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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: whatever happened to TTC?.. (Views: 47)

not so fast - OldsterMT

Posted: Mar 14th, 2016 - 11:37 am In Reply to: It sounds - Like You

We happen to live in a rural area and we can have a power outage even in good weather. If there is an automobile accident or emergency issue, the power company will kill the power lines. Wind storms will bring down trees and large areas will lose power. Sometimes we have power, but large areas of people in town will not have power for days.

Various internet services tend to have better service than others. I do not have certain internet or electric companies available that other people do who live all of 20 miles from me.

Sometimes depending on your location, you have limited options for providers.

We chose to use a backup energy supply system. I have a power pack under my desk that is good for an hour so I can complete whatever work I am currently doing. There's a second power pack to keep the internet running. We also have a medium size generator so we can keep the power running, not just for work, but for the fridge, freezer, heat source. This can be rather expensive if you have more than a couple of hours of power outage. Yes, we had a time when we were out of power for 6 days. It was costing me more to work than I was earning. Generators need a fuel source.

It's good to keep the household working, but I'm not sure that I would invest in the ability to have a backup source to work. Not at the income that a lot of us are currently earning.

As an IC, a company cannot expect you to work in the case of a lack of power, internet issues, or personal issues beyond your control, such as a death in the family. The companies obviously over staff and don't give a rat's a%% if you have work available. If a worker is unavailable for legitimate reasons, that person should be able to try to make up their lines/time or not work at all.

Even as an IC, I would think the DOL might want to hear about someone being fired for conditions that they cannot control.

I hope the OP finds a better place to work.


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