A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

med coding local chapters - tired MT

Posted: Oct 11, 2011

Can anyone tell me where to go to find local chapters for medical coders/billers?  I want to attend a Chamber of Commerce meeting and/or ask one of the med coder chapter members what the prospects are for someone like me :  25+ years MT, completed Andrews course, got certified and need a job w/o experience.  (I am still an MT, but seriously want to get out and move forward with medical coding).  I don't want to put all my efforts and hard-earned $$ into something that won't pan out..

OH, I looked high and low on my city's Ch of Commerce website for info.. and it revealed nada to me!  (:


Suggest to email Linda - Andi

[ In Reply To ..]
The Chamber of Commerce won't know. You need the local AAPC chapter. The link to them is on their website, but kind of buried.

Email Linda with your city/nearest large city/zip code. If you're rural or something, which city/cities/locales would be within driving distance? Redpen knows how to find them and will give you links to them, to the salary surveys, and probably more suggestions than you care to read.

Andi (Hi! Remember me? )

Go to - jm

[ In Reply To ..]
Google AAPC local chapters. It will take you to the site which will have a find a local chapter, you can put in area. Easy as pie!

Well, ok, but . . . - Redpen

[ In Reply To ..]
. . . I will be deprived of the pleasure of chatting with her and providing assistance!

We had one student who emailed with a complete description of every job application and interview. On two of them, I emailed right back saying "Oh, NO! Not that! I can't believe you did that! You'll never get that job now!" And she got offers on both of them. Go figure! (My advice isn't always on target, but I enjoy providing it.)

Our interactions with students don't stop at graduation. We're kind of forever. So, will the OP kindly email so I can provide some of my infamous job-hunting advice??

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