A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I've tried finding this info on my own but can't seem to locate it on any reputable/trusthworthy site. What percentage of the MT/MLS jobs is sent overseas? I'm only asking because I was "bought" by them a short while ago and have recently purchased a house. When I was "bought" by MQ, all of my work went to India or somewhere unknown. My QA scores were always 99% to 100%, I could breeze through the line count w/ no problem, and I had a team lead I liked, so I shouldn't have been on their radar to shoot down, unless it was simply because I had been there since the HealthScribe days and, thereby, after the many pay cuts still managed to make a little more than the starting MTs did.
Appreciate any links or insight and TYIA.