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I downloaded the Labor Standards Complaint form - wheres_my_job

Posted: Apr 05, 2012

For the great State of Wisconsin (as they say).

All that free data entry we do, headers and so on - yeah, I'm gonna put a price on all that.  Go ahead and tell me, State of Wisconsin, that in the great United States of America, workers can be expected to DONATE their time and effort to a company, and it's A-OK.  Go ahead, tell me that - so I can add it into my video.

can you elaborate? Since I am from this great state. Thanks. - n/m

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Go to Labor Standards Bureau website... - wheres_my_job

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...for Wisconsin - you can find the form there, and download it, or fill it out on your computer. Remember, you need to do some number crunching, for how much YOU think they ought to retroactively pay you, for shortchanging you (i.e., not paying you) for work you perform(ed) for them. Reason it out - believe me, when these companies engage in minimizing compensation, through legal and illegal means (you gotta pay for work performed!), they are reasoning it out themselves, with the aid of lawyer(s) probably.

I think the timing is wonderful, what with anti-union SCOTTY WALKER UP FOR RECALL!!!!!! Go Badgers!!! If anyone wants to know what it's like working for an anti-union, anti-worker company, I think my situation is a pretty good example.

appreciate the info; thanks - n/m

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Wheres-My-Job. Did you not say you were out of this business? - Or just out of a job at the moment? nm

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You can be a former employee and file a complaint - wheres_my_job

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If we look at the Lily Ledbetter Act, we have 180 days from the time of the LAST paycheck to file a complaint. Even if this is not a case of sex discrimination, we have a legal precedent as far as WHEN an employee can file a complaint - baby, it's 180 days from the time of the LAST paycheck. And who knows, maybe my situation does fall under the provisions of the Lily Ledbetter Act. And if it doesn't, maybe they'll end up naming an act after me - wouldn't that be great?

Also, you can file Labor Standards Complaint... - wheres_my_job

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...and be a former employer. So either way, I'm about to kick this nightmare up a notch, as Emeril Legasse might say.
The service I work for stopped paying headers - and footers too (sm)
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How do we get them to stop screwing us???
How to get them to stop screwing us? We have - to find a way to screw them right back. nm
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Maybe somebody can call Tom Brokaw - media
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or Diane Sawyer or that John Stossel guy. Poor Andy Rooney - he's dead. RIP. It would be nice if this could go national. Headline: Wake up America! Your medical records are being shipped to foreign countries because your hospital is too cheap to pay the transcription bill!
expose them and they'd be screwing themselves. You stay - the good guy. If the truth hurts, so be it.
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You have to file a complaint with Labor Standards... - wheres_my_job
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You MUST keep track of the number of headers you do (each report has a header, so how many reports do you do each day?) You must keep track of the data entry you do (if you have to add an address, look up a patient, etc) AND what kind of documentation they require of such (those are keystrokes, which add up to lines, which is how we are paid).

Just get a notebook (paper), put the date at the top of each page, and keep track for each day. I'd add up maybe a month or two of this. Then file a complaint with the State Labor Board, whatever state the company is located in.

Then calculate how much you should get paid per header, etc - as well, I would add in a "productivity differential," because each time you switch from transcribing/editing to DATA ENTRY, your productivity is being affected - which is how you get paid. So we need to be compensated for THAT.

We all need to do this consistently, or at least a few of us, or at least somebody who knows how to get some media attention!

Anyway, that's my perspective. Hello, MTSOs reading this, have fun calling your lawyers for advice.
Well I'm following....&...filing....suit... - nm
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someone's got to be the squeaky...
Good for you - wheres_my_job
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I'm actually working on it, this evening - the hardest part was just filling in my name and address, seriously!!!!! It's so hard - why can't I just accept things "gracefully." This is really stupid and possibly overdramatic, and maybe even offensive - but I'm reading about the Pope during the 1920s-1930s - all his deal making with Hitler, and dissolution of the Catholic/trade unionist political party, and silencing of Catholic dissent in 1920s-1930s Germany - there was one Catholic priest who didn't cooperate with the Pope's plans, and he just kept spreading the word about how bad the Nazis were...well, of course, you know where they sent him...

I think of him...I'm not doing anything risky or life-threatening like this Catholic priest - I'm just filling out a stupid form and faxing it in (well, maybe a couple other things)...I mean seriously, what is the worst that can happen? The status quo is maintained. I may think the status quo is "excruciating," but is it really, comparatively speaking? No.

I'm not Catholic, far from it, but still, I can't help thinking of him. Really, all I want to do is wear a straw hat and putter around the garden, and write poetry and read. And here I am embroiled in this frickin stomach-churning corporate malfeasance. Having to look up laws and subsections of laws and interpretations thereof. Just not in the mood to "frame a legal argument," but on the other hand - hooray for Lilly Ledbetter!

At least there's a full moon tonight, something to look forward to.
don't forget no pay for cc either.... - mt2
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If not copy, we have to type out name, address if given and NOT paid for this. Can we file suit if we're still employed by them? Don't want to be fired but I am really sick of this crap.
You file a "complaint," not a suit - wheres_my_job
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The complaint is with the Labor Standards Bureau (or whatever they call it in your particular state. If you say what state your COMPANY is in, I will look it up for you and post it here).

The Labor Standards Bureau is there to ensure workers are paid and treated fairly. So, the answer to your question is YES.

A suit would be in a court of law - this is a complaint with the government agency that oversees labor-related issues. I think filing a complaint is a first step - after you've worked out what you think you should get compensated per cc: (a flat rate for ANY cc: you have to do? Or if you have to add an address to a database, that's extra? A "productivity differential," because as you switch between editing/transcribing and data entry, it reduces your productivity - studies HAVE shown this to be the case.)

Not just going ahead, but retroactively: Estimate how many cc's, etc, you've done for your company, uncompensated, and come up with a dollar amount. For ANY UNCOMPENSATED LABOR, not just cc's!!!

Note: It doesn't matter if it's $23.48 or $234.80 of uncompensated labor - it's YOUR MONEY the company is helping itself to. Multiply that by the number of employees that company has, and $23.48 can mushroom into $2,348 or $23,480 of OUR MONEY in THEIR POCKETS.

Let me know if you want me to find you forms online, for your particular company (the state they are in).

Best of luck to all of us!

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