A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Complaint board - just a suggestion

Posted: Jul 02, 2010

Just a suggestion but if there are so many people with complaints about companies or their MT careers, etc., instead of getting "bashed," deleted, or otherwise, why not make a forum just for complaints and opinions and leave the other boards to more respectful and intelligent conversations.  Let's see if what I just posted doesn't prove my point.

Complaint board - anonymous

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I think that would be a great idea. I have posted that I am very satisfied with my job, and some MTs have said the most hateful things. I learned my lesson the hard way. Perhaps they thought I was boasting? Anyway, it is a great idea.

I agree - NOT a Suit

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I make a very decent living on VR with the eScripton platform. I have a great account with probably 75% decent dictators, so I realize I do have it relatively easy compared to others with a lesser platform.

That being said, I am NOT a suit or management, and I get really irked with being called one whenever I try to post about being happy with my employer (who I won't EVEN begin to name to avoid them getting unjustifiably bashed) and doing pretty darned well income-wise. Sure, I'd like to share some tips about doing VR that have helped me (I've been doing eScription since 2002), but anytime I try somebody starts accusing me of being "a suit" or "management," and I'm not. I've just worked on a VR platform for a sufficient period of time where I feel I could give other MTs tips to make their lives a little easier. Once the "suit" and "management" crappery begins, I'm outta that thread quicker than last night's meatloaf. I don't NEED that type of accusation and it's NOT TRUE.

Maybe if we had a "VENT BOARD," the unhappy campers could congregate and we would leave them alone in their discussions and they could leave us alone in our more upbeat conversations.

Sometimes I feel like a few of these posters just aren't happy unless they're tinkling on someone's parade, especially when they clearly go out of their way to post something especially rude or nasty.

Believe it or not, some MTs are doing quite well and are very happy with their current positions. I speak from experirence because I AM one of those happy, properous MTs, NOT because I am a "suit" or "management" or, worse yet, "a liar."

I agree totally and with the above posters too - anony4areason

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I too am in your category. I love my job and make a good living in this career. More than any other than I have been in. I too am called a suit/mgmt when I post that I'm happy with my position, and what's worse is they come back and tell me I'm not compassionate for the ones out of work or low on work. It's a no win situation. You are either accused of being something you are not or you are accused of being without compassion, or like you said they just come out and call you a liar. It's very frustrating.

I think a vent/complaint board would be a great idea and it would free up this board for less negativity.
so only you should have a right to post anywhere you want - sadMT
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ya think? I don't
You missed the posters point - go figure
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The point was not about where to post. The point was being cut down and called suit, liar, uncompassionate and other nasty's if you post that you are happy with your job.

ya think?
But stupid, lazy, whiner, and useless are okay? - n/m
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I don't understand your message - can u please explain - go figure (nm)
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Disregard my above message - I do understand now - go figure
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I understand what you are saying now, but again you missed the point. The point was when people who are happy with their jobs, who are doing well and love their jobs post a message, not in response to anyone's else's message and don't name call to begin with are being called suit, liars and uncompassionate.

My feeling is NOBODY should be calling anyone anything.
I agree that this could be a much more sympathetic place - s/m
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I also don't know if it's a select few that just like to stir up trouble, but almost always the "happy" people start with, "I love my job. My company loves me. It's the best company in the world. Therefore if your experience differs from me, you are obviously a whiner who won't take responsibility for yourself, proving your stupidity and the fact that you deserve everything get." Granted, I'm paraphrasing, but you only have to go down to one posting below to read someone get reamed by the happy people because she dared to say she hated her job. And who wooda thunk happy people could sound so bitter in their recriminations?
I agree with you that people get reamed, but I see it more the other way - go figure - s/m
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I see so many posts about "I'm not happy with my job therefore I call all MTs to quit working". Then when you say, I've got bills to pay and I'm happy at my job I got the "your a suit, your not sympathetic, you only care about yourself, why don't you think about other people, if you dont' quit and stand up we'll never get anywhere, etc, etc.

Now...I will agree with you that people who are unhappy get reamed, but so do people who write they are happy. It's both sides. I've seen downright nasty posts on both sides. While you see that "people who are happy with their job say if someone experience differs than theirs they are obviously a whiner who won't take responsibility", etc. I see people who are happy and say they like their job are called "suits" "liars" "unsymphathetic" and a whole slew of nastyness. I have read down each post on this board over the past months one by one and I'll say it's about 50/50. Depending on what side you fall into, people of course think their side is the ones getting picked on.

I think its about equal and what I would like is for people who are unhappy to get sympathy because believe me I know how miserable it can be if your job just sucks and there is no hope, AND for the people who come on say they are happy and like their job (and they don't start in calling others lazy) I would like NOT to see them being called "suits" "liars" and uncompassionate.

I think it's 50/50, and I would just like to see people being nicer.
Sympathy doesn't pay the bills; action does - In My Opinion
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The difference may be in our personal style. Some of us are pragmatic. We define a situation and find out what's in it for us. If it isn't a healthy situation for us and doesn't meet our needs, we look for a way to fix that.

Another style is the opposite of that. I think the two styles are just not compatible. We will never understand the other point of view.
Then why is it necessary to "convert" them to your way of doing things? - s/m
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By your own admission, the two styles are incompatible and there can be no understanding. So why, then, do you find it necessary to take somebody who apparently falls into the "I like sympathy" camp and attempt to convert them to what you call the "pragmatic" style?

And I still don't know why you assume that they are not pragmatic. I view myself as pragmatic. I do what I have to do in both my vocation and avocational lives to get by, yet even I need to vent now and then. It may be on here, it may be to one of my kids, it may be to a neighbor. I blow off the steam, and then I get back to taking care of business. I find it hard to believe that no one you know has heard you utter a complaint about anything.
Another good point and I put a reply below - Balancing it all out
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Very good points.
But then you said, "then I get back to taking care of business" - Not everyone does that
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I think most of the messages that talk about people choosing an unhealthy work style are addressed to people who do nothing but gripe. They aren't doing anything productive to change their situations and have no intentions of doing so. They don't 'get back to taking care of business."

There is hope. People can change things, but only if they do something, as you are doing.

This stinkin' economy isn't going to last forever. As with all workers in America since the country was born, some are going to come out of this financial disaster our country (and industry) happen to be in right now and some will come out smelling like a rose. Others will find something else they like better. Some will retire. Nobody will have any kind of a positive outcome if they just sit and vent for hours and take no positive action to change things. At least get into survival mode for the couple of years it may take for things to change.
But how do we know they don't? - s/m
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I'm guilty myself of coming on here and bytching and throwing an on-line version of a temper tantrum, ranting at the world, my boss, my neighbors, my ex, my horse, my satellite, pretty much everything. And while there are times that I do believe I am the butt of some dark cosmic joke, after I vent, I go sit out on the back steps, pet the dogs, and then go back to work, not necessarily rejuvenated but with the load lightened just a smidge from having expressed it and just knowing there are others who commiserate. We all need a hug now and then, even if it just a virtual one!
That is true. Good point. - Balancing it all out
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I'm pretty sure that there are people who never get to the 'rejuvenated' point though. I guess I have to admit here that I know at least two people who post here. I know them well enough to know that they will never be happy. It isn't that they aren't capable. They are. They are just committed to being miserable. That isn't you, obviously. I think all the 'get a grip' messages AKA 'if this isn't working for you find something that will and get on with it and stop moaning and complaining' messages are aimed at those very few (hopefully) people who will frankly never get on with it. They are committed to being miserable and be miserable they will.

I would like to say that I have been guilty of misjudging others, such as yourself, because we can't tell the difference on here. Also I will confess to at times just coming on here when I have a minute or two and just playing. Anything I wrote during those play moments wasn't really all that thoughtful. I just threw comments out there that I was thinking at that moment, some of them not very helpful.
Thank you for the acknowledgement - s/m
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I really appreciate you saying that. For what it's worth, I myself has experienced a ban or two because of my own inability to keep my mouth/fingers shut on the NewMT and Word Help boards, so I do understand what you mean about making that initial from-the-gut reply. My new, reinstated self, is trying to remember to take a step back and hope that whatever stupidity I was going to respond to will stand for itself, in all its naked moronic glory.

The boat rocks both ways, darlin' - sm

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I guess it's safe to assume, since you feel so strongly about this (and I'm including all the people that want a 'happy' board), that none of you are among the people who tell the disgruntled MTs that if they're having problems it's their own fault, that they're either stupid, lazy, or just miserable human beings; since 'you' are doing so well, any problem anybody else has obviously shows they are an inferior human being.

Because if you're one of those people, that would make your need for a safe harbor from the naysayers a smidge hypocritical.
Couldnt have said it better myself. Your post was - excellent. The "Happies" are often hypocrites.
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I don't think that's what people have been saying - See inside
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What I have been hearing and saying is that if you do have a truly horrible job, stop griping and 'venting' and do something about it, and then leave it behind. Go forward with something you can do well and with a job and employer that you appreciate and value. Being in a bad situation and glorying in being miserable is what is so unhealthy and unappealing.
Very easy to say; very difficult to actually do. - no/msg
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It would be nice if we could just get the perfect job - they do not exist anymore
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This is why people get angry. Every time we have a problem with our employer, we are told to get another job. Do you even stop to think of what all is involved in that? Many people can not afford to be without insurance for 90 days - many people can not afford to try to learn a new platform when they have bills that need to be paid.

Is it asking too much for the MTSOs to treat MTs like human beings? Then there would be no need for a "Vent" board here.
The job situation is what it is though - Yes it is asking too much
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It is what it is. We aren't going to change the economy or the business of MT. We can choose whether we want to be part of it or not. For some, it's an easy choice because it works well. For others, it isn't working at all and all the griping and venting in the world isn't going to change that. It is what it is.
Rocks both ways - workingmt
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People (none of you, of course) make themselves unhappy by dwelling on the negative things in their world, and we all have them. I've noticed that others also get sucked in and dragged down by that negative attitude. There is nothing wrong with choosing to be happy over being miserable and it certainly does not make a person a hypocrite. There is a thing called taking personal responsibility rather than blaming others for your misfortune.
Yet another unhelpful dismissive posts. - sm
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You know nothing about any of these people that you like to kick in the butt in your vainglorious attempt to set them on the path to inner happiness. It could be that they bust their hump 12 hours a day to eke out enough of a living to pay the bills, have elderly parents living with them, spent a day a week volunteering at hospice, and still manage to raise 4.0 GPA Eagle Scouts.

Even Jesus in Gethsemane bemoaned his fate, and I don't recall the biblical passage where God said, "Jesus, just find your happy place".

So if someone occasionally feels the desire to come here and vent with people who 'should' sympathize if not empathize, they really don't need someone like the 'collective you' telling them they're just miserable people. It may just be that the vent gives them the strength to continue to do what they need to do, and it's pretty arrogant to think that your wondrous magical stoicism is the only right way to deal with adversity.
well said. - read this.
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Dismissive post - workingmt
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You don't know anything about me either and you are judging me in the same manner.
I'm not the one belittling people for their emotions. The dismissive postings - stand for themselves. n/m
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RIGHT ON! You said all there is to say - THANK YOU!
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I thank you for your very level headed post. Thank you for finding the words that some of us have trouble finding.
I'm listening to what you're saying and you have some good points. - Balancing it all out
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I agree with you that an occasional vent is appropriate and probably healthy. I disagree with you that continuing a constant gripe session gives anyone the strength to do anything. I considered your comment about Jesus too and thought about his life and how he lived it to see if anything could be learned for our topic. How we interpret that is probably best left for each of us.

My own conclusion is that an occasional vent is okay. Living in a constant life of being miserable, spending lots of time griping and a lot less time looking for a solution, is probably unhealthy.

However, your comment about the arrogance of our magical stoicism is the only right way to deal with adversity does have some credibility. I would never want to be a cold, uncaring person who just tells people to 'buck up' in life. There are times when you just can't. But then again, there is a time when you do have to move forward, right?
But who are we to do decide when that is? - s/m
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First, other than one poster on the company board, as a rule I can't tell one poster from another, so I can't really say that the same person is here complaining week in/week out. Maybe it is, but I can't say that and even the one poster that I do recognize (since they use the same handle to do it), I just choose to ignore the endless complaint and let her go. Her life is not my life, and if that's what she wants to do, she should be able to do without interference from me since in doing so it doesn't affect me at all.
If you did know that it was one person going on and on - would it not depress you or bring you down?
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It does depress me and brings me down. I also have a knee-jerk reaction to want to say something or do something to change it.
You have an advantage over me there - s/m
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Maybe it's early onset Alzheimer's, but I rarely recognize a repeat poster (since there are a million anons, s/m's, sm's, woeisme's, etc. If I knew it were the same person again and again and again, I would probably feel the same way you do. I might find a way to try to work into my post about it being Trudy again, or I might hope that everybody else recognizes it as one very sour grape and try to ignore it. Or I might chime in with some ridiculously snide comment and get banned again. ;(

what a bunch of control freaks... - sadMT

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get some help... we are not all the same and you have no right to try to control how people feel.

Amen. Trying to control how others feel belongs in - the hallowed halls of control-freakiness ---

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correct, and this applies to many, many issues!, - nm
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I like hearing what is going on with others. - Grady--sm

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Whether it is good times, hard times, lack of work. Got to hear if and what types of things people are complaining of. How else to know what's going on. Wanna know if someone is doing well too. Want to know if people are being cheated or poorly treated. I want to hear complaints,problems, concerns, issues.

We will not be adding a Complaint board. SM - Moderator

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The board is divided up by topic/subject.

Posters have the right to post complaints or praises, positive or negative posts by topic/subject.


Thank you, good decision! - nm

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But...complaining is FUN! Its THERAPEUTIC! If we - had a complaint board, others would be empty. nm

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I do not think it is the complaining, per se, that is the issue - Venting away

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Everyone vents and everyone has issues and we all love to be able to come here and air those issues and get it off of our chests, and even better if we find others to commiserate with.

What I have experienced, as has the OP, is that when I have posted something good about my company, others have come on and called me a suit or a cheerleader. (You think they'd come up with another insult at this point. Suit is getting old.) I have seen posts that started off fairly innocently and they just devolve into this horrible name calling mess, from supposed grownups.

A complaint board is probably not the best solution to that, but it speaks to what I think is a bigger issue and that is the way that some posters treat other posters on here. JMO.

Excellent post and I agree totally - anony4areason

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Your last paragraph said it right on. It's how we are treated when we post positive things.

In fact so much I didn't even read the reply someone made to my above post. Proves your point 100% right on.

I would love that, but without complaints there wouldn't be much to talk about - Happy topics are boring - right?

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I doubt that anyone has much to talk about other than to say that they love their job, and then we're back to the attacks from people who say that the person is hallucinating and doesn't really love that job or maybe they do, but they soon won't. You know the routine. It gets old, but that's all people have to talk about. Talking about good, uplifting, positive, happy things is just too boring I guess.

EXACTLY! Would any of us watch the evening news - each night if it were only good news? -n/m

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People enjoy seeing/hearing that other people are miserable - That is true but sad

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What disturbs me more than the actual failure stories themselves is the fact that people love to read about the failures of others. It makes them feel better about themselves. They get something out of it, and that is sad.

IMO there are far more unhappy posters than happy ones, so - the minority need a Happy Board. nm

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ah jeese, Edith! Enough said already. - N/M

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or the unhappy need to take action to change their unhappy situations - nm

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They could spend all that time learning something new that would mean a better income. That makes a lot more sense to me. But then the rest of us wouldn't have the joy of watching how miserable they are and comparing ourselves favorably to them, which is why we are glad they post all those failure messages.

oh is that all it takes? Well why did that not occur to me before - Thanks for opening my eyes

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I wish all you Pollyanas could walk a mile in the shoes of an MT who is not having such a great experience. Do not judge lest you be judged yourself. It is quite easy to be smug when it hasn't happened to you yet. I've been in this business a long, long time and have seen many changes. A LOT of MTs have very good reason for coming here to vent. An easy solution for you would be to just ignore the plight of the struggling MT so that you can continue to keep your blinders firmly in place.
The only other option is to NOT take action - That does not make much sense
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I don't think anyone has said that those who aren't making it should have to stay in a career as a medical transcriptionist. The point seems to be the opposite in fact. Why stay in something that is not working for you?
Because for some there are no options - sm
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Maybe they really really like the job, just not the employers. Maybe there are health reasons that limit their options. Maybe this is the only skill they have, and with the crappy money they're making, they cannot afford to spend even more money they don't have to go back to school. Family circumstances may make working from home a necessity.

The point is you don't know what their circumstances are, so your glib sanctimonious pronouncements are of little help, and frankly say more about your character than the one you seem bent on chastising.
So maybe our topic should be finding options for those who seemingly have none - See message
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The frustration all of us in both camps are feeling is, it isn't okay to just roll over and give up. There just have to be options. I hope.

You may not like my character, but in my own heart I know that I just would like a better outcome for those who are truly suffering. You know why? I have been there. I didn't always handle things well, so I'm not setting myself up as a hero.

When I hear of the brave heroic people who are doing the near impossible, I get tears in my eyes. I just want to help find a solution.
Then we need to try to understand their situation - before the 1-size fits all approach
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While the first inclination may be to tell someone to get over it, maybe we should change that first question to why they feel stuck. It may be that we can then provide an answer that may help them, and sometimes just knowing that makes the current problems they're having bearable.

My observation - sm - workingmt

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Is that this forum is one big complaint board; why would you need another one?

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What's Up With This Ad On Another Board For OB
Jan 29, 2015

You see it periodically, OB, radiology, and something else but it's pretty clear the work will be OB.  The test consists of 3 files (getting this from the ad) and you should finish it in less than 2 hours.  3 files?  How long are the files?  So, my real question is (the other two were thiinking out loud), does this ad get run periodically to clear out the backlog or is it really a legit job and why does it come up so often?  It's not the exact same ad everytime ...

Oct 16, 2009

How do you search now on this new board?   ...

VR Board- Moderator
Oct 19, 2009

I was able to get to the VR board only once and cannot get back. When I go that particular board nothing comes up now whereas it did at first. ...

How To Do A Search On This Board??
Oct 22, 2009

Hi, I'm still trying to get accustomed to this interface.  I can't find the search feature...? Is it staring me right in the face? Thanks! ...

New MTs Board -- ALL READ
Oct 25, 2009

This particular board, the New MTs board, is devoted to assisting the newcomers to this profession.  It is here as a help, an assistance, a way to advise and mentor newbies.  It is NOT a place to slam, discourage, handslap or pick fights between newbies and experienced MTs.  We are not going to have an ongoing war or scuffles between the experienced MTs and the newbies or vice versa in regard to who should or should not be in this industry, who does a better job, who knows more, ...