A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I was a WMX QA and can't pass a test?? - WebQA

Posted: Sep 14, 2010

I've taken all of these tests one after another and some I pass, some I don't. I have the experience and did QA for 5 years, so I have no idea why I'm not passing them. I'm growing tired and weary. Anyone else having problems testing?

If it's MTTest (aka MTSO's Bermuda Triangle) - Hates MTTEST.com

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That testing site is the Bermuda triangle - twilight zone of MT testing, and you will waste a decent amount of time, brainpower, and healthy self respect after jumping through their hoola hoops of quizzing, to only have yourself be degraded when they FAIL you for something ridiculous. But have no fear, they will then solicit you're name and information for an MT refresher course you can mortgage your home for in another attempt to waste more of your time, money, and dignity to test once again for MTTEST.com.

You hit the nail on the head. LOL sm - WebQA

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That's what it seems like. A ringer. It's a shoddy test, at best. Why they use them to hire MTs, I'll never know. They are not a good indicator of how an MT does at all. Well, all we can do is eat popcorn and wait for the results to roll in.

mttest - longtimemt

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I feel your pain, I tested for 4 different companies on that web site in the last few days and only heard from one of them, feeling depressed, have a lot of experience and have applied to at least 15 companies since RIF and still not getting anywhere. But at least we are not sitting there getting NSA all day long, my day is mine to do whatever I want at this point!!
Same Here - mletrans
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I am in the same boat ladies. On my 3rd job this year getting let go because of EMR and not needing me. I have 12+ years of experience in many specialties etc. and yet I fail some of these tests? Or don't ever hear back? Or if you do it's some awful offer or set up. And I have gotten the "you stink but take our course" :) Takes up SO much time doesn't it? And some tests are so garbly yuck you can't really show what you know. I am flabbergasted at where transcription has gone. I know this is a very repetitive rant but I'm frustrated like you all. It's funny because you know we are all applying at the same places :) I did get one feedback at a company I won't name. They said I mistyped two medication dosages and those were critical errors and to apply in 2 months. Honestly, what is different in two months? She was really nice though. At first I thought I had been scammed because these tests were 5, 5, 9, and 7 minutes long and then to be told "no" I thought, "Oh great, I typed these for free." You know those scams. She assured me that was not the case and that CareerStep grades their tests. Anyhoo, keep your chins up ladies (and men).
mttest - anon
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I stopped taking the test. When I apply I asked what their pay rate is. If they don't get back to me, I don't bother. I just had an e-mail to me and her answer was "depends on experience." I only asked for a range, I wrote back and said I had 25+ years experience and since she couldn't tell me then I wouldn't test because I wasn't going to work for $.08/$.04 per line. She wrote back and said "oh I didn't know you had that much experience." Didn't she see my resume. Rate was 8-8.5 and 4 for VR. Told her no thanks.
Unfortunately - longtimemt
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Unfortunately that is the going rate these days, I have more than 30 years experience and the highest line rate I have found is 8 with the option of another 1 if I did over a certain amount of lines and of course, the only shifts I can find are second and third and most of them want both weekend days, which sucks for me. I have probably 10 e-mails in my in-box right now with line rates quoted at 7-8 and nothing higher. I am trying to hold out for more but with everything going to VR, it looks pretty bleak, 7-8 cpl for straight typing looks pretty good at this point compared to a mix of 8/4 when it is 70-80% VR, but I know that straight typing will soon be VR. I have found in the last couple weeks that experience does not really count for much, one company told me they pay everyone the same, regardless of how much experience I had and that just does not sit well with me, my work is way above average, don't send a lot to QA with blanks and I don't need someone checking everything I do, don't tell me someone just out of school is worth as much as I am, I worked my way to where I was and I deserve more, unfortunately I am not in charge, the companies are and it is either take what they offer or sit here hoping that one day someone will realize experience does count. I just have a real problem with VR at 4, most people cannot do more than 250 on VR, that is only 10/hour, which is not real great fcr this profession, especially if you are used to making 20+. Sorry for the rant, just gets irritated knowing that I have done this 30+ years and it doesn't make any difference any more. Best of luck to all of you.
I certainly agree with everything you posted. Was in the same boat not too long ago. - IAMT
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Can't think of any other profession that does not pay for experience - as in MTSOs. REALLY disappointed in the MTSOs in this industry right now. Did you try the local hospitals? They still seem to understand the experience and pay concept a bit more and benefits are so much better. Our local hospitals have physician offices within their networks and both entities have a bit of training onsite but then do send the MTs home to work. There are also still some smaller physician offices that employ MTs as contractors in my area and the cost of adding a microcasette transcriber is pretty minimal, a tax deduction and I certainly charge a lot more per line as it includes my own proofing, printing, and delivery. Got SO tired of working for MTSO's where the greed and profit overshadowed everything else.
If you truly are that good, you'll make more because you'll do more and do it better/faste - Common Sense
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There are people out there with 20 years of really poor experience, so experience is not the answer. There are also new MTs who do have good current skills plus good work ethics and lots of motivation. That doesn't equal years of quality experience, but it does beat some of the MTs who are good, but burned out and unmotivated or those who never were as good as they tell us they were. There is no way to know from looking at a message on a board if an MT falls in one category or another. We believe you are that good because you say you are, but every single MT on this board will tell us how great they are. Unfortunately, some don't even know that their skills are lacking, and the rest of us will just believe what we are told. Everyone has the best of skills and the highest of work ethics, and the employers don't recognize it. We are all "too good for" the jobs we are offered. Just trust us.
Well, I do agree with your very last statement. - IAMT
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Some of us working in this field for 20 years or so are actually that good. Some of us are not unmotivated cuz we have a stack of bills on our desk to make us that way. If we were not, wouldn't QA at our beloved MTSO have an obligation to let us know if we were not? Some of us actually get great QA scores and emails about our good quality and that would be the only show of appreciation for a good job cuz there sure are never any RAISES (as there most likely would be in other professions in the way of cost of living or merit increases).
Jobs in other professionals are being cut. Raises are a part of our nation's history - Thankful to be working at all!
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Find a profession where there are raises or cost of living or merit increases. Let us know when you find one.
Sad, but true. My neighbor was griping because she didn't get a raise on her Social Security. - LTMT
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I am not unsympathetic to the plight of those on SS and fixed income, but I haven't had a raise in over 5 years, so I am in the same boat. Only way I get more money is to get another job. But, as you pointed out, I suppose I should just be thankful to be working.
I am not talking about these raise and cost of living raises in the timeframe - IAMT
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of the country's recent economic woes. I have been in this profession for 20 years. Did not have a raise of any kind for years before that started. How long have you been transcribing? Thanks for your concern though. I did find a new profession, so am letting you know, whoever you think "us" is that I need to notify. I work part-time in transcription for a local physician's office at this point, very flexible hours, and full-time in the nonMT position. Good luck with thinking the MTSO's have not all turned to complete greed as their motivation to succeed, cuz in my opinion they alone have ruined this profession.
MT Test - Steph
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I am glad I'm not the only one who has felt this way about MTTest. You would think if a person has 10+ years' experience and the person had worked several places for a good while at each and had 5 years' experience in QA they wouldn't require this sill test. And what's funny is a lot of times the written part is the same, so how can you pass it one time and not the other. I've taken about 4 of these tests in the last week as well, apparently passed them all, and yesterday I took one, and it said I failed the initial screening, bogus. And I, too, have started asking what the rate of pay is. There's no way I'll go through the trouble for 7 cpl.
This is awful. My job appears secure right now, but - Other Webmedx Person
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I confess I'm curious about this test someone of Webmedx's standard can't pass. Would someone please post the names of a couple of places that use it? I'd like to see if I can pass. Since it's so widely used, that sounds like something we all should know.
Softscript, EncompassMT nm - WebQA
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The test I took from SoftScript was not from mttest. It was a bit difficult, though. sm - Job-Seeking MT
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I have never had any trouble with those tests, but it does seem odd that one could pass it with one company and not pass it with another. I don't mind testng, but it would be nice if you could just test once and have the results shared for use when applying to other companies.
Thank you all, above and below. I should be able to get - Other Webmedx Person
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a test scheduled out of all those. Now I just have to work up my nerve and be prepared to fail fairly philosophically. :) Seriously, I do want to see the questions.
Many more MTSOs that use MTTEST - Good Luck
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Here are just a few of the MTSOs which use MTTEST.  This list was compiled a few months ago, so the transcription type may be different or they may not be hiring, in which case they will not let you test.   

Good Luck






American Transcription Solutions (ATSI)
Clearwater, Florida   


Acute Care


Amphion Medical Solutions


None specified


Breitner Transcription Services, Inc 
Canton, Massachusetts  


Acute Care Basic 4 (3-5 years experience)


Clear Choice Transcription, LLC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania   


General Medical


Encompass Medical Transcription, Inc.
Pewaukee, Wisconsin   


General Transcription/Voice Recognition


Nashville, Tennessee  


General Medical


Iridium Services, Inc. - Oncology
Miami, Florida   


None Specified


Intermountain Transcription Solutions
Providence, Utah   


Acute Care


L S Services
(iMedX   Inc)
South Point, Ohio    


Acute Care
Clinic Notes
General Medical


Med-Scribe Transcription Service, Inc.
Teaneck, New Jersey   


None Specified


Douglasville, Georgia   


None Specified


Precyse Solutions
Alpharetta, Georgia   


Acute Care


Probity Medical Transcription
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania   


Acute Care


SoftScript, Inc.
Santa Monica, California  


General Medical
Acute Care/ESL


Transcend Services, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia   


None Specified


Charlotte, North Carolina   


Internal Medicine/Family Practice
Acute Care
Emergency Department


Voice Systems
Panama City Beach, Florida   


General Medical
Operative Notes
Internal Medicine


WordZXpressed Transcription Services
Atlanta, GA   





I'm in the same boat. The RIF is to blame. sm - WebQA
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I am doing the same thing, just taking one day at a time, doing whatever I want during the day, applying to jobs, taking tests, applying for benefits all over the place. If you'd like to talk, you can email me privately. It seems we have a lot in common.

Tell them mttest is controversial - Anon

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I have only 3 years with Sphedquist and have taken 5 and not passed even 1. I assume if you leave even 1 blank, you have failed. I go over them word-by-word and now feel the grader has my number. I graduated with Top Honors from Career Step, now they are gleefully closing me out of the profession. And feedback is out of the question.

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