me is wasted. I am NOT PAID - TO ALTER WHAT IS STATED Posted: Jan 7th, 2024 - 1:46 pm In Reply to: I get what you're saying, but as a professional transcriptionist - for over 30
during a BINDING, LEGAL PROCEEDING. If you actually did this type of work, you would know there is a way to specifically "tag" a word you may believe is misstated. Unlike what you are trying to imply, I am very professional in what I do; I follow the established guidelines for my work, and I DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ACT AS YOU DO, ATTEMPTING TO INSULT OTHERS. There is a very clear, specific way to "tag" something in a legal document to alert the attorneys and others of a possible error...if you are not aware of that process, that tells me you are not as proficient in this field as you think you are.
AT NO POINT DID I SAY I SENT OUT ANYTHING WITH MULTIPLE "SPELLING ERRORS" because I refuse to do research. That is a blatant erroneous comment made by you and that comment is nothing more that a display of your snotty attitude. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that attorneys, plaintiffs, and defendants are not spelling each and every word, correctly or incorrectly, and that I in turn, am typing the incorrect spelling of that word. Yes, we all know how to run spell check. However, if they misspeak, it is their obligation to correct the legal document that they are presenting to a judge, and provide that judge with correct, legal, accurate information. Unauthorized alteration or changes by a scopist, court reporter, videographer, regardless of the reason, is NOT LEGAL. If you truly worked in this field, you should know that.
Clearly by your own comments, you are not making big bucks most likely because of your lack of skills than devoting so much time to correcting your "spelling errors" in a document. If you cannot quote my posts correctly, please keep your mouth shut; otherwise, you sound like the vicious, snarky MTs on this board that hate to see anyone doing better than them. I refuse to tolerate your attacks and misstatement of what I posted, or the lies you are attributing to me.
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