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No way of knowing but it does not really matter - LDSMT

Posted: Aug 24th, 2018 - 11:52 pm In Reply to: How are we going to know if - we are in NJA or downtime situation

I also did the NJA 6 minutes and put in a work availability shift change. I also did a couple of jobs that came in during the almost 2 hours that we were down, but when it became apparent it was a Fluency issue, I went to work force and added all the times in between the time I had "unscheduled" for work availability and all the time between the few jobs I did, and put them in as MModal downtime. Now I just need to go in and add the ticket number whenever we get it. If I don't get an email with the number I will just call in to tech support and get it.

I've done this every time we have had this happen, and always get paid with no problem.

Since the "rule" is that you have to be waiting for work when the system is down in order to get paid, the fact that you did a job here and there when they happened to come in, is simply proof you were there waiting.

We have no way of knowing when it is a Fluency issue, so all you can do is follow the NJA protocol and then work around it when you find out the system is down. The policies are all there, you just have to follow them.


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