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Whatever happened to this swapboard thing? - Vicki

Posted: Dec 07, 2010

Whatever happened to this swapboard thing?  Everytime I go in to check it there are no dates/times there to swap.  Is anybody else using this?  I wanted to try to swap some hours for next Sunday to go to X-mas church service.  Sent 2 emails to supervisor and a phone call and have gotten no response in 2 weeks - that's ridiculous. So, is it up and running or not?

It's dead.....nobody - uses it

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Hope it stays that way!

Swapboard - VIcki

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I agree - it was a kind of stupid setup. I mean, you could try to swap but if nobody took your shift then you were screwed working not only the shift you chose but your old one too. Plus, if you were part-time you couldn't just go in and pick up and available shift for extra hours. Seemed like a poor set up - was just getting desperate to get an answer to question to supervisor - that is the most frustrating thing - to not get an answer in weeks.

no response from supervisor - enigma

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If you're desperate, send a copy of your email to the supervisor to their supervisor. That will get you an immediate response! Guaranteed.

And what about schedule reservation - MTr

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I know everyone was against it, but there was an email that it was happening real soon, then nothing.

you mean lockdown? Dead too - NJA Queen

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We had it here in the North region for a week or so then it slowly faded off into the MQ trash can of CTL and workflow coordinators. The idea was to make sure people weren't working outside their shift, but due to NJA all the freaking time so many people had to make up time outside their shift and it kind of defeated the purpose. The swapboard was never good for FT people anyway, only PT people were able to pick up shifts. I say good riddance to the whole thing.

re: Vicki - Poppy

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Here in my region the swapboard is up and going. There are always extra hours up for grabs. It's been up and running forever and I've used it a lot. I'm a tier 3, so I am able to take tier 1 and 2 work and it's a nice break when I'm getting the "OT".

Since your supervisor hasn't responded, we were given instructions on how to escalate our messages. A corporate e-mail was sent out weeks ago and gave instructions, e-mails and phone numbers. It is absolutely ridiculous that you haven't had a response in 2 weeks. I would just go to the Christmas service if I were you and make up your hours before or after if you so chose (if you can't get a response I mean).

Go to your service and enjoy. Don't worry about work for a bit.

Only works for part time people, no good for full time people - No Message

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re: no message - ft

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I'm full time and use the swapboard, I have since they started it.

swapboard is great - ea

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I am part time and get 8-10 hours extra a week using the swapboard.

Gosh, I wish the swapboard was being used in our region! - Ang

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It is such a great idea, to get a day off if you need it without using your PTO or to pick up extra time.

No you don't. Never has anyone picked up a shift - sm

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that I posted. I have always had to call my CCM and ask for the time off and had to use PTO, pick up a shift on the swapboard or make up time when I could if the swapboard was not in use. Don't think you'll be getting a day off if you post your entire shift up there - probably will never happen. Sorry!
FYI re the above post. The shifts I picked up on - sm
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the swapboard were posted by my CCM not other MTs. These were just times CCM posted because they needed filled. Now the swapboard is not being used for now in my region.

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