A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

SRVMT Transcription Company - PC

Posted: Jan 11, 2011

Has anyone heard or dealt with SRVMT Medical Transcription Service.  I was offered a job with them and am curious about the company.  It sounds like it is a new company.

See message - Good Luck

[ In Reply To ..]

Not sure you will get any replies if they are a small company.  Did you see this post from November 2010?   

Sounds like they are India based, with an “office” in the United States, want Independent Contractors but you “must” adhere to a schedule, and have backup in case of power failure (good luck on that if you live in the South or New York right now).  

Gee, not too much to ask – for, maybe, 7 cents a line as an IC.  LOL  

Good Luck

Be sure to let us know if you take the job and what your impression is of this company.  



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