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How long does it take to reach 300 to 400 lph on ASR? sm - mqmt

Posted: Mar 11, 2010

I have been doing this for a month and I still cannot get past about 225 an hour.  I am either doing things wrong in my opinion or this is for the birds and I should just go back to straight typing!  Any help?  Thanks

not going to happen IMO - sm

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it's not you. ASR is for the birds. Good luck with going back to straight typing. I wish I could.

LPH 300-400 - Jeana

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Hang in there.. Are you a fast typist. If you are, then editing will double your lines an hour.. I edit at 200 range which I am proud of and it gets better every month. It is new and a learning curve for all. I love it actually. I have been MT for 25 years.

jeana - do you

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work for MedQuist?

yes I do, nm - mqmt

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It Can Be Done - me

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It can be done. Where I work the standard is 300 lph..so basically we have to meet that requirement. As others have said before it helps if you have a good platform. I usually range 300 to mid 300s depending on the dictators. People who think it's "impossible" are either not experienced or don't have a good platform. It just takes time starting out to get used to it but you'll get there eventually.

I know it can be done, too! - vr gal

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I have been doing VR for 6 years. I just started with a new company using Express Editor by Dictaphone. The new company has a minimum of 250 lph in VR, but you get 90 days to work up to that. My first week I did 230 lph consistently and after 1-1/2 months at this company, I am easily doing 350 to 400 lph. Once you get the hang of it and do it regularly, it gets easier and easier. Those that say you cannot do 300 or 400 lph are just plain wrong, I do it every day! Good luck and stick with it!!!

vr gal - anon

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We are talking about MQ here! Hello? Have you ever specifically worked on ASR? Come on!
Speech work - vr gal
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Well, I don't know about MQ, but at my company it is easy to do 300-400 lph. No, I don't work at MQ, but I have done speech for 6 years and know this is possible. My last company was the same thing. I left only because they kept runnig out of work. But I do know speech, so don't tell me I've never worked with it!!!!

The latter... - Malnourished MT

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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...

Depends on how good your speech recognition program is. sm - MT and worn out

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Your speed depends on how good your speech program is and how well your dictators do or do not mumble, mush, eat, chew, or go to the bathroom.

Where I work our speech recog is a proprietary program from 3M. And for those of you who recognized my nic, you will remember my opinion, IT SUCKS!!!! And that opinion has not changed. It drops words, puts in words that were not spoken. If you mention the same word 5 times, it will give you 5 different variations. Levothyroxine is my biggest bugabooo.

The dictators that make the best candidates for speech recognition that will help you get your speed up are the ones who are really anal. The ones who know where the punctuation is supposed to how and how a sentence is formatted etc. But with that said, sometimes speech recognition will really help when you CAN'T hear a word quite right. Sometimes it will give you the word you were wondering about, and this one less blank you send to QA.

So, if you have clear and concise dictators and you have some program than the one from 3M, you may very well get 300 lph.

This is just my opinion having only worked on one VR program.

ASR line count - MSK

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Well, I've done ASR for MQ (since they introduced it) and am now doing it for a new company.....with MQ I was lucky to avg 150-180 lph. Personally, I think they rolled out the software before they should have....at first, it misspelled so many words you might as well have deleted the entire report and started over (for which you got into trouble). Even though I actually like the DQS platform, I don't think the DQS speech engine is very good. However, MQ has a HUGE amount of ESL physicians (who don't do very well with ASR). Anyway, with the new company and software, I'm finding I can edit the reports much more quickly from an ASR standpoint. Since it is a new account/company, what is bogging me down at this point is learning the new dictators and new specialties, accents, etc. I think every week it will become easier and easier. My company's goal for ASR is 300 lph. At first, that sounded absolutely unbelievable (based on my experience with the Q). At the Q, the minimum for ASR is the same as with straight transcription, either 100 or 150.....and now I know why. Apparently, there are people with my new company that are easily editing over 400 lph!!!! Of course, it doesn't matter how good your speech engine is or the software related to it, there are going to be times when you aren't going to get there....because of difficult dictators, new specialities, unfamiliar terms, etc.

My final thought though in all of this is that if you are an independent contractor, it shouldn't matter how few or how many lines you type or edit per hour as long as you are meeting your contracted total line requirement per day/week. It shouldn't matter to the company you are working for how fast you are....just that you get done what you promised....so if it takes you 3 hours or 20.....that's not their problem as long as you get the work done each day :)

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