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I ask and they give you the runaround - Izopen

Posted: Aug 24th, 2018 - 1:10 pm In Reply to: Same Here - LDSMT

I ask and ask and ask. I am given nothing but excuse after excuse. As I have said before, trust me, they know what is going on. They are most likely being told to not tell the masses. That could mean a major overhaul of people up and quitting or finally looking quicker to get away from this company, in masses, and they would be in a fix. They will only tell us once they have things in place that will benefit them and not us, (i.e., finally have the work outsourced enough to let us go slowly or quickly over a set period of time). This has happened with Nuance and other larger transcription companies, and even smaller mom and pop shops who sell us out to the larger companies. No reasons for anything were given in advance while they strung us along. We were only finally told some semblance of truth the day of or maybe 2 weeks in advance that our job would be ending or was already over.


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