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No way of - Knowing

Posted: Aug 25th, 2018 - 10:59 am In Reply to: No way of knowing but it does not really matter - LDSMT

I had already filed for NJA earlier in the day when I ran out of work for 6 minutes plus. I called my HDSM and asked what was going on and she was aware something was going on, but said she was waiting for info herself. I was so ticked off over the whole situation (already signed up for makeup time later in the day, then no available time left, except, of course, a few EARLY morning slots, for schedule swap for time sitting here with no work coming in due to THEIR system), that I may not have heard everything she said correctly, but I could've sworn she said it WAS NOT downtime. How can some managers say it was and some say it wasn't and how can that not be considered MM downtime?

Also, some posted that they received emails about it. All I got was an email later to my team that said there was extra time added and if we needed to make up time to please do so. Now, of course, today we have high volumes. Well no (*+#&+ Sherlock!!!

Anything they can do to keep from paying us for THEIR system problems. Please let me find another job completely out of MT soon!!!


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