Yes, but what if someone gets stuck, learning on your own - there is no one to ask for help SM Posted: Feb 6th, 2016 - 6:14 pm In Reply to: You can learn - xx
A class, if you can take one, especially for free, with teachers and other students is a wonderful resource to take advantage of. Everyone's skill level and learning style is different.
It's got expert help with teachers, socialization with others, and someone might even be able to make contacts in a class that leads to opportunities.
Dont ever think that "online" is your only option simply because "it's not difficult."
You can't get all that learning online yourself.
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- For "older" transcriptionists - kangaroo14 (Views: 1326, 2016-02-06, 9:57 am)
- You can learn - xx (Views: 812, 2016-02-06, 10:04 am)
Yes, but what if someone gets stuck, learning on your own - there is no one to ask for help SM