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Nuance litigation - oldie

Posted: Aug 24th, 2018 - 3:19 pm In Reply to: I have had entire shifts with NJA - Izopen

I spoke with 1 of the lawyers for Nuance, and we are in the same boat. It was 1 person who started that whole process for Nuance. We are available to work during our shift, with the "alarm" now they have to keep us tied in close, and then having to make up hours because of NJA. We need to all pull together. There is power in numbers, and I feel for you and have no idea why you are going so long without 1 single job coming in. I have plenty of web sites where this is totally against the Federal Law for not paying us during our shift with no work and forcing us to either make the time up or take PTO when we are available to work, but no work.


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