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I give up! I cannot pass the audits (sm) - Just plain tired.

Posted: Jun 18, 2014

I switched to VR about 1-1/2 months ago and I just cannot do it.  This 99.6 going to 99.7 in July is impossible for me.  I get so close, but just not close enough.  I need to find transcription again, regular transcription, not this VR.  I didn't have any trouble with that for the most part.  Heck, I can't even get the line count I did before VR because I'm constantly going over and over each report, relistening, but apparnetly not doing such a good job at it.  I don't know what it is about VR that makes it so difficult.  Does anyone have any tips?  Or do you know of any companies that are hiring transcriptionists full time with benefits?  I don't want to retire early.  I don't want to claim unemployment when they finally fire me.  I want to work.  Any help with VR is really appreciated, or anything you have to offer really.  I'm desperate!

Well, I'm no neurologist - but

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it's my non-expert opinion that straight transcription and VR are very different skills indeed. Being good at one doesn't necessarily mean good with the other. I know that, when I try read things on a computer screen, my eyes jump all over the place, and I can't concentrate. Straight transcription, though, is second nature to me, easy as can be. My company is just now transitioning to VR, so I'll be in your boat soon enough. Could you move over just a little?

VR versus Straight Typing - Old and Burned Out

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You used to type the report. Now you are proofreading the report. The end result is exactly the same -- as perfect a report as you can produce. Its time to change your mindset. Take all their constructive comments seriously, no matter how petty they may seem. If you start my mastering the mistakes that have been pointed out, that gets you ahead of the game. Then you master other things you need to by reading the style guides, client profile, etc, everything MM has supplied, you read them over and over.

The truth is straight typing is long gone and we probably only have voice recognition for a short while. You can do it, you just have to adjust to the sorrow of losing the straight typing and say "I must produce a perfect report for the client no matter form it comes to me in."

Say I cannot master voice recognition today, but put that phrase behind you by tomorrow morning and say I can conquer this -- no sweat!!

VR and Straight Typing - Straight typing any day

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I don't work for MM, but my accounts are straight typing. Still, it's not a company you'd probably want to work for, although there are people who seem content there.

No way I want or would accept straight typing - none

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again. I can do 300+ an hour doing VR.
Love, love, love it. You do the math.

Tips - just saying

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The best tip I can give you is to learn your keystrokes (even 5 a day) so you can edit as fast as the docs are talking. Minimal mouse. That is the only way to make money. Your job is to get through the current report as fast and accurate as you can.

Crank the speed up on the docs you can. Most times I try to go at 1.6, but also know your keys to jump the dictation ahead while the doc is flipping papers.

Make expansions for the things you are constantly correcting (S1-S2 versus S1, S2) so all you have to do is hit the spacebar and keep going. Quit listening and relistening. Trust yourself to get it right the first time. Read the text out loud if you have to. Sometimes with those nasty ESL docs who can't make a sentence to save their life that has been a big help to me.

Format ahead if you can while the doc is dictating. Look ahead for headings that need to be changed or lists that can be made.

Lastly, you need to let go the obsession with punctuation. The BOS states many situations especially commas are optional or personal preference. So whatever ASR puts (whether you agree with it or not) leave it. While you may not type a report with PE headings some with colons and some without, unless the client profile states specifically one way or the other, leave as ASR puts it. Time is money and since we don't make much money we have to use our time wiser.

As a side note I have passed all my audits and average over 300 lph. It can be done. Many others have posted tips and tricks too.

On the really bad dictations - sm

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I will walk away at the end, stretch, and re-read with a fresh eye so to speak. ASR is NOT easy

Good advice! I too can do over 300 lph ..... - none

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because I follow the dictation and when waiting for the doctor who hesitates, even better. This is solid good advice from "just plain tired". Thank you for caring enough to let others know what the potential might be.

If youre desperate - ac

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You could always go to Nuance. They have FEISA but they only require 99, and even forgive if you stay above 98.5 and will leave you alone. Plus, they are making their incentive easier to attain.

After trying a bunch of different stuff - and some bad audits

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I took the advice of some people on the Nuance board that said mainly "slow down" and lately I have had good luck (mind you, I have thought this before and then, bam!, I get hit with the QA bat again).

Basically, my latest technique that seems to be working so far is to try to follow the dictation as much as possible with your eyes as it is dictated, sometimes you can speed it up with a slow dictator, but if you can't hear the dictation and follow it with your eyes simultaneously, the rushing means you miss the typical added/deleted/incorrect words the VR has put in there.

You would think this is common sense, but with straight typing it is natural, since you are typing it, and with VR, because it is already typed and your mind is always on the fact you are making half the pay, you end up speeding it up, looking everywhere BUT the dictation-as-it-is-happening, and I have found if I can stick with the dictation-eye thing together, I am MUCH less likely to make mistakes.

Surprisingly, my lph has not dropped with this, if anything it has gone a bit consistently higher.

Also, before I even start editing, I try to check all the demographics, name, etc. Another always check is year-old - if you search "year" you can make sure it is correct.

AND, although I HATE to leave blanks, you really do have to since they will get you if you are anything but completely positive, so sometimes it is not worth the time if you can't be sure.

I actually prefer editing to straight typing, but previously I had a very good speech engine and MTSO, now I have Nuance, which is pretty terrible, so you always need to check. The engine just never seems to learn.

I have another part time job where I do straight typing which is IC and pays decent, so I always proof my work and am sometimes amazed at the mistakes I make, but with the VR we just don't have time to proof and make so bad money you just have to wing it as best you can with all the concentration you can muster.

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