A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

TransTech folks - TTMS

Posted: Sep 04, 2014

The silence is deafening. I'm waiting for something to happen this week, just don't know what it is. Has anyone lost an account to India yet? I haven't lost my account yet but I'm sure that's going to happen someday sooner if not later. Too bad they couldn't have been more open and honest with us. 

bought out too? - anon

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Were you bought out by imedx too? When they bought out the company I worked for all but 1 account went to "other teams." Everything but 1 account went to speech editing and then just went away (to India I am assuming). They will not tell you. You will just sit there and slowly but surely run out of work. That was my experience. The only emails we got were from the higher ups to let us all know about the new Vice President of such and such and how we should all jump for joy that they have hired another upper management person...made me sick.

Who cares about their promotions? - fed up

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It is a slap in the face to tell us about the promotions, lining their pockets, when I'm about to be out of a job and can't buy groceries as it is. They don't care about me so I don't care about them. Like Donald Trump says, it's not personal, it's business.

Waiting - me

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Wondering also when the ax will fall. Work has trailed off, but that's typical during any holiday. Will "know" more if work doesn't pick up again before the major holidays. A reassuring email from the office would be helpful. Assuming there's a reason for the silence. I like the company, hoping things work out.

Everything seems normal - sm

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I don't rely on this as my main income, so I might be calmer. I completely understand the anxiety.

I have experienced everything to be completely normal other than we will have to use iMedX email soon. Pay has been normal, communication has been normal. Work has been a little slower, but I try not to panic around a holiday.

My regular job is hospital-based and it is very slow right now (for what it is worth). That, of course, affects the overflow work leaving the hospital (i.e. we aren't sending much) so the MTSO won't have any either. Work may not be going to India, it may be going to the hospital-based MTs, if that applies to your accounts.

The key word here is - SEEMS

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For those of us who depend on this as the main or major source of income, just because everything SEEMS NORMAL TO YOU, gives no indication of what is going on. Everything seemed normal for the year before the actual announcement of the acquisition, which by then was a done deal. All employees should be as prepared as they can be for the changes we all should expect are on the way... and soon. It's no big secret what has become of all their acquisitions in the past, and there is plenty about it in the archives. It is foolish to think otherwise. It has been said before, the aim of all of these acquisitions is the accounts, not the employees.

You apparently are one of the very few who has an hourly in-hospital job and use TT for supplemental income.

They did away with internet reimbursement the day of the conference call. I would also point out that pay has not been normal. Don't you remember that we changed payroll processing companies within a week or two? Don't you remember that we went from being paid every 2 weeks to twice a month? And with that twice a month pay change, it takes them nearly 15 days to pay us when the pay period ends? All accrued PTO was paid out shortly after the announcement. We changed to a different 401K. The insurance plans have changed and are nowhere near as good as what they were before. It doesn't even look like there is any employer contribution to the insurance premiums at all.

If you have a regular full time job and are only using this to supplement, what have you got to panic about? I think it is important here that the majority of TT employees who depend on that income to pay their living expenses each month to be aware that we will not get any forewarning of the changes to come, and that if they are not actively making plans, at the very least they need to be aware that there will indeed be changes that will have a great impact on their income.

The track record for how Imedx treats the employees for their acquired companies is well documented in the archives here. It really gripes me when someone who is only a part time employee comes on here and tries to tell people who really depend on this income to feed themselves that everything seems normal. There's nothing normal about using an email account that is India based.

You can keep your rose colored glasses on because you can afford to do that. For the rest of us, I would advise against that and at the very least say to prepare for a lot of changes in the next 6 months. I think by the 1 year mark from the buyout that Imedx plans that everything by then will be run their way.

Maybe you'll wake up the day that the account manager that you report to just vanishes with no explanation.
Really wasn't saying you shouldn't panic - particularly if that is
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you're only source of income.

I don't really consider the changing pay schedule a problem. It is a pain in the __. I don't like it either, but small, so long as you get paid and it is all there. TT pay schedule was incredibly good, this one is bad, but not worst. (I've worked for a variety of services over the past 25 years--and waited and waited for pay, sitting on $1000 phone bills, waiting and waiting for reimbursement. Those were the old days. Costs have become a bit more manageable--groceries and gas not so much.

I was only offering one small little glimpse that there was a moment or two of normalcy still. I would have also offered if I thought there was anything particularly odd. I stated I was part-time to show that I did not have the FT person experience--benefits and such. My FT job has gone through changes too, but I guess I just keep sucking it up. My pay has changed drastically in the FT, but that didn't seem pertinent to this convo.

There really is no need to respond so harshly, except for fear, which I understand makes us mad and sort of mean. I offered right up that I was part-time and SEEMS is a really big word. Would you rather not hear from anyone but the people who have your own opinion? Does it help your fears to only hear other fears? I've been listening to paranoia for 25 years when hospitals first started sending stuff out and transcriptionists on site wanted to hoard the work in their desks. I think this panic is more warranted, but maybe not (that is a little maybe, I can't type smaller). The good ole days, when we would look at each other when OOW and say, "enjoy it while you can."

The real fear here is that TT will just disappear. AND, if I worked for them FT---I would seriously be looking for another JOB (I would be working 2 FT jobs....from what most of you say, it isn't really FT anyway, so I would juggle) My mind isn't in that gear, so I don't have any good recommendations, but I would have my foot in another door, as I do with TT--and since my senses have been saying lately to put my other foot in another door also (yes, try to work 3 jobs) I don't know anything to say but, yes, you are probably right, run, run for whatever you can find.

I agree. Everyone needs a Plan B... - ... like yesterday
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There will be no warning when your job suddenly dries up or you are let go.  I've had this happen in a variety of ways in the last several buyouts I've been through.  Work either dries up, which forces you to go find another job... or they get 25 or so people together in a "conference" call and tell them they're being laid off, let go, whatever term they choose to use.  Unemployment takes weeks to get going.   My warning to all of you is that there will be NO warning.  

Why am I still doing this type of work after 25+ years, you ask?  So many reasons, namely because I'm in my 50s and I'm terrified no one will hire me.  Transcription is what I went back to school to learn all those years ago and it's a profession I have perfected.  I once was highly valued for my expertise.  Another huge drawback to going out and finding a new career is that I have no clothes to wear in an office.  I have worked in sweats, shorts and tank tops, and my pajamas for 25 years.  The main reason I started in this career in the first place was to be able to raise my family as a stay-at-home mom.  Even now, with the kids almost all grown... I just can't imagine ever having to put on pantyhose and heels and go back to work in an office swarming with politics and gossip and pettiness.  Been there done that.  

Unfortunately, however, I am once again being forced to look for other options.  I can't just sit around waiting for the axe to fall again.  I'd be an idiot to think the same thing isn't going to happen again that hasn't already happened to me several times in the past.  You always gotta have a Plan B for this type of work, and the sooner, the better.  Because of my career choice and my limited options at my age, I fear I will have to live with one of my kids until the day I die... probably slumped over the keyboard at 80 years old with qwerty stamped in my forehead. 

I hate what my life has become because of this business.  I once made a buttload of money and now, I'm having to ask for aid from the state for food and utilities.  

Lost account to iMedX - yar

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Immediately lost my secondary account to iMedX, was told it was on a different platform so had to go over to them. Oddly, I haven't gotten any e-mail about transitioning over to iMedX e-mail. Worried.

IMEDX email - sm

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original email went out 07/23/2014. I would email tech and tell them that you didn't get it. Could it be in Junk email? I had one from account care do that the other day. Just all of the sudden, one of them, which I see all the time, took a dive to Junk email.

TransTech Folks - gonesoon

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I haven't seen any difference in the accounts I work on. I was a hospital transcriptionist for 29 years before being "sold" by the health system I worked for to a MTSO (not to TT). There is a signed contract between the client and the MTSO. Yes, the MTSO can "suggest" sending work to India to save on transcription costs - that is what happened to me, but it's the client's decision where the work goes. What the health systems here is "you're going to save $$$$$ by outsourcing to India, and the quality will be just as good." The Health systems are gobbling each other up,too - it's all about power and $$$, not health care. The little guys go with the best big guy they can find, trying to stay alive, and that is what TT did. Look at it this way - they could have gone with Nuance. As far as being paid only twice a month - that is the way insurance companies and banks do it that way, too - you're paid on the 15th and the last day of the month. Hospital work flow is NOT steady - there are so many variables. Just hurts more when you're getting paid by the line, rather than the hour.

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