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Transcription Platform - LindaM

Posted: Dec 4th, 2024 - 9:42 am

Hi, I own a very small MTSO and I'm having a programmer develop an entire transcription platform for me because all the rental ones take so much off the top per minute or line that I would rather give to my MTs (and I do pay them 0.09 to 0.11 already). I'll have paid around $50K to have it developed but I was thinking that if anyone was interested, I could sell a copy (when it's done... hopefully next month) for $10K or so and make some of my investment back.  My programmer would help set it up for you (included) and personalize the name on it, but then maintenance from there would be between you and him if you wanted any. I know MTSO owners are universally hated on here and I'll probably get a lot of cruel comments, but I also know that I looked everywhere for a program to buy outright when I was starting out and couldn't find one, so I've been having this one developed for almost two years, paying little by little when I could afford it, and I thought I could help someone else out who might be in the same boat. If I get a huge number of responses, I would go lower in price because I'm not trying to start a new business, but I don't really expect more than one or two. 


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