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Norton Alert on EditScript - Rose

Posted: Aug 17, 2014

EditScript was downloaded from employer in case I do back up accounts, but have not opened or used it yet.  I did a complete scan by Norton 360 last night and it listed a high risk threat: editscript mt.msi "compressed threats."  

Anyone know anything about this?  I've had Norton just ignore this file for the future, but wonder if it contained a virus when downloaded?

Norton - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
Norton is known to not play well with others, but I also have qualms about things that may or may not get installed to monitor MTs as well. The best is Kapersky, but it's expensive. Check out their website if you really want a good one.

Thanks (sm) - Rose

[ In Reply To ..]
Thanks. I tried Kaspersky before and hated it and switched to Norton. This is the first problem I have had since they downloaded "new features". It is actually identifying a virus inside EditScript called "Trojan.ADH.2".

did you Google that? Looks like bad news. - Skip all the sites that offer a fix and

[ In Reply To ..]
read the tech blog boards. It doesn't sound good.

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