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Can we list our favorite short-cuts on ASR - no name

Posted: Feb 22, 2011

I have done the tutorials and been doing ASR for years and didn't know about the alt-K to break and capitalize.  Maybe this old dog could learn one or more new tricks.  Teach me everybody!!  What are the best hot keys that really work?

I like C-S-H, which make the hilited text into a header. Puts period at end of - previous work, makes header and cap 1 word after.

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Oops, puts period after previous WORD, and caps 1st - word after heading. nm

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Ctrl M and Ctrl Shft M - to move voice and cursor

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my favorite!

NEED TO LIST PLATFORM, when applicable. - NM

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I THINK THESE ALL - apply to Docspeach

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what is Docspeach? - Docs Peach/DocQspeech?

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Control Shift, A, A to from from initial caps to ALL CAPS! - DQS user

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My expander short that drops commas behind the cursor - as I move through a report may

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be my most frequently used.

If not, certainly the ones that drop periods and commas, capping and decapping as I move on ahead.

Or the one that backs up to change a comma to a period without changing case.

Unglamorous but used constantly. I actually prefer to make center-keyboard shorts for anything that requires hitting the backup key, even when the # of keystrokes remains the same.

My company - sm

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F11, delete text and type. LOL

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