A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Good thing I can't reach through this computer - sm
Posted: Apr 27, 2014
I would strangle this female doc..I HAVE to have 99.7% accuracy and you have to dictate so freaking fast you cannot even give me the courtesy to complete a word much less a sentence..take your report full of blanks..Im done. I refuse to go into the repository and assume you are saying what is in there. Not gonna happen..And Ill keep sending them through until you figure out how to speak and give me some common courtesy.
Seriously outside in the wind on a cellphone - sm
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How do you expect me to figure this out???
Arrogance - nn
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This kind of arrogance on the part of dictators sets my teeth on edge. Babbling at the speed of light, dictating from cars, cellphones, in the wind, etc. says they think their time is more important than ours, i.e. "You sort it out,(fill in the blank with derogatory name)and make sure it's accurate."
Yea well this one is being sent a flying he can - fill in the blanks.
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so over this crap..I dont even care if they fire me anymore..
"Full stop." - Val
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That one brings up my blood pressure to buzzing levels. Really, a period? Especially you clowns who can't even say "full stop" right and then I have to stop (full stop!) and research it. DON'T-SAY-ANYTHING!
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