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How Technology Killed the Medical Transcription Field - Amanda

Posted: Aug 22, 2012

I wrote this essay about the negative impact VR and outsourcing has had on this field. I thought you guys might appreciate it.



Long before I began working as a medical transcriptionist in 1993, others had been making a good living in the field for many years. For those unaware, medical transcriptionists (sometimes referred to as medical language specialists) are responsible for producing patients' medical records.

Listening through a set of headphones, we transcribe (decipher and type) what physicians, nurses and physician assistants dictate on the other end of the line. We are the unseen faces behind every patient's medical chart.

Once a respectable, enjoyable and even lucrative field, medical transcription has devolved into a technological sweatshop. Not only have wages remained stagnant since the new millennium, but the introduction of voice recognition has actually reduced wages by nearly one-half.

Pitched as a software wonder that allows MTs to increase their productivity, VR attempts to capture spoken speech and reproduce the chart. Today's MT is little more than a proofreader, what the industry refers to as a voice recognition editor.

Rather than typing what we hear and ensuring its accuracy, we now go behind the VR and clean up its mistakes. And usually there are lots of mistakes, so many that it is often more productive to erase the chart and type it from scratch.

Aside from the frustration, and dare I say humiliation, of "training" the software to do our jobs for us, today's MT has seen her wages drastically reduced. Industry leaders claim this is because the VR is actually doing most of the work and, as such, we should be able to produce twice as many charts. But that is not the reality.

To reiterate my point, it takes most MTs longer to do a VR report than it does to transcribe the chart herself. And that's assuming there is any work to do. Like so many American companies these days, medical transcription is not immune to outsourcing. In fact, the practice has become increasingly common over the last few years, namely sending work to India.

Perhaps it's a result of our poor economy, or simply a result of executive greed, yet whatever the reason, most MTs would agree that they have witnessed a growing depletion of available work. And if we don't have work to produce, we don't get paid.

While most transcription services once compensated their employees with downtime when the work ran out (which was quite rare), those days are history. Today's climate is one of harsh indifference. MTs are at best a cheap means to increase company profits, at worst computer janitors tasked with cleaning up the software mess.

Despite all this, there are still plenty of transcription courses being offered for those individuals hoping to enter the field. So too are there companies that actively recruit new MTs.

Yet anyone considering a job in this field would do better waiting tables or flipping burgers. Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise. Medical transcription is dead. This is its eulogy.

Totally agree - AnOldMT

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Wonderfully stated. I loved medical transcription for soooo many years, and now it's dead to me!

Agree to disagree - Kaci H

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You know, I am new to the medical transcription field. I have a very strong background in the legal transcription field, so this is all still very new and fresh. That being said, in the few years I have been in the field I have seen it grow leaps and bounds. I think it is all in your individual perspective and the company you work for.

I know that voice recognition is scary, and yes it does cost some MTs their jobs. However, you can also use it in reverse to empower yourself. Take the technology and use it to your benefit. Type what would take a "normal" MT an hour in half the time. You just have to change with the industry. I am young -- heck, I am one of the youngest people at my company! However, I know what the future of this industry is, and I can see it for all of the wonderful opportunities it will offer people. Imagine a world with no carpal tunnel!

You have to understand voice recognition can't tackle every type of account. It can't distinguish multiple speakers on a telephone having a conversation, or a doctor dictating his notes through a phone with a TV full blast in the background. Only a human can pick out what is to be transcribed, and that is where the job security is.

Find a company that is innovative, and constantly wanting to explore new ways to help YOU the MT make more money. A company that knows it's most valuable resource isn't its client list, but the value of the employee that they are able to make feel like family. There are still companies out there who do this. Guess what? There are still doctors who prefer this way because at the end of the day no machine can beat the quality of person. Sure VR seems to be popping up everywhere, and there is a rush to hop on the bandwagon, just keep in mind not every transcription need can be solved this way. I know my accounts are busting at the seams!

You are very lucky - Leaving MT (nm)

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Kaci - Inquiring minds

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Could you send me some of those drugs you're taking?

send me some too - i could use some euphoria

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Yes, I appreciate it. - Leaving MT

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I cannot wait to get out of this line of work, and I don't have it so bad with my situation, just not enough work these days. I am leaving MT because I refuse to edit VR for the going pay rates and what Kaci refers to as the job security that ensues by crappy dictators refusing to change their poor dictating habits when utilizing voice recognition. To me, the dictators need to step up to the plate and clean up their acts. I don't think MT will every go away because of this, but the pay is horrible. The pay needs to be the same whether the report is typed or edited. Period. Otherwise, research, and looking up names, cities, etc, simply cuts the MT's pay too much to be worth it.

The Psychology of it All - Amanda

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I also don't think transcription will ever go away. What I mean by the field being "dead" is that it is no longer a viable means of making a sustainable income. The newbies don't get this, and I understand. They have no idea what the field used to be, and as they say, you can't miss what you never had. For example, there's a thread on this board in which an MT asks if 3 cpl is fair for VR. WTH! I make more than that and I still feel exploited.

Aside from the monetary inequity in past wages versus present wages, there is also a psychological component that I feel can only be appreciated for those who have been in the field for a long time.

While it's true other industries have seen technology usurp human jobs, it's not the same. The technology (whether software or machine) was developed and then implemented. In this field, we actually "train" the VR to do part of our job. In a sense, we contribute to our own downfall. It's a demoralizing reality that screws with the mind.

Also, when work runs low, I find myself staring at my screen waiting for one or two jobs to trickle in. It makes me feel like a beggar (please, please, send me some work). Worse, I feel like a vulture circling a rotting carcass.

yes, the psychology! - also leaving

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Amanda you are spot on in what you write. It got me thinking that it is the psychology driving me to leave, maybe more than anything.

Companies expect us to have the terminology bank of all medical specialties. And I hear ortho docs who can't pronounce cardiac meds and GI docs who can't pronounce antiretroviral meds, so that shows even some MDs are not familiar with specialties outside their own. Yet, we are not paid adequately for our broad knowledge. We should know enough to correct doctors' mistakes, yet we are paid like we have a menial job.

I am told by my company that I am expected to work when the work is there. No excuses. I guess I'm not supposed to have a social life or tear myself away from the computer to do essential errands like banking, grocery shopping or even sit on the couch and catch a breath. That is really how it has gotten for me. I scramble to get my time in to the point that I have recently started looking at taking a lunch break (unpaid and off the clock, mind you) as a waste of time. I keep putting things off and putting things off because I have to babysit the computer. And for what? I turn down offers to go out to dinner or other fun activities in order to be at home and check for work. For what? Maybe earn 20 bucks if a little work trickles in? Work slows and I'm in the hole time-wise, have to make it up the next day. Next day work is slow. So instead of making up time, I'm in the hole even more. It's a constant worry. Now even when I allow myself some free time to chill out, I feel like I should be doing what? You guessed it, checking for work. I'm completely drained.

I don't try to get work in when work volumes are low on my days off, because I know MTs scheduled to work will want (and need) those precious jobs. And I don't want to cross over to a dog-eat-dog mentality. But how far away from doing that am I?

So yes, the psychology is grinding me down. If I knew what I'm doing now would last me the next 30 years, I couldn't do it. I'm never going to get a raise. There is no working for any advancement with the company. My situation is not going to get any better. This is it, and it's not acceptable anymore.

I haven't been able to work only my assigned shift with steady work flow in a pay period for over 6 months now. Some days I wake up, monitor the work flow, work into the night, and then it's time for bed. This mental and physical grind isn't worth $20,000 a year.
$20,000 annual salary - Amanda
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"This mental and physical grind isn't worth $20,000 a year."

I made roughly that amount last year, when in the mid-1990s I was pulling about $45,000 a year. Considering today's inflated price for gas, food, housing and everything else, I would need to make probably $60,000 to remain comparable to what I used to make.

Everyone is always raving about the technological wonders of our current society. It ain't always so.

Excellent observations - Leaving MT

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I think I feel some of that psychological component even having been in the field for just a short time (4 years). I have a good situation for work except that we have slowed down over the past couple of years, and I find myself waiting for work to trickle in as well. I am appalled at what VR pays. I cannot stand to feel like a vulture, either. I am glad to see that the Bureau of Labor and Statistics has finally changed the information for MT as a profession with good growth potential to one that is expected to grow slower than average. It will be interesting to see how the salary gets amended once they have more current salary information. I think it has dropped even in the last 2 years.

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