A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Jul 31, 2010

CryI am so depressed. I guess I am trying to vent to you guys. I have taken 4 tests for companies and failed all  of them. I didnt even get an answer back from one. I have been doing this for years. I feel like a dummy. I dont think there are any good companies out there that any one of us can trust. I havent found one. I have sent out my resumes to at least 25 companies I got through my school and on the internet. I also was soooooo scammed through Dit transcription. I just dont know what to do. Please someone help. If you know of any place that is honest and will pay I would appreciate the name. I know that everyone has to watch out for themselve these days. Thank you

Grammy - Grammyx2

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How do you know you're not passing tests if you're not hearing back? They aren't mutually exclusive. There are loads of people testing and companies really don't have the time to respond to every one of them.

I understand how frustrated you must feel, it's not easy finding a good gig these days. I'm going to guess you're a relatively new or maybe not? You mention getting references from your school and that you've been doing this for years.

I would suggest looking outside the online world and seeing if you can find a position. Having been burned by DIT, you've already endured the worst of what online offers. There are many companies that pay and pay on time, but standards are becoming more and more strict. So your skills have to be top-notch. Brush up where you need to. Keep testing and submitting resumes.

But I really think if you looked for an on-site company it might be easier for you to get your foot in the door.

Good luck.

Can't pass test - Pat46

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I know what you mean. I think I've taken four tests to and got I job offer although I didn't do very well on their test either. I do not understand that because most of the tests were very easy and I looked some of the material up to be sure I had the right answer.

My husband says I'm not getting the jobs because of my age. I guess I'm ancient at 63. I have a fulltime job and am just trying to pick something up on the side at the hospital in Canton, Illinois where I live. They have just gone to VR for some of the doctors but not very many. I don;t really know why they put the VR system in but it came with a new Fusion system which allowed us to go home. Since we put it in I've cut my hours to 36 from 40 as I was constantly running out of work or not getting any during long periods in my shift as I work second. In the past I've worked for Spheris,Transcend and Transolutions and neither Transcend or Transulutions will hire me back because of my line count.
Transtech was the one that offerred me a job but there were three different line rates and bottom line I could stay up and type all night to make $40.00 or $85.00. I decided that wasn't worth the hassle.

Hang in there. I hope you get a job soon.

If you are looking PT, I can tell you that the big sm - FYI

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companies are just not hiring PT people anymore. I know my compay is no longer looking at PT people at all - they only want FT because usually the PT job is not a priority. We have had may PT people not show up, not do their line commitment, etc.

What? I have worked PT for the past 6 years and - always found work. nm

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when were you last hired for a new company to work PT ? - have you recently been hired for PT ? n/m
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RECENTLY? - Reading Comprehension 101
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woo boy

Nowadays I tell them they can have my birthdate - and SS# upon receipt of a job offer.

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They know full well we "older" MTs are not going to work for paychecks written out in RUPEES.

To Can't Pass a Test" - 64-year-old Grandma

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I am 64 years old, and had a job within 1 month of leaving my former employer. I also tested on line and scored the highest, even when compared to women much younger than myself, and the employer told me that!! So, never, ever give up. Just keep trying. I am happy with my job, and even though they cannot discriminate because of age they get by with it. They do, however, want women our age because we have no children at home anymore, and are more reliable because we don't take as many sick days due to having younger children. You didn't say what fields of medicine you are skilled in typing, but a big plus is to be able to type surgery, radiology, psychology, pathology, cardiology, ER notes, et cetera. The more experience you have the more likely they are to hire you. I have been an MT for over 40 years, and have always volunteered to learn outside the normal medical fields, which has been the reason why I have never been without work. A lot of MTs stick to what they know,and sometimes that is not a good thing. A friend of mine did nothing but radiology and found herself without employment because she was not skilled in any other medical fields. Just keep trying, and I wish you the very best of luck.

I agree with everything except the no children at home part. - sm

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What has that got to do with anything? Do you know how many grandparents are raising their grandchildren or babysitting while the parents work? Cut me a break!

If an employer actually said such nonsense to you that they prefer 60 and above for that reason, they are a load of bullcrap!

I have 2 school-aged children and 25 years of experience and am just as reliable as you grandma (and I might add) just as skilled!
But grandma is right. - sm
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There is no missed time for pediatrician visits, parent teacher conferences, the lice scare, school chaperoning, picking the kid up early from school, general kid sickness, dance recitals, school plays, etc.

That is not to say that people with children at home are not hard-working and dependable people. But the same reasons that people use for working from home are the same reasons that can pull them away from their work. Yes, grandparents can have these tugs on their time, but it is the exception rather than the rule.
So basically having no life at all is what constitutes - reliability?
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Let's not go there. We all know old people require more doctor visits than children. Let's not "kid."

It is ridiculous to make those types of assertions, as if a company only hires old people with no life because a fully functioning Mother won't get the job done. Please, spare me!
Why would you find that so hard to fathom? - sm
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They expect people to flex their time and essentially be on the clock up to 14 hours a day. Now who is going to be better able to do that? The 30 year old with a toddler and a 6 year old or the 55 year old whose kids have all left?

I'm not saying it's right. But in the mindset of the new MTSO order and with the flexibility that is now required, the postmenopausal crowd has a bit of an edge (and, contrary to your apparent belief, not all 50+ year olds have weekly or even monthly doctors' appointments).
I haven't been to a doctor in a year or more - ex-Transcend MT
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I beg to differ, but I hardly ever get sick, no colds, no flu, and I keep myself in good shape. No one ever said that companies only hire "us old people." I only mentioned that we are not in the grave yet, and I have had a lot of criticize for being over 60, and when in the world did you get the idea that we all were literally gray-haired old ladies, my goodness you really don't know anything about our age do you. We are more active, healthier and don't run to the doctor than a lot of people much, much younger than we are. My mother was a wonder when she was my age and my grandmother ran circles around me, so never underestimate us oldies. I think we can both learn a lot about one another, be it old or young.
Thank you - ex-Transcend MT
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Thank you for your reply, I was beginning to think I would be in the grave the way this young lady described me LOL. Well, at least you got what I was saying, and I agree with everything you said in your note, and you are right it is the exception rather than the rule. Thanks!
Sorry, didn't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers - ex-Transcend MT
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I am sorry, I did mean to add that a lot of women in our age group weren't helping with their grandchildren, and I did that and worked too from the time 1 of my grandson's was a baby until he went to Kindergarten to help my daughter out. I have 4 children, whom I raised alone and worked, and 5 grandsons and 1 more on the way. Over so many years I have done double duty, but I have heard the part that not having children at home does help and some MTs are more flexible than others. Hey, I am not running round after a toddler anymore, or trying to work when one is sick, been there, done that. Plus you will get there eventually, and the way you sling that grandma around sounds like a dirty word young lady, and I have over 40 years experience, but I am sure you are very skilled in your own right. This is not a name-calling contest here, we are all MTs, and I did not mean to hurt your feelings. As I said previously, I paid my dues, raised my children on my own and worked 2 jobs, and a lot of us "grandmas" in my age group did the same thing. I am very active by the way, took Tae-Kwan-Do, with one of sons, worked out weightlifting, running, et ceter and I'm not in a wheelchair or rocking chair, and look much, much younger than "grandma" age; in fact I am dating someone 20 years younger than myself honey, and he can't keep up with me. I wish you all the luck in the world, but don't think of us as so old we can't relate to what you are going through. I have earned my freedom, but my children come first and my grandchildren, and I am always there for my children..I am sure you will love being a grandma someday yourself.
If your children/grandchildren still come first, - as you say, seems contradictory to the belief...sm
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that the "older" crowd is more reliable. LOL For what it's worth, I've worked from home for years with children ranging in age from 2 mos to teen and I couldn't tell you what a sick day even IS--never had them! If I took time to care for my children, I made that up later in the day, period. It's most certainly not "the rule" that people with younger children aren't reliable any more than it is "the rule" that older people go to the doctor more. Ridiculous assertions from both sides of the spectrum here.

Reliability is an individual trait, despite age or children at home. Bottom line.
This is too confusing for words - ex-Transcend MT
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No said or implied that us "oldies" were more reliable than anyone else. It was just mentioned that we had the luxury of not having anymore kids around, and I said that if my children needed me, I would be there for them, but that does not mean they come above my job. If you had no sick days, and everyone does, we all know we have worked through those, especially if we have a family depending upon our paychecks. I also said that I was a single parent with 4 kids, no child support,and working 2 jobs..I hardly had time to even be sick. I agree about reliability, but there will always be someone younger trying to convince us older folks that we can't cut it anymore, and I just thought it would be nice to stand up for ourselves. It would also be nice if we just stood as 1 unit, not old or young, and never try to be nasty, rude or abusive to other people. There are no ridiculous assertions here, just different opinions from different people at different stages of their lives.
here's a different issue - sandwiched in
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One issue that hasn't been mentioned regarding older workers is what I have been personally experiencing for the past 2 years. I have a widowed mother and a widowed mother-in-law, one of whom has serious health problems and the other who doesn't drive, so a lot of time is spent in taking care of their needs. My father-in-law had cancer for 2 years until he died in November and during his illness my mother-in-law had to have bypass surgery. There are people in our age group who are dealing with elderly and/or sick parents plus helping with grandchildren from time to time. I actually sometimes feel that I have less free time than I did when my kids were small.
Again believe that's the exception rather than the rule - sm
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With advances in medicine, more older people are living independent lives to an older age. If we take the extremely sick parent as a standard, they are also as likely to be living with the child who also has children at home. A "senior" child may or may not have parents requiring assistance, but a mother with young children is always going to have them as their primary responsibility.


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Dont feel bad depressed. I have worked for 2 companies in the past 6 months and both have fired me. The first company was not even worth giving up unemployment for. The second wasnt either. I have more than 20 years experience in transcription of all kinds and have not been able to type PERfect reports for these a------. It is not really worth their 8 cpl. It is a big rip off to cheat people out of money and not pay them for their experience or education.


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Sten-Tel. Take test and if you do well you won't regret this.

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