A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Seeking suggestions/advice for returning to transcription field - Not Exactly New??

Posted: Nov 09, 2010

I have been out of transcription for almost 2 years.  Long story, but a combination of health problems coinciding with job loss due to cutbacks.  Anyway, I worked for 3 years transcribing for local multi-specialty clinics.  I realize now that was probably a mistake since everyone is hiring for acute care (which I have done but that was 10 years ago).  I have recently seen some companies that are hiring for clinic transcription, but I need to "refresh" my knowledge and skills before I start applying.  I know occasionally some experienced transcriptionists help out on this board, and I certainly welcome input from new transcriptionists as well, but I need some advice on the best way to bring myself back up to speed (so to speak) on medical transcription.  I've noticed there is a newer edition of the BOS.  Is it much different than the previous edition?  I'm not sure whether to invest in a new copy now, especially if I can't find a job down the line because of the gap in employment.  Any good recommendations on what to read or refamiliarize myself with?  Sorry this is rambling, I'm just excited about the possibility of returning to the field but also a bit nervous.  Thanks!

To not exactly new. - See message

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Personally, I would say if you have other options - go that route. I wish I could get out of this business. Things are changing and pay is going down. That being said, read on.

The BOS really has not changed that much, so just brush up on the old. If you can find a job doing clinc work, great. Even having the multispecialty experience may land you a job in acute care. It takes time to get going again, but concentrate on your accuracy first and foremost. Not all clients strictly follow BOS guidelines. Your account manager will give you the account specifics that you are to follow. Study them over and over. Know them well. Print out the QA feedback you receive, and refer to it often.

Do not expect high pay. Take what you can get, work with it, and "get your feet wet" before you move on again. If you are given the opportunity to train on voice recognition, take it. It can be a difficult transition but it will be one that we all must make soon. Right now, companies are doing the training for it, which is a plus for you because later, without that experience you probably will only have a slim chance.

Also, you will find that most companies now want Tuesday through Saturday shift or Sunday through Thursday. There are also more 2nd and 3rd shift jobs than day work.

If you were a good MT prior to the last 2 years, it will not be too foreign to you. Give it a try. Some people find the jobs absolutely intolerable now (I am beginning to, but still making good money). Don't do this job simply because you want to stay at home. You may find life easier in an office somewhere. This is tough. It does require skill, knowledge, accuracy, and speed and, above all, you must be reliable and flexible. I do still love it, but I never worked this hard in an office.

MT field - sigh

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I have been in the MT field for about 18 years and absolutely loved it until about 2 years ago. The hours are horrid, pay is decreased, VR is taking away so much work.

Honestly, I am tired, beat down and plain just want out.. but what do you do at this point?

Please, find a different profession. MT is really just not that great anymore.. one of the companies I work for is losing 60% of her biz to VR soon. That should speak volumes..

good luck, tho.

I agree, but.... - how about?

[ In Reply To ..]
I agree with the others about trying to get into something different but if you really feel like MT is your best option, I would recommend trying to get your CMT, if you don't already have it. It should be a sign to potential employers that you are serious about the profession and willing to keep up with changes.

Not all MTSOs care about the CMT - Anon

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Some of them feel very strongly about the role the AHDI has played in supporting offshoring and they also know that there are many great MTs out there who can see through the shenanigans at AHDI.

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