A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Once facilities start using VR/SR or having a physician use Dragon/canned reports, they should realize that as long as a report is "medically correct" (i.e., the correct spelling of a medical word) that is as good as the report should be. Does anybody really think Dr. Jones is going to make a complete coherent sentence as he is dictating; or, Dr. Shaleplcakeeoa (made up name) is going to make a sentence that makes sense in English versus his own interpretation of the English language? For Pete's sake, they barely teach the minimum of English now in schools (let alone cursive). We've dumbed our society down with all of this technology (my own opinion). Stop the nitpicking hospitals, services, QAs. Realize the times are changing - as they have for us transcriptionists with trying to make a decent wage.